Episode 35: The Warning

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Kun turned to look at me and smiled. "Well, let's get going! I'll use the wind to propel us faster!"

"Good idea! I'll help too!" Lei said, smiling identically.

"Where are you two off to now?" Iah asked as he returned with Adela. The two were carrying bags of chips. Potatoes for Iah and cheese puffs for Adela.

"If you were going to get chips, you should've brought some for me too," Kun said, rubbing his stomach. "Running burns through a lot of energy, you know?"

"And Kun's already very skinny," Hikaru said, snickering.

Kun leered at him. "Same can be said about you, buddy!"

I turned away. It was becoming painful not to laugh. Hopefully, the day could come in which I can laugh heartedly once more.

"Sarah, are you okay?" Zelde asked, her voice filled with concern.

I glanced up at her, unsure as to why she was so worried.

Zelde stared at my hands with wide eyes. "There's blood coming out of your mouth."

I gasped as I stared at the hand I had covered my mouth up with. I had become so enthralled in the triplets' arguing that I hadn't noticed the metallic taste in my mouth.

Adela strode over and eyed the blood. "Internal bleeding..."

I rubbed my throat. It ached.

"Sarah," Kun mumbled. His eyes were filled with fear and sadness.

The High Priestess squeezed my shoulders gently. "Don't worry, I'll heal it." She looked over her shoulders. "Nyima, can you clean her blood?"

"I'm on it!" Nyima said. She held her hands together and formed a glowing water sphere. "Say ahh!"

I opened my mouth as she said and bit into the water sphere as if it were chocolate.

Using my own magic, I moved the water around my lips and mouth and took out the blood that had started to accumulate.

Kun's eyes widened at the sight of the deep red liquid. I had bled more than either one of us had thought.

I closed my eyes as Nyima took away the bloody water. "I'll properly dispose of this," she said before rushing away.

If I wanted to reclaim my country, I would first need to find a way to restore this broken body of mine.

"There, it's done," Adela said, removing her glowing hands from my shoulders.

I smiled slightly and mouthed 'thanks'.

"Are you feeling well enough for the trip?" Kun asked.

"Be honest too, don't push yourself like Lei," Yen said.

Lei crossed his arms. "I think she'll be fine now. Plus, if anything does happen, we got Adela around to nurse her back to health."

I smiled at Adela. It was a good thing that we hadn't gone off ahead without her. Not that rest of us didn't have our own healing spells, hers were just a lot quicker and pain-free. My healing magic tended to leave a stinging sensation like alcohol does.


After that somewhat frightening experience, the nine of us set sail once more.

I glanced back at the continent as we rapidly moved away from it, pushed by the triplets' winds. It was odd that I hadn't seen Wanikiya, Elliot, nor Nahimana all day. I knew that the adults were all in the ruins, while Yuzuki was babysitting the three kids. Maybe they were out searching for familiars of their own. Or helping as was likely the case with Nahimana.

"Just how far is the place we're going?" Iah asked, glancing at Orcy.

'At the speed we're going, it shouldn't take too long. We should make it before the sun sets below the horizon,' Orcy spoke into our heads.

"I hope so, returning back in the thick of darkness will be tough," Yen said.

"You're forgetting that we have three light mages with us," Kun said, grinning.

"But wouldn't that attract sea monsters?" Zelde asked.

Hikaru gulped. "Let's make sure we can get back before sunset."

"Come on, Hika. If any sea monsters attack, I can take them on," Kun said as he summoned his sword.

"Hey, be careful with that thing, we're inside a giant bubble!" Yen snapped.

"It won't pop that easily. Like I said before, this is an improvised Aqua Scutum," Nyima said. She stared at Kun's sharp sword. "Still, it's best not to take risks. Not to mention, you might accidentally stab one of us."

Kun laughed even as his cheeks turned red. "Alright, I'll put it away." His sword vanished in a flash of silver and gold light.

I held my head against the back of my wheelchair and closed my eyes. Despite having fallen rested for several hours, I felt as if I hadn't slept at all. My panic attack back at the hotel was likely to blame. Oh well, it didn't hurt to get some rest in the meantime. After all, it wasn't like we were going to arrive there any time soon.


"Sarah," I heard a familiar voice call out to me. I stood in the center of a dirt road. It didn't look any different from other dirt roads, but I recognized it as the place where I used to play with Nia and the other kids.

I turned around and saw a figure in a pink cloak. It was a girl. And not just any girl either. She was Nia.

My eyes widened as she got closer. This had to have been a dream. Or, was Nia trying to contact me like An had earlier?

"Nia," I said, reaching my hand out toward her.

Suddenly, the ground underneath me shattered. Beneath was nothing but darkness. I gasped as it gripped me.

"Nia!" I yelled out as I thrashed around.

Nia walked over to the edge of the shattered ground and squatted. I couldn't see her eyes behind the baggy hood.

"Sarah, I'm telling you this well ahead of time. So, please, consider what I got to say. Don't return home. If you do, they'll kill you. What Aida did to you was a warning. Continue to enjoy your time with your friends and find a new place to call home."

"I can't do that!" I yelled as I struggled against the dark waves. "You know me! I rather die than to leave my people abandoned, ruled by those tyrants!"

Nia chuckled. "I thought so. Still, you have time to think it over. You're a smart woman, Sarah. Think about what would happen if you and your brother were to die. Fan and the others would lose their symbol of hope. You are a beacon to not only them but to all Sefans who desire freedom. If you do continue to hold on to that desire, then get stronger."

She stood up and turned her back to me.

"Wait, Nia!"

"You aren't there yet, Sarah. You can't defeat them, nor can I." She looked over her shoulders and held out hand toward me. "I am their tool. The day will come in which we will reunite. When that day comes, only one of us will survive. I hope that one is you."

I gritted my teeth. "No! I won't hurt you!"

Nia turned away and continued on walking.

"Nia!" I screamed as the darkness expanded outward, consuming everything.

**Solar Note: Hope that you enjoyed the chapter ^_^. Thoughts? Predictions?**

Blade of Ruin- Aspiration to the Heavens: Becoming the Supreme Mage Vol 3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang