Camp Allowance Exam

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As 1-A continued training day by day making their ultimate moves, they are all still excited beyond belief for the training camp. As days turned to weeks and weeks into more weeks, the training camp was in a week and today was the exam to find out who was and wasn't participating. Thanks to Midoriya's knowledge of what the exam was, himself, Uraraka and Bakugou already knew what the best training would be.

As the alarms finally went off, 1-A sluggishly removed themselves from their beds and started getting ready for the exam. Midoriya was (as always) doing his morning routine and Uraraka with him. After a while of living with the early riser she began to slowly take in his habits as her own and started participating in his morning work out schedule. They made it back at 7 am to finish getting ready, wake up Eri and head to school.

They all were told to meet Aizawa at field Gamma instead of their usual homeroom and when they got there they saw Aizawa as well as a mass of pro heroes. Everyone was confused (minus the 3 mentioned earlier) as to why there were so many teachers, they were tipped off by a third year that they would be fighting robots, so why so many pros?

They were all really confused until Aizawa said that they would be participating in a 2 v 1 battle against a teacher.

Since Im lazy Im going to make all the fights the same except for Midoriya's for obvious reasons

It was finally Midoriya and Bakugou's turn, they were tasked to fight against All Might (who was healed of his injury if you remember so he's in tip top shape) the current Number 1 Hero.

"Good luck Deku kun!" Uraraka called out to him as he was walking to the field, Eri waving with her free hand as she was sitting on Uraraka's shoulders.

"Thanks!" He called back, Bakugou couldn't help but laugh at his friend just a bit. "What? Whats so funny Kacchan?"

"You guys take this family shit to a whole other level."

Midoriya shook of the comment, after all even Bakugou doesn't know about Midoriya's past as of now so he couldn't just respond with "Well she WAS my wife once so makes sense! " or something like that.

"Oi nerd, quit spacing out like that." Bakugou literally smacked him back to reality,

"S-sorry bout that." He replied sheepishly, scratching his neck.

"Alright everyone! The practical exam Midoriya and Bakugou vs All Might will begin now! " Aizawa called out over the PA system.

"Duck!" Midoriya called, Bakugou obeyed just in time as a huge gust of wind tore through the streets from All Might's punch.

"T-thats some insane reach for a punch!" Midoriya couldn't help but laugh at his friend. Even though all three of the competitors in this exam held One for All, only Bakugou hadn't seen 100%'s power up close. "Now what're YOU laughing at damn nerd?!"

"That was nothing compared to his strongest punch. What doya say we return him the favor?" Bakugou smiled wickedly before nodding. Midoriya reared back and punched with OFA surrounded by lightning all the way back to All Might who was knocked back a bit.

"Whattya use the lightning for nerd?"

"Well if I sent a normal punch that perfectly resembled All Might's, how many people are going to notice that they're the same? It wont be just Tsu at that point lemme tell you."

"Ah, I guess thats true. Well sitting back here is boring, I say we take the fight to him, whattya say?"

"Couldn't hurt." Midoriya shrugged before he and Bakugou started running down the street. A few seconds later All Might came into view with weighted cuffs on arms and legs. "Hey All Might! Take those off would ya!"

Startled by Midoriya's comment All Might stood still for a second before getting confirmation from Aizawa that he could remove them. After he did he stretched himself before saying, "Thank you Young Midoriya, now I don't need to hold BACK!" He jumped to Midoriya's face in an instant and through a punch to his gut which Midoriya countered even faster than it had been delivered.


"I KNOW ALREADY!" Bakugou yelled after catching up with what had just happened, he aimed directly at All Might with one of his gauntlets before  pulling the pin in All Might's face. Midoriya was about to jump away when All Might gripped his arms and pushed him infront of the blast. Midoriya (who would have easily countered this normally) was taken off guard and was hit by the first bit of the blast before neutralizing it with the wind. His gym shirt was burned to a crisp revealing his ripped, toned and scarred torso.

The boys who had only seen the scars on his back and the girls who hadn't seen any of Midoriya's torso at all were all first in awe of his muscles, then worried when they saw the scars. There was one scar in particular that stood out and that was a giant X on his chest. Midoriya realized the fact that his scars were showing and quickly started attacking so as to advert the attention away from himself.

He launched himself at All Might at 110% launching a punch at his cheek and connecting, sending All Might into a nearby building. "Kacchan lets go! I'd rather not beat up my hero any further!"

Bakugou nodded and they began running to the exit point but were stopped short by All Might grabbing Bakugou by the head and throwing him to the side. "Now where do you think YOU two are going?!" He taunted. Midoriya sighed,

"I was hoping to use this new move on a villain first, but you'll do fine." He held out his hand directed towards all might, his eyes turning a Navy Blue, "Blood Curdle." He said, all of a sudden All Might stopped moving.

"W-what is this?!"

"The human body is roughly 70% water, so Im simply manipulating the water inside your motor functions." Midoriya informed All Might who was now simply his puppet. "Now, lets go get Young Bakugou shall we?" He started moving his fingers, and as he moved them, All Might followed as though he was being controlled by invisible strings, he walked over to where Bakugou was laying unconscious, lifted him up and brought him to Midoriya who then took Bakugou from him and placed the capture cuff on All Mights wrists before turning around and carrying Bakugou and himself out the exit winning the exam.

Thanks for reading this chapter! I think you all have noticed by now but Im making it so that when Midoriya uses his element quirk, depending on what he manipulates his eye color will change:
Water - Blues
Earth - Darker Greens
Fire - Reds
Wind - Lighter Greens
Lightning / Electricity - Yellow

Anyways thats all from me! Hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you all next time!

word count: 1077

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