May the Tournament begin!!!

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After Midnight had given the event's rules and how the tournament was going to be matched, Ojiro and some other kid from 1-B dropped out because they didn't feel like it should count because they couldn't remember anything from the Calvary Battle, and since they already had 2 vacant spaces (now 4) due to Midoriya's team being half dirt clods, they put in all of team Kendo to fill the gap.

'Shinso's quirk again, man that was a pain the first time, its not all to hard to deal with at least. '

Midoriya thought to himself as he looked to the match ups. He smiled to himself when he saw Shinso's name, 'speak of the devil and he shall arrive huh.'

He turned around and saw the purple haired teen walking towards him.

"Your Midoriya right? Good luck on the arena floor." He smiled (someone maliciously) and held out his hand. Midoriya shook his hand and nodded before turning around and walking away. As he was entering the changing room (since he was first up after 5 mins of prep time) Ojiro pulled him to the side.

He started to warn Midoriya about what he thought Shinso's quirk was but Midoriya stopped him fairly quickly,

"Don't worry about me Ojiro, though I thank you for the concern. I already know what his quirk is, you saw me when he approached me didn't you? I didn't say a single word, so that alone should've tipped you off." He smiles, pats his friend's shoulder, and started to head to the arena.




He finally made it up to the stage as he heard both his and Shinso's opening descriptions from Mic.

"Man the hero course must be so easy for someone like you right?"

"START!!!!" Midnight declared,

"Being birthed with a quirk as powerfu-" Shinso was cut off by Midoriya being right up in his face in less that a second! "Wha-!"


Midoriya planted his fist into Shinso's stomach before launching him off the stage.

A few seconds of silence pass before the crowd roared! Sure it wasn't much of a fight to watch, but his speed and movement was just so fast that not even All Might could follow it!

"Th-the winner is Midoriya Izuku!" Midnight spoke to the crowd's approval. Midoriya stepped off stage to where Shinso was buried in the wall before healing his wounds.

"Sorry bout that man, my friend told me to not hold back, but I guess I couldn't keep my promise huh." He pulled Shinso out of the wall.

"You mean that WASN'T your full power? Your insane." Shinso was pretty awe stuck.

"Well I didn't want to Kill anyone so holding back was my only option right?"

Shinso didn't answer, this kid had the power to obliterate anyone at any point, 'Note to self: Don't piss off the cinnamon roll. ' Shinso thought.

"Your quirk is pretty cool ya know?"

Shinso stopped himself when he was halfway to his exit, "Pardon?"

"Brainwashing right?"

"Y-yeah, how'd you know that?"

Midoriya sadly smiled at him, in that moment he could help but remember his friend's demise in his last Run, it had been horrible, "I'll tell ya later." was all he could say before he turned around and left the arena and headed to the viewing area.

- All the fights are the same outcome so far -

Midoriya headed out to the arena for his next match. 'Todoroki again? '

He and Todoroki met in the middle and shook hands, "You saw what happened in the first round right Todoroki?"

He could feel Todoroki shaking slightly after witnessing what his classmate did to that poor other guy, "Y-yeah."

"I suggest using your fire to help out, Ice wont be enough."

"Did my dad tip you off or something?" He was angry at this thought,

"No way man, I met your dad before this match. He's a bit-"


As Midnight yelled this, Todoroki launched his Massive iceberg at Midoriya, making him disappear from view. The crowd went silent,

"Is he dead?"

"Thats a lot of ice for one kid to handle..."

"Is the match over?"

Some concerned comments started to be raised from the adults. The students were worried for their friend too, even some from 1-B were worried, they all knew Midoriya was a soft hearted kid so to see him get destroyed by an iceberg of THAT magnitude hit him directly was something quite worrisome.

Midnight was About to call the match but Todoroki stopped her by holding his hand up,

"T-todoroki?" She asked, he pointed to the berg.

Everyone looked where he was pointing, there was a small crack, and it was getting bigger. In a matter of seconds the crack in the ice had covered the whole iceberg. There was a pause, a slight crunch, and then the iceberg shattered into millions of tiny ice fragments, none of them were falling to the ground however.

In the middle of where the iceberg used to be was Midoriya, not a scratch on him, but his classmates and Todoroki knew something was up.

"W-what happened to your eyes?" Todoroki asked, the more he looked the darker his friends natural green now blue eyes got.

"This is one of my quirks Todoroki, weren't you listening to me day one when I explained them? Ahhh of course you weren't, you though of me as nothing more than a stepping stone to the top right?" Midoriya had changed, he was a lot more... cold. His eyes were cold, his words were cold, Todoroki was terrified.

"Your shaking Todoroki... I know that at least Some of it is from your Ice, wouldn't that be easily solved from your flames? I don't care what your dad made you think, but those are Your flames Todoroki, NOT his!"

# flashback to abusive childhood here #

'He's right, I'll use these flames to save others, these flames are MINE, Not that scumbags! ' As Todoroki thought this, his left side erupted into flames, melting the floating ice pieces around Midoriya.

"Thats better Todoroki!"

The tone in Midoriya's voice had shifted drastically! He was so kind and had a warm aura around himself. And his eyes... red?

"Midoriya, thank you." Todoroki launched his flames directly at Midoriya, closing his eyes in respect for his classmates loss.

"Wooooah Todoroki! These are some hot flames!!"

'WHAT?! He's still standing! ' Todoroki opened his eyes as he turned to look at his classmate.

He was holding a small red orb, 'My flames?! '

Midoriya was standing there holding his classmate's flames in a compact sphere in his right hand, 'I know it doesn't sound like it, but Todoroki's flames have always been really hot. ' He thought as he looked at his gym outfit. His entire right sleeve was burned away from the heat and some of the shirt on his right side was burned away too, 'Maybe I didn't catch them fast enough? Ah whatever...'

"You want your flames back right?" Midoriya looked at Todoroki with a warm smile on his face, "Here." He whispered into Todoroki's ear,

'When did he-? '

The flames were slammed into Todoroki's right side, heating the air around them both to such an extreme that the viewers had to cover themselves from it! When they opened their eyes, Todoroki was laying on the ground off the arena stage, Midoriya standing on the stage, emerald eyes shining in the sun.

'Good fight Todoroki, good fight indeed...'

Thats the first half, the next part will be out in a few hours today! Thanks for reading

word count: 1192

Izuku Everlasting (MHA AU // OP Deku)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant