The Professor and his Device

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After Midoriya had dealt with Wolfram he handed him off to Uraraka who used her quirk on him so he couldn't touch the metal when he woke up, even with his quirk suppression cuffs on he was still dangerous and these cuffs in particular weren't fully developed so there is a chance, though slim, that the suppressant wont kick in at a certain point in time. Midoriya started leading the others through the ever winding paths and halls of the tower, slowly guiding them up and up.

They continued running up stairs for another twenty minutes before they were found by the camera's again. Three men armed with full auto weapons were sent to intercept them on floor 155, two floors above where they were currently.

Midoriya continued running up, 'Floor 151... Floor 152- Guns! ' Midoriya finally came into their field of vision before they released fire on him. He hardened the air to block as many bullets as he could but two managed to sneak past, one grazed his outer bicep and the other went straight through his right shoulder before he quickly made slices of air cutting their guns into pieces before knocking them out with his Shoot Style.

"Midoriya! Are you alright?!" Uraraka and Melissa were pushed away by Midoriya's free hand as soon as he noticed the guns so they weren't hit, but they both noticed the small puff of red like smoke and knew he got shot, but they didn't know where. Midoriya calmed them quickly,

"Don't worry Im fine, it hurt at first but..." He pointed to the hole in his clothing where the bullet had gone through and underneath was a barely visible bullet wound scar, "I got a healing quirk, remember?"

"Oh yeah... should've remembered that after seeing it at the sports festival..." She scratched her head thinking back to when Bakugou blew his whole arm off and he regrew it in seconds.

"Yeah I guess thats the only significant time you've seen it so its a little understandable that you would forget about it!" He was quickly waving her off.

Melissa cleared her throat gaining her their attention, "Well now that we know your alright, don't you think we should get going? Theres still quite a few floors to the top, 45 to be exact."

"Ah, right. Lets go!" Midoriya started running up the stairs again and passed another ten floors until he noticed the others were moving quite slowly, 'Right, they're probably tired from all the running, its no issue for me because I've gained muscle mass from 40+ years of hero work, so I guess its understandable for them to experience these difficulties...' He slowed down before manipulating the air under them into a comfortable cushion of air.

"Ah- Midoriya, you really don't need to-"

"Your tired right? Don't complain, I still have plentiful amounts of energy left so don't you worry, rest up now, we need you to fixed the security system afterall!" He smiled at the pair of them before continuing up the stairs.

Floor 200, they finally made it. The top of the tower was less of a maze, and more of a labyrinth! There were less hallways and more rooms that they had to run past, if it was anyone other than Melissa or Midoriya then they would most certainly get lost in here. Midoriya managed to perfectly navigate them to the vault room where he beaconed them to hide behind to large door leading to the room. He then put a finger to his mouth symboling quiet. The others nodded and their attention turned to the room.

Inside were two people working at a computer, one was David Shield, and the other was his assistant Sam. They were speaking about something rather important seeming...

"... Ah! I've unlocked it! Block 1147!" The professor spoke, raising his head from the control panel, his assistant Sam rose up,

"On it!" He went over to the specified case and pulled out a thicker looking suitcase. He quickly opens it and looks through the contents, "You did it professor! LOOK! Everything is here!" He showed the contents, there was an odd headgear piece as well as a few excess components. The professor smiled,

"Finally... I've gotten it back..." He clenched his fists as he looked to the ground, "All my research, and they just took it away from me... but now I have it back."

Sam started walking down the stairs with the case in hand still opened, "Just like we planned, and it looks like the villains are holding everything down."

"Thank you Sam, I don't know how I could've pulled this off without you!" The professor started to run up the stairs before Melissa and Midoriya stepped out from their hiding spot.


"Ah- Melissa..?"

"Miss? What are you doing here?!" Sam called out as she began walking towards them,

"What does he mean 'just like we planned '? This... this wasn't your fault, was it?" Before the professor could answer Midoriya spoke up as Uraraka stepped out behind them, putting Wolfram's body down.

"Professor. I know why you did all this, but I cannot allow you to hold an entire Island of people as prisoners."

This comment shook the professor a fair bit, "W-what do you mean? The villains are all fake, there weren't supposed to be any prisoners... they were just pretending."

"Oh we were pretending alright." The sudden callout gained everyone's attention as they spun around. Standing there were the remaining villains (Tech guy) and a few armed men. Standing now with them (as well as the one who spoke) was Wolfram. "Except we were only pretending to be Fake Villains." He then looked away to Sam. "Sam, hand it over."

"R-right." He hurriedly started running it over to Wolfram,

"Sam? Whats the meaning of this?"

"Your the one who tricked me professor! I've been your assistant these two years any you let them take our work. We could've had fame and fortune. But NO. I deserve more, I need to be rewarded... otherwise my work all these years were all a waste of time!"

"Here's the reward for your hard work." Wolfram raised a pistol and shot Sam in his shoulder. Sam fell to the ground bleeding, dropping the case infront of Wolfram.

"No, why? This wasn't part of the plan!"

"Was it not? Thats strange, 'cause it was always a part of mine." He raised the pistol again and fired, this time aimed for Sam's head, but the professor jumped in the way to stop the bullet.

"PAPA!" Melissa cried, the professor slowly stood up, uninjured. "...Papa..?"

"What? Theres no way that missed what happened?" Just then Wolfram looked to see Midoriya looking at him, and outstretched, "You." He aimed the gun to Midoriya and fired the remaining 9 shots, all of which were seemingly Caught out of the air.

Midoriya breathed out as he released his fist, dropping the nine bullets to the ground, intact. He then glanced to Melissa and Uraraka, "You two go get the system back online, I'll deal with this again." They nodded and began to run to the door but Wolfram's henchmen rushed to stop them. They were stopped by Midoriya slamming them from multiple directions with metal manipulated from the walls, allowing them to get out. He looked back to Wolfram who smiled.

"Heh, alright kid, we'll get your rematch, but don't think that this will go as easily as last time." Wolfram opened the case in his hands as he said this before grabbing the machine and placing it on his head. Immediately there was a gust of wind surging from his body, the power overflowing inside him. "GAH! THIS FEELS GREAT!!!" He began to manipulate the metal of the room's walls, floor and ceiling before opening it completely as he began to wrap himself in a giant suit of armor. "LETS GO KID! MAKE THIS EXCITING FOR ME!"

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