The Debut Is Closer Than They Think

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Melissa Shield finally finished showing the group of students around as much of the island as she could before they all finally returned to the cafe where they found Kaminari and Mineta sitting outside and whining about being tired. Melissa handed the two of them passes into the I-Island Expo Party that night, "You deserve to be rewarded for your work afterall" as Melissa had put it.

Iida made it very clear the time that they were supposed to meet up before everyone went their separate ways. Before Midoriya and Bakugou left, Melissa called to them.

"Midoriya, Bakugou!" They looked back to her, "Can you two come with me really quick?" They looked at each other before following her. She led them to the scientist academy dorms and then led them to her specific work place. "This is where I keep all my work and books for studying..." She explained. A minute later and she came out with a little red wrist device and handed it to Bakugou. "Click that button." She pointed to a button on the device. Bakugou clicked it and it transformed into a gauntlet.

"I guess its pretty cool. What is it?" Bakugou said nonchalantly,

"I call it Full Gauntlet. I saw that you were holding back some of your power, I thought that it was probably because your quirk is too powerful for your body. That gauntlet is strong enough to withstand 3 of Uncle Might's full powered punches."

"Thanks nerd!" He said before running out of the room.

"S-sorry about him Melissa, he's not the type to be... how do I put it... kind?" Midoriya apologized for Bakugou's behavior before his phone began to ring. "Hello?" He answered before Iida's voice boomed out of it making him hold it away from his ear,

"MIDORIYA! Where are you? Were supposed to have met up by now!"

"OH Right! Sorry! Were on our way!"

Midoriya thanked Melissa for the gift for Bakugou before jumping out her window and heading to get ready.




"Sorry Im late guys... Umm Iida? Where is everyone?" Midoriya walked into the lobby wearing his new hero costume under his formal wear. Iida, Mineta and Kaminari were the only ones waiting.

"Late. Apparently no one understands the concept of being on time anymore."


Just then the door behind him opened up as Uraraka stepped into the lobby wearing a pink dress. "Sorry Im late everyone, this is my first time wearing formal clothes so it took me a lot longer to get ready." She scratched her head as Mineta and Kaminari's mouths started watering.

Momo and Jiro were the next to arrive, followed by Todoroki and finally Melissa. At this point Mineta was ready to faint and Kaminari wasn't far from it either.

"Alright now that everyone is here lets go!" Iida said pumping his fist up energetically,

"YEAH!" The rest of them called out. They were about to head to the party until a loud alarm sounded and the windows were sealed with metal coverings and the elevators and doors stopped operating.

"W-whats going on?!" Mineta cried worriedly alongside the others who were just as confused and concerned as he was. The only person who was cool and collected (on inside and out) was Midoriya, 'Guess my debut might be sooner than I thought.'

- 5 Minutes earlier in the Party Area -

The crowd was in deep conversation, talking about the attractions, the heroes they've seen, and all around how great the expo was going to be. They all were silenced when a man walked onto the stage and spoke into the mic. "Good evening everyone! Now before our party begins we would like to have All Might, the number one hero who is visiting, to come and give a welcoming speech!" All Might who was talking with David was surprised before waving at everyone who started clapping.

He leaned to whisper to David, "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"It was bound to happen once they discovered You were here Toshi." He whispered back. All Might shrugged and walked to the stage.

"Hello everyone, first off I'd like you all to know that Im not very good with formal speeches-" A gunshot sounded cutting him off and drawing all attention to a man in a mask holding a pistol in his hand as multiple soldier looking people started walking into the room.

"NOBODY MOVE! We've taken everyone in this room hostage! If any of you pro's even takes a step then someone will die!" The man looked to one of his companions and nodded, the man spoke into his walkie talkie and then the alarm sounded and all the doors were closed and locked, small openings in the walls and floors appeared and sent capture devices around all the heroes.

- Back with the students -

"W-whats going on?!"

"Shh Mineta, wait and listen. Whenever there's an alarm there will always be a declaration of the situation after." Midoriya said, hushing the grape boy. As if on cue the alarm stopped and a recording sounded,

"Attention. A bomb has been discovered somewhere on the island. The island is now on lockdown, please make your way to your living quarters to await further instruction." The recording replayed two more times before stopping.

"Thats not the procedure for a bomb... someone must've messed with the security system!"

"You mean that there are villains here?!" Kaminari said, now clutching tightly to Mineta, tears forming in both their eyes.

"Most likely yes." Melissa said, everyone then stayed quiet, thinking of what to do. After a little while Midoriya spoke up.

"Lets find All Might, he was at the party so maybe he could help."

"Wait All Might is here?! Were SaVeD!" Mineta cried. Midoriya and Melissa led the way up the stairs to a glass railing where they could look down to the party room. There they saw All Might and the other pros tied down by the capture devices. "THEY EVEN CAUGHT ALL MIGHT?! WeRe DoOmEd!"

"No, not yet. Jiro, can you listen to All Might through the floors, Ill try to get his attention." Midoriya said, Jiro agreed and he looked down and caught All Might's attention and signed to him that he can talk.

"Can you hear me? Here's the situation. Villains have taken over the tower, they have everyone on the island captive and they have taken David and his assistant to the vault room on the top floor. Stay hidden!" Jiro stopped listening and told everyone what he said.

"I can't do that. Im going to save everyone on this island and stop the villains, even if I have to do it myself." Midoriya said,

"I wont allow that." Iida interjected.

"Iida I-"

"Not on your own at least."

"Iida is right, if your doing this then you wont do it alone." Todoroki joined in. Slowly but steadily everyone else joined in.

"Alright, Ill personally get Melissa to the control room and get the security system back to normal, you guys meet us up there and try not to get caught!" Midoriya then started jogging away in one direction, Melissa following close behind, she stopped running for a second and turned back,

"Ochaco! You come with us too! We could use your help so that Midoriya doesn't overwork himself!" Uraraka hesitated but went with them when Iida nodded. Midoriya waited for the two girls to catch up.

"Buckle up you two, this is gonna be a long night."

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