Umi's Tail

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Uraraka was locked in her dorm room with Eri. It had been a whole week since Midoriya disappeared and just as long since the class had seen her. Bakugou was almost no different as he did go out of his room, rare as it may be, but he wasn't the same Bakugou that everyone had known the past few months.

He was quiet. Very quiet. He would never boast when someone said that they did good, he never made fun of others, he never spoke out. The only time they heard him speak was when his mother came to visit him after hearing about Midoriya's disappearance. Though everyone in 1-A and UA as a whole were shaken from the news of Midoriya, no one was more so than these three.




Another day had passed marking the third week of Midoriya's disappearance. Bakugou had started speaking to others again as did Eri, though their voices were so quiet they were barely recognizable. Uraraka had still yet to leave the room. Her classmates were beyond worried for her, they continued to knock on her door and speak to her through it every day when they went to drop off her schoolwork under the door. They doubted she even touched it though.




Uraraka was finally ready to come out. She couldn't stay holed up forever afterall. She went out for the first time in two months since Midoriya's disappearance. To say that she looked bad was a huge understatement. It looked like she hadn't been eating or sleeping, she had bags under her eyes showing that she hadn't slept in days. She looked like a zombie, and that was no understatement. When her class first saw her the girls all started to ball their eyes out while some boys gasped and others just looked away, saddened that seeing her only reminded them of Midoriya, but it wasn't her fault that they remembered him when they saw her, and they knew it.

"H-hello..." She croaked out. Her voice obviously hadn't seen the light of day for the entirety of Midoriya's absence. This only made the class cry harder, finally letting their classmates appearance sink in. It was demoralizing to say the least.




After a week of Uraraka being out and about she was getting better. She was eating more, talking better, sleeping... but never forgetting. No one forgot about the missing seat in their classroom, no one forgot about the fluffy green haired bundle of joy that would always wish them a good morning after his morning run. No one forgot, but most tried their best to move on. The police and heroes had stopped their search after the second month with no clues to the boy's whereabouts.

But that was a while ago.


Tsu and Mina had walked over to their friend that was sitting on the chair facing the window. It was the first snowfall of the year. Uraraka glanced at them and smiled, it wasn't the same million watt smile they say before, but a sad, tired, lonely smile. "Hey guys." She said as she looked back to the window, watching the flakes fall.

"Ura-... Were worried about you, ya know?"

"Mhm, you've still been avoiding the practice classes and hero training, your marks have dropped lower than even Kaminari. I know that no one like to bring up... That incident but... do you really think Midoriya would want you to stop trying to be a hero for his sake? Because I don't. I might not have known Midoriya as well as you, Eri or Bakugou, but I knew him enough to know what kind of hero he wanted to be."

Uraraka didn't answer, she just sat there, staring at the snowflake that had landed on a certain flower just outside her reach. Without her realizing it she was slowly reaching her hand towards the flower out the window.

"Uraraka? Is everything okay?!" Mina lightly grabbed her friend's hand, shaking her out of her trance. She looked Mina dead in the eye and tears starting forming in her eyes. "Ura?"

Uraraka started wailing into her hands, Mina and Tsu were there desperately trying to sooth her until they noticed her eyes constantly drifting back to the flower where her tears would be restored with a new strength. "Is there something wrong with the flower Ura?" Tsu asked worriedly as she looked to the flower.

"Umi." Uraraka whispered.

Mina knelt forward, "What was that?"

"Umi." She said again,

"The flower? What about it?" Mina was curious now.

"Its not just the flower..." Tsu was curious too, she slowly walked over to the others and sat down on Uraraka's other side. When Uraraka noticed that they were waiting for an explanation she gave in. "W-well... its not really my story to tell. But I don't think Midoriya is gonna be here to tell it for quite a while..." She sobbed saying that last statement.

Uraraka began to tell her two friends the full truth of Midoriya's quirk Everlasting. She started by saying that he needed to die for it to work which scared the others. Uraraka was going to stop then but they urged her to continue. 'She needs this.' They thought. Uraraka nodded and continued on, telling them about his last life and how she and Midoriya were a family before, she told them about her daughter that he described to her. "She sounded like the perfect description of an angel. I saw it in his eyes as he told me about her. He loved that little girl with all his heart... but then something happened... something horrible..."

She told them about All for One and what he did. The others felt sick hearing it. Her final point was the promise he made her. The promise that he would care for her, and that they would be a family, and that they would have a daughter and be complete again. Once she finished telling her story she looked around her, she was shocked at the sight at first, but smiled to herself after taking it in. While she was talking about the past, the other students of 1-A silently had joined in the huddle around her. They were all silently crying now. Even Bakugou was crying as he held Eri in his arms.

"Can I. We. Know her name?" Toru asked quietly. Uraraka nodded, knowing who she was talking about,

"Umi." She smiled genuinely. "Her name was Umi. And she was perfect..."

word count: 1052

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