Words of the USJ

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Quite a few days have passed since Overhaul was taken into custody and the students were all moved into the dorms. However, Midoriya hasn't gotten used to one thing yet.

"Eri, you gotta wake up now..."

After all the previous events in Eri's life, she was still struggling with trust issues and social skills, and since she only really opened up to Midoriya, Aizawa and the rest of the UA staff decided it would be best for her to stay with him for the time being.

Today was Eri's third Saturday in the dorms, and she was getting better with the others in the class, but still had a while to go. She only started talking to them Tuesday of last week and she was only able to be apart from Midoriya for 5 minutes tops at the time being, without him with her, she falls into a state of panic and has almost had multiple panic attacks from it, so she now follows everywhere he goes.

As Midoriya gently shakes Eri (who sleeps in the same bed as him for comfort) she slowly opens her tired eyes, but as soon as she sees Midoriya she smiles and regains her energy in an instant.

"Good morning Deku san... Whats that smell? Is so good!" She yawns before catching a whiff of something delicious cooking.

Midoriya smiles, "Well Uraraka and some others woke up rather early today (its around 8am right now) and when they met up with me when I was heading for my morning run, they thought that it would be nice to make breakfast for everyone when they woke up. Do you want to come down now?"

"Mmm mm!" She nods,

"Well go get ready first and then Ill take you down."

She jumps off the bed and starts getting ready as Midoriya decides to start lifting some weights while he waits. 10 Minutes later Eri emerges from the bathroom after getting ready and says that she's ready to go and holds her hands up.

Midoriya laughs a little before picking her up and putting her on his back. She giggles back a little as he takes them to the elevator. When the doors open at the bottom, the smell gets extremely stronger as a small bit of drool shows on Eri's face.

The first person in the kitchen who noticed Midoriya and Eri was Uraraka. She smiled widely at the pair of them as she put something in the oven and then walked over to them.

"Good morning Deku san! Good morning Eri chan!"

"Good morning Uraraka." Midoriya puts Eri down letting her run to Uraraka to let her pick her up.

"Good morning!" Eri says.

Eri seems to be the most comfortable around Midoriya and Uraraka, and shes getting to be even more comfortable with the others, slowly but steadily.

"Are you hungry?" Uraraka pokes Eri's cheek and she giggles as she squirms from the poke.


"Well thats good, we all made some breakfast for everyone!" Uraraka turned to everyone else in the kitchen being Mina, Toru, Jiro, Sato, Kaminari and Todoroki, all of whom were watching the scene unfold.

*So bright and family like * They all thought.

Everyone else from 1-A slowly started filling in the dining and living rooms and 12 minutes later and all of them were present so they decided to start eating.

- Time Skip to Monday Morning -

"All right thats enough talking for the morning, shut up and take your seats." Aizawa said as he walked to the front of the room. Everyone quickly did as they were told before Aizawa continued, "Alright, were all going to be having a trip to the USJ center this Friday..." He paused knowing the cheers were going to start, and they did. He waited a minute before calming them all back down, "All right, here are your forms," He gets Kirishima to hand them out, "please have them filled in for tomorrow."

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