School Stuff

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- No POV -

"Alright everyone, today you're going to have your first Hero Studies class. Your teacher is rather new to this job so try to treat him with respect, Ill be watching, From the shadows..." Aizawa said as he drifted to sleep in his sleeping bag. The class sat there for a few minutes longer, waiting for this teacher to get to class.

"I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!!" All might declared proudly as he strutted through the door and stood at the front of the class as the excitement levels in the class skyrocketed!

"Its really All Might!!!"


"Thats his Silver Age costume right?"

"How nostalgic!"

All Might laughed as he heard the chatter. "All right everyone! I can see you're all rearing to get started so I won't keep you waiting any longer!" He said as he held out a card with two words on it,

"Combat..." "Training!" Bakugou started as Izuku finished.

"Correct! Now everyone, please put these on!" He clicked a button releasing the hero costume cases from the wall, "Your Hero COSTUMES!" This only raised the energy higher and higher. "Alright, once you put these on meet me out at field Beta!" He said, leaving the class to do their thing.

Everyone went to their specific changing rooms to put on their costumes.

(Everyone has the same costumes as the anime except Izuku obviously)

Izuku's hero costume looks the same as the one seen in season 3 of the anime, but every green is replaced with pitch black with stars, planets, and other things from space all around the black, his red utility belt is white with gold buttons as well as the red around his shoes, and the outline stitches on his costume are also white. The metal mask he has stays the same without the hood from season 1. It is also tight (not skintight but tight enough to show most of him muscle definition)

Once everyone is changed, they head out to where All Might is in Ground Beta. As Izuku gets out he receives multiple compliments from his classmates. The girls mostly talking about his costumes but thinking about his muscles, and the guys talking about how manly his muscles are. He thanks them for the compliments before seeing Uraraka walking up to him in her skintight hero suit.

'I never get used to seeing her in this costume! ' He thinks as he blushes.

"Hey Izu- U-u-um I mean Midoriya!" She greets him, trying to patch up her slip up making Izuku smile and relax as he laughs a little at the slight mistake.

"Hey don't worry bout it, call me whatever ya want. I like the costume by the way, it suits you!" He flashes a smile at her making her blush and avert her gaze to the floor as her hands fiddle with each other.

"T-thanks, I should've been a bit clearer about what I wanted, they ended up making it a skintight bodysuit, ehe." She scratches the back of her neck, "But I mean wow, your costume is super cool Deku!"

'I knew she'd pick Deku... she always does. ' "Thanks Uraraka! I tried making it fit with what I want my hero name to be."

"I guess that makes sense. What did you want your name to be?"

Izuku opened his mouth to speak but was stopped short by All Might's speech and instructions of the 2v2 Heroes vs Villains test. 

(For the sake of not wanting to make more work for myself the teams are going to be the same.)

"ALRIGHT!!! Will hero team A and Villain team D make their way to the building! Everyone else to the observing booth for the video surveillance!"

As Izuku and Uraraka made their way to the building, Kacchan went right up to Izuku.

"OI DEKU! IM GONNA CRUSH YA YOU HEAR?!" He yelled and turned before Izuku could respond.

"You think you're going to be okay?" Uraraka asked him with some worry for her classmate's wellbeing. Izuku smiled and nodded,

"He has yet to beat me in our sparring matches so I think I'll be just fine. Alright, lets go over the plan." He began to debrief Uraraka about it saying that Katsuki was likely going to try to eliminate him as the top priority.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE! PREP TIME IS OVER! BEGIN THE TRAINING!! " All Might's voice boomed over the speaker system. Upon hearing this, Midoriya stepped into the building and started to manipulate the wind, feeling the sudden changes in the wind cause by movements. A few seconds later he turned to Uraraka and said,

"Alright, Iida and the bomb are on the 5th floor and Bakugou is on the 3rd waiting for me just like I thought, Im going to send you through one of the windows on the 5th floor, I need you to keep an eye on Iida for me, I'll try to take down Kacchan quickly so I can meet you up there."

Uraraka nods and Midoriya lifts her up to the 5th floor with a cushion of air before heading up the stairs to face Bakugou.

He makes it up the steps to the 3rd floor and already has sensed out where Bakugou was hiding for his time to strike.

'Right behind this corner huh? Let's see what I can do.' Izuku thought, about to turn the corner. Everyone in the monitor room knew that they were about to meet, some wanted to call out and warn Midoriya of Bakugou's sneak attack but knew they couldn't.

Izuku turns the corner and ducks under the right hook opener from Bakugou as he screams "DIE!!!" and lighting an explosion, Midoriya stands up from ducking before spinning around, grabbing Bakugou's neck and slamming him into the stone wall, manipulating the concrete to wrap around him.

"You had a good hiding spot Kacchan, but I could easily feel you out in the wind making it pointless to use a sneak attack. It might have worked if we were outside like we usually are, but the wind indoors is easily manipulatable for this kind of stuff." He informed Bakugou as he tied the capture tape around his hands before rushing to the 5th floor to join Uraraka.

"Uraraka? Its Deku, Kacchan is down what's the situation? "

"Iida found me, he's currently ranting on and on about villainous things, he really immersed himself into the role hasn't he."

Midoriya laughed to himself as he heard this, 'Thats Iida for you.'

He makes it up to the 5th floor with Uraraka. As Iida saw Midoriya appear he said, "What happened to Bakugou?! Tch. I'll have to handle this myself!" (using his villain voice), he charged up his Respiro Burst to target Uraraka directly infront of him.

As he released his attack, he was infront of Uraraka in less than a second and kicked at her side. Just as he was about to make contact, a hand appeared on his shin gripping it tightly. In less that half a second Midoriya had made it to Uraraka and caught Iida's attack!

"NaNi?!" Iida screamed as Izuku's grip tightened, starting to dent the solid metal on Iida's leg, 'S-such power! Is he even using his quirk?! This is bad! I can't get free!! ' He was struggling to release his leg from Midoriya's grasp, only for it to tighten further and further.

Izuku then simply tossed Iida to the side, hitting him into a pillar knocking the wind out of him.

"Go get the bomb Uraraka... I got Iida." He said to her, surprisingly coldly too. Uraraka nodded and headed to the bomb as Izuku captured Iida. As she touched it All Might came onto the speakers again,


Thats it for this chapter! A fairly long one at that. Thanks to you all for reading! See you all next time!

word count: 1261

Izuku Everlasting (MHA AU // OP Deku)Where stories live. Discover now