When they Break... they Fall

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They all stayed there, all of 1-A, for what seemed like forever. This is all that they could do for their friend after all that has happened. They cursed themselves for being too weak to help.

"Don't cry... please don't cry Mr. Deku..."

It was Eri, she was crying lots just before, but her tears had already fallen. She walked through the class to Midoriya, he was on both knees with a steady flow of tears at this point, but all Eri wanted at this point was to be His hero. She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head into his shoulder,

"If you cry, then who'll stop me from crying..."

These words seemed to get straight through to Midoriya, hit some kind of string in his heart. A few seconds after she said this the tears stopped coming, and he slowly stood up, looking right at her, and a small smile appeared, a sad, relieved sort of smile.

"Thank you Eri... Thank you all." The rest of the class was on the verge of tears. "Lets go home... all of us together... and never forget today." His words were some's breaking point, most of the girls were crying quietly, sniffling, and a few boys too.

They all stayed like this for who knows how long before Aizawa and All Might made their way to the group. "I know that today's events were far from expected, so we're cancelling classes for all of next week. Your to stay at the dorms the entire time, if you need to go out somewhere then a pro or a teacher will accompany you, there is also the option to go with a class buddy. So please, take the rest of the day off..."

No body disagreed, they were all to worn out to deny Aizawa, so they all started heading back to their dorm.

- Time Skip Thursday -

Midoriya was less cheerful lately, he was always worn out when others saw him at least. Most of his time was spent in his dorm room and everyone that has went to check on him has been unable to get a response from him much less get past the door. At this point the class was extremely worried for Midoriya, they all knew something was up. He was usually up before anyone else to do morning workouts or something like that, he was always brimming with joy and happiness which is what everyone needed some more of.

Most of the class had gotten over the events of the USJ Incident (as it was now called), some more than others, but Midoriya was broken. Eri didn't sleep in his room this whole time, she was worried for him, but decided that he needed some alone time so she's been sleeping with Uraraka.

The class was all in the dining room eating their lunch (spaghetti  n' meatballs) and enjoying one another's company, Eri and Uraraka were having a lovely chat as well, no one noticed the green haired boy grab a plate from the kitchen that they always left him. No one noticed until Uraraka and Eri noticed him making his way back up. They didn't say anything, they just stopped and looked to the empty seat at the table, picturing the smiling boy that they all knew and loved.

Todoroki noticed their sad and empty gazes and sighed, even he was having a tough time with it, Midoriya was the one who helped him after all, so why couldn't he help Midoriya? After lunch was finished, he approached Uraraka and Eri who was helping her load the dishes into the dishwasher.

"Oh, hey Todoroki! Whats up?"


"Oh, yeah..." She looked back to the dish she was washing.

"You haven't checked on him yet right?"

"I've text him, he's seen them, but he's never responded..."

"I think you should knock on his door."

"Why would it be any different than all the others Todoroki?"

Izuku Everlasting (MHA AU // OP Deku)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن