Grown Up

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Midoriya slowly opened his eyes to a familiar sound of a heart monitor beeping steadily.
'That's right... Aizawa sensei and the others... they found me... This doesn't seem like UA's hospital room though... where am I? '

With that question he looked around himself as he steadily rose to a seated position on the bed. The room was fully white with nothing more than than the monitor and its I.V dropper clipped to it. There was noone else in the room. Upon a closer inspection, he could make out the distinct shape of a white handle.
He slowly turned and placed his feet on the floor, it was chilly as he wasn't wearing shoes or any other footwear.

He went to take a step but stumbled slightly, 'I must not be fully recovered.' He leaned himself slightly onto the monitor stand and began limping towards the handle and slowly pulled the door open after twisting the knob.
There was a bright flash of light as he opened the door, causing him to shield his eyes. Once they readjusted to the new lighting, he looked around.
It looked to be a simple hospital hallway but there were no other doors around him.
'What's going on? Where is this? '

He could then hear the steadily growing sounds of people's voices and footsteps heading closer from his right.
He closed his eyes and focused on the air waves caused by their voices and managed to discern the recognizable voice of Shota Aizawa and, to his surprise, 'Is that, David Shield? '
Just as he recognized the voice, the group turned a corner to his right.

"I understand that you want him back as soon as possible, but those injuries. They weren't normal. Anyone else would've succumbed from those wounds! My most trained doctors nearly fainted from the sight! Its been so long since he's been up and by my calculations, someone of his age and build shouldn't be up for another Year!"
"I understand Mr. Shield, but Midoriya isn't anyone else. He's-"
Aizawa looked away from David to look down the hall and met Midoriya's green eyes. For a second, Midoriya thought he saw some water accumulate in his teacher's eyes.

"Aizawa sensei? Where am-" He was cut off by the older man suddenly grabbing him with his capturing cloth and pulling him into a tight embrace. "S-sensei? Are you alright? This isn't something you normally do?"
"I believe I should be asking you that, but right now, I'm just glad your awake again."
"R-right..?" 'How long has it been? I hope not too long.'
After the two of them remained in an embrace for a solid minute before they broke apart and Aizawa (seemingly returned to his normal self) turned to David Shield who was simply staring at Midoriya.

"Mr. Shield? I believe my student is eligible to be excused from his treatment?"
"... Eh? Oh! Erm- yes I suppose so but... it is exceptionally rare for a patient to just Leave a comatose state and walk out!"
Aizawa gave David a stern look and he immediately shut his mouth realizing his mistake.
"Aizawa sensei... how long have I been out."

Aizawa looked at his student from over his shoulder before sighing and looking away.
"Its been two years problem child. You've been in a coma state being treated secretly on I-Island for the past two years."
Midoriya's breath hitched in his throat.
"... What happened."
"... After we found you, we brought you to Recovery Girl but she couldn't heal your injuries. We called All Might at the same time and he said that he could bring you to a place you could be treated. Here."
"That's not what I meant sensei." A dark shadow covering his eyes as he looked to the ground.

"Right... After we brought you here, everything was normal until two months later. The league struck out and destroyed mass amounts of the city, their ring-leader All for One entered the fray. It was a difficult battle but All Might succeeded, however he sustained a life threatening injury and will not be able to continue his work as the Symbol of Peace."
Midoriya simply nodded, taking in this information.

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