Ultimate Moves!

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This is more of an informational chapter (sorry) that just helps understand what to expect move wise from Midoriya. Thanks!

"Alright everyone settle down! As you should know today is the day we make your ultimate moves so the longer you waste the less time you get to actually do this." The end of the week came quick as well as the weekend, so it was time for the class to start making their Ultimate Moves for the exam and training camp.

"I Cant wait!" - Mina

"I have a few ideas I wanna try out..." - Kaminari


"Crush?" - Midoriya

The class followed Aizawa to the training arena where they met up with Cementoss and Ectoplasm who Aizawa explained were going to help make the proper training available for each student. A few minutes of explaining later and the class was split up, each with their own clone, and for quirk safety reasons Eri went with Uraraka instead of Midoriya which she didn't mind.

Midoriya and His Ectoplasm clone went to the far end of the arena because of Midoriya's wishes, he already had his ultimate moves so he knew that it might be dangerous to use around weaker people like Mineta who might not be able to sustain himself from the attack range.

"So your saying that you already have a fistful of ultimate moves then?" The clone questioned after Midoriya explained.

"Yes sir, most of them are small but powerful, but I still have lots that are larger in scale and also some that I would rather not use on people..." He thought back to his fight with the Nomu, the attack he used called Everest was one of these moves that could kill easily anyone or thing he touched, and he knew he had more moves like that.

"I understand where your coming from, you do have very strong abilities that could prove fatal if used incorrectly, so for now we will stick to using those attacks on inanimate items. So where should we start?"

"Well I have an idea, but were gonna need a lot more clones." Ectoplasm agreed to this and made four more clones for Midoriya and spread them around his training area, some hidden between cracks and others in plain sight.

Midoriya closed his eyes and whispered, "Flame Guidance." Using the wind vibrations to locate each clone by its breaths and movements multiple thin trails of fire sprung out from his fingertips, one per clone and started snaking its way around and in a matter of seconds they each had found their clone and attacked in such a way that they were incapacitated.

"Hmm not a bad move, very useful for finding hidden targets as well as taking care of them in multiples."

"Yeah, but Im only able to take out 10 at a time."

"Whats next?"

Im just going to make a list of his moves real quick to take up less time cause Im lazy:

Fire Moves:
Burning Desire - Creates multiple arching flame pillars that target 1-3 targets with great force
Flaming Wrath - Heats up Midoriya's muscular abilities making him move faster while also acting as a defensive ability as he is extremely hot to the touch
Condemnation - Point blank ranged attack, grabbing hold of his target he delivers multiple scorching blows to every weak point of his opponent rendering them immobile and sometimes unconscious
Hell Sentence - The same as Condemnation but instead of burning the weak points, he burns everything, this move can kill easily depending on the durability of the target or their quirk. This move's heat was tested before and has evaporated small lakes in a manner of seconds.

Water Moves:
Tsunami - Creates massive walls of water around the target and crashes together onto them
Whirlpool - A tornado looking pillar of water that surrounds the target acting as a capture mechanism, the walls of the pillar spin so fast that they act as a pressure hose that can easily cut metal
Undertow - A quick series of water slices that also toss the target around
Atlantis Awakening - Seals off a massive circle of land in water acting as a deterrent against certain quirks

Ice Moves:
Everest - Instantly freezes every cell in the object or target rendering it useless or dead
Frozen Hell - Turns the surrounding area into a thin layer of Ice that Midoriya can instantly create attacks from anywhere at anytime so long as he is making contact with it
Icicle - Simple multi-ranged attack where the user makes multiple large ice spears and uses them to incapacitate target(s) similar to Flame Guidance

Wind Moves:
Whirlwind / Tornado - Acts the same as Whirlpool but is easier to make combos with (add flames and you have a burning tornado like the one Inasa and Todoroki made in the Anime's license exam)
Wind Scythe - A series of slashes of hardened wind that cut like a steel blade
Hardened Dome - A dome of hardened air that easily blocks most attacks

Earth Moves:
Quake - Destroys large radius of earth into varying sizes of boulders, dropping the terrain to a manageable level that allows Midoriya to use stronger techniques without having to worry about collateral damage
Ravine - Splits the ground to make a large ravine around the target that acts as trapping mechanism
Harden - Cover's user in a layer of super hardened rocks (like Kirishima's quirk)
Mudslide - Transforms the ground around user to a mud terrain for the same use as frozen hell

Electricity Moves:
Lightning Eel - A direct and instant attack that strikes out at a single opponent
Chain Lightning - Shocks multiple targets in a small distance of one another
Paralysis - A point blank attack that sends high voltages of electricity into the target to fry motor functions temporarily depending on the voltage amount
Zeus' Wrath - Creates enough electric energy to change the weather to a lightning storm where the user's power is increased tenfold
God Strike - Only is usable when in a thunder/lightning storm ~ calls down multiple strikes of lightning in one move to take out hundreds of targets at once (can kill easily depending on the voltage Midoriya uses)
Lightning Prison - A criss-cross pattern of linked lightning attacks that acts as a paralysis net that covers a large Area

Shoot style and every attack All Might can use

"T-thats a bit much..." An Ectoplasm clone said as it disappeared from Midoriya's Undertow attack, "That was a good display of pro moves, Im still curious about those lethal attacks though, In fact more so now after feeling the power of your regular attacks. But those are for another day, today is finished."

Everyone filed out of the arena when their time was up and finished up the school day. They continued coming back to the arena the whole week minus Friday which was the day of the students versus teachers exam.

Midoriya still hasn't shown Anything from his killer series, and he hopes to not ever use them seriously.


Sorry about this chapter being a little more boring than usual, though I just wanted to have his ultimate moves set out there so I didn't have to explain them every time he used one. Thanks for readying, hope you enjoy the chapters to come.

word count: 1120

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