Calvary Battle

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"Alright everyone! Congratulations on your performance in the first challenge, I will now explain the second challenge of the festival, the Calvary Battle!" Midnight declared as she looked out over the remaining contenders.

She began explaining the rules (which are the same as in the anime) and when she got to the points and declared the first place runner (AKA Midoriya) was worth 1,000,000 points, he felt every pair of eyes on him with malicious intent.

Through the wind vibrations around him, Midoriya could hear multiple pro hero's and viewers in the stands saying things like,

"Hows he gonna survive this?"

"He's practically got a massive Bullseye painted on him!"

"This will truly test his skills..."

and other comments such as that. he didn't pay them any attention at all because he knew that the chances that anyone wanted to be on his team were slim to none. His thoughts were disrupted however from a light tapping on his shoulder, he jumped a little out of surprise but quickly calmed himself down as he turned to face this mystery person.

He was only slightly surprised to see Ochaco Uraraka standing next to him.

"O-oh hey Uraraka, whatcha need?"

He could tell she was a little confused when he asked this, "Well she said you had to be in teams of at least two right? I was thinking that if you wanted me too... I. could. be. on. your. team..." She started lightly blushing as she asked this, realizing that she might have made a mistake or something by Midoriya's *taken aback* look on his face.

"O-o-oh u-uhm, I didn't think that anyone wanted to be on my team since, well, you know..." referring to his million point bounty.

"Well what would happen if no one teamed with you? You can't compete on your own."

"Well if that happened then I was going to ask Midnight Sensei if I could use these-" He touched the ground and raised his hand and a clone of himself made out of earth like materials rose with his palm, "my earth clones... I would make stronger ones, but I want to save some energy for the tournament!"

She watched as he made another two clones from the earth in awe, she knew he could do lots of things, but never did she think that he could make animate objects. "I guess that means you wont need me on the team huh?" She looked a little disappointed to say the least.

Midoriya noticed this right away and smiled at her as he said, "Hey I said if no one teamed up with me," he snapped his fingers and one of the clones crumbled to dust, "And it appears that there just so happens to be an opening, if you take the opening or not is up to you." He held out his hand to her.

Her face couldn't contain her joy when he said this, "I-i will if it w-would be alright with y-you!" She shook his hand and couldn't help herself, she pulled him into a friendly hug. 'He didn't need me on his team, I know that... but he made room for me anyways. ' She thought to herself as he started explaining the plan that Mostly depended on himself.

The plan was quite simple, all Uraraka needed to do was to lighten Midoriya and his clones and lift themselves into the air where no one could reach, and Midoriya would then control themselves with the wind. It was a simple yet near foolproof plan.

"All contending teams ready? Alright!" Midnight nodded to Present Mic in the commentator's booth with Aizawa,

"START!!!" Mic boomed over the speakers, signaling the start of the battle.

Uraraka made the team and herself float as they saw Every team make a beeline to where they were. The first team to make it there was Bakugou's team but Midoriya had already lifted their team high up in the air. Midoriya heard Bakugou yell from under him as he started blasting his way up.

"Your smarter than this Kacchan!" Midoriya called out to his friend as he slammed Bakugou back to earth with some pressurized wind where his teammates caught him.

A few more minutes passed and everyone had all but forgotten about the million points way above their heads.

Ochaco was going to say something when she noticed Midoriya hard concentrating at the competitors below, "H-hey Deku? What are you looking at?"

"Hmm? Oh, well since were guaranteed to make it to the tournament, I think that this luxury time up here would be better spent observing their abilities and quirks, see their strengths and discover their weaknesses, ya know?" He smiled at her after his short description.

"Oh!" She puts a fist down into her palm to show she understood, "Thats a good idea Deku-kun!" She smiled back before observing the others for himself.

- Time Skip to the end of the Calvary Battle -

As they heard the whistle blow, ending the battle, Midoriya slowly brought himself and Ochaco down to earth as he crumbled his dirt clones.

"Congratulations Team Midoriya! You managed to hold on to the million points the whole time! Not many people have been able to do that." Midoriya nods his appreciation along with Uraraka as Midnight continued, "All right! Time for the Lunch break followed by some complimentary games for all competitors who've been eliminated up to this point to play some minigames, all the rest of you can go rest for the 30 minutes that you can!"

All the remaining students left to eat something and then rest, they knew that the tournament wasn't going to be easy.

"Midoriya, Bakugou, come with me."

Midoriya and Katsuki (who were planning on eating together) turned to see Todoroki looking right at them with his normal neutral face.

"R-right..." The two boys said as they followed him to one of the stadiums many entrances.

*He basically said the same things he said to Midoriya in the anime but this time he said it to both of them since they both had OFA he asked if they were both All Mights 'secret love children'*

As Todoroki finished, Midoriya and Bakugou were left there a little stunned from what their fellow classmate had said before Bakugou started laughing,

"PFFT! All Mights secret love children?! THATS GOLDEN!!" He was practically rolling on the ground.

Midoriya's reaction wasn't anything special, he had heard this all before after all. They then heard Mic's voice over the speakers telling everyone there was only 5 minutes before the final event begins.

"Alright Kacchan, lets get going." He held out his hand to his friend who was still recovering from his laughing fit.

"Yeah yeah, alright." He grabbed his hand as he hoisted him up and they started walking back to the arena. "Oi nerd."


"You Better not go easy on me, or anyone! Were all trying to be heroes here, so theres no point in giving them an easy challenge, every time that they're out in a real fight, the other isn't going to go easy because he knows they're weaker than him. Its only demoralizing to them."

"Are you trying to make me go all out for Others sake Kacchan? Thats kinda surprising."

The two boys laughed as they entered the cheering arena and headed to the stage,

"Good luck Kacchan." He lightly punched his friends shoulder as they fell into line.

Thanks for reading! The next part is going to probably be the first half of the tournament, so there should be two more chapters today! Hope you enjoy!

word count: 1216

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