Kuro's Voice

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Its been a week since Midoriya had returned from his 'death'. He hadn't gone to school that entire week as Aizawa was forcefully making him stay back at home. However, today was going to be the first day that 1-A saw their green-haired friend since the incident.

Midoriya woke up. He looked over to the alarm clock on his bedside in the Bakugou Household. '6am... May as well do something now that Im awake.' Midoriya quietly hopped up out of bed and got dressed and put on his shoes. He opened the door which creaked a little but didn't wake up Mitsuki or Masaru 'Thank goodness, if Aunt Mitsuki caught me I'd be a dead man for sure...' Midoriya made his way down the stairs using the wind to lessen the sound of his steps.

Once he made it outside the house he wrapped his summertime jacket around himself as he looked into the sky. It was still black out with tiny hints of purple showing on the sides of the clouds, the parts of the sky not covered by the clouds glistened with countless numbers of stars. "Beautiful..." Midoriya whispered to himself as he started jogging.

During this jog he spent his time in deep thought. Deep thought about what happened on the day that he 'resurrected'. 'After I regained consciousness I was standing in the smoke cloud, I felt something coming so I grabbed it and realized it was Uraraka... after 1-A and I had our 'welcome back words' to each other I asked Uraraka what happened exactly... She said I was killed by the league and the heartbeat said 0 and that I stayed that way for roughly fifteen minutes, and when I was waking up my body was covered in lightning. That's what confuses me... why'd that happen? Maybe something happened to one for all or my lightning abilities because of my resurrection? If thats true I have to check it out now.' He stopped running and looked around at an empty beachside.

'Heh, I remember this place, its been a while since I cleaned it and its still as clean as how I left it. Its nice to know that people haven't ruined it again, this beach always had such a great view.' Midoriya looked out over the water that was glistening with light. He sighed sighed in satisfaction. Then an idea hit him, 'I could test my quirks here! No one lives That close to here so I think I should be in the clear...' Midoriya looked around quickly to check that no one was nearby and once the coast was clear (hehe, Coast) he took off his shoes and socks before walking down onto the sand.

He looked around one more time before he began. 'Alright, first lets test One for All...' Midoriya started charging up his strongest full cowling he could muster. The lightning started arching around his body as per usual, but something else was happening. 'Whats this? ' Midoriya looked around him and saw that his lightning cloak that appeared with full cowling was arching off his body and searing the sand around him. 'Thats new...' Midoriya turned off one for all and moved on to his electricity quirk.

'Lets just try a normal attack for now.' Midoriya raised his hand and pointed to a part of the sand infront of him, 'Lightning Spear! ' A quick jolt of yellow lightning struck the ground from his finger point. 'Doesn't seem like its different...' Midoriya walked to where he struck the lightning and when he got there he immediately took back his statement earlier, 'I was completely wrong! That normally low level attack... turned the sand to glass that easily?! Whats going on here? '

"What indeed..."

Midoriya jumped at the sudden voice as he quickly looked around him. No one was there. "Who are you?" Midoriya said, getting into a battle mode.

"Wait. You... you can hear me sir?"

"Wait? Kuro? Whats going on? Why can I hear you?"

"Thats a good question sir, I don't know either. Im just doing what I normally do. Did something happen on your end?"

"Nothing new that I can think of... Well that aside I have another question."

"And that is?"

"You can check my quirks at any time right?"

"Correct, as a part of your Everlasting quirk I am here to act as an assistant in any way that my master deems impor-"

"Yeah yeah, can you check them right now?"

"Of course. One moment." Midoriya had climbed back up the stairs and put his shoes on and sat back down. He waited a few minutes until Kuro returned. "Sir? There seems to be something a little off here... I don't really know how it happened but..."

Kuro hesitated, "Kuro? Whats going on? What happened to me when I came back?"

"W-well sir, it seems that your Everlasting quirk decided to treat your 'resurrection' as another Run... It didn't set you back to the age of four as usual, it sent you back to the moment that you wanted to be in most at the moment you went in the pool, but it did do something else." Midoriya was intently listening as Kuro flipped a few pages on his clipboard. "Ah! Here it is. The rules of your quirk state that once you select to 'live again' you will return to the age of four and will be granted another quirk. However this Run is different. As I already told you you've started your 6th Run right at the end of the 5th."

"So what does that mean?"

"Well sir, it means that you've gotten another quirk."

"Another. Quirk." Midoriya stood there in shock, 'Another quirk? I guess that makes sense since this can be considered another Run but still...' "Wait. Kuro, what is this new quirk?"

"Well its rather interesting really, its called 'Heroic Cry'... its kind of a stockpiling quirk really. It is constantly activated and doesn't have a disadvantage listed for using it..."

"Kuro, what does it do?" Midoriya asked, steadily getting impatient.

"Ah, right, sorry 'bout that. This quirk like I said earlier is a stockpiling quirk. It activates whenever someone starts to earnestly call your name or any alias you go by in desperation, hope, or encouragement, it is turned into a power-up for both you physically as well as boost your quirks. The power thats been collected wont disappear until you use it and if you release it, you MUST release all of it. Its not a warning, but it will not let you keep any of it after its activated. Its kind of a multiple one-time use thing if you can understand that."

Midoriya mulled over the new information in his head as he wrote it down into another one of his journals until he finally understood. "Alright. Thanks for the run down Kuro, I think I understand it now. By the way, are we gonna be able to talk like this All the time?"

"That I think we'll know with time sir. For now, do your best."

"Yeah, will do."

Midoriya didn't understand his ability to converse with Kuro just yet, but he knows it'll make sense in its own time. He stood up with his shoes now on and started his jog back.

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