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This chapter is more of an informational part to implement the dorms, but there is some important info at the bottom if you want to skip to there instead - Enjoy!

'S-so strong.'

After Midoriya had handed off Chisaki to Nighteye and the others, Eri hopped down out of Bubble Girl's arms and ran over to Midoriya and grabbed onto him tightly.

"Y-your okay! Thank goodness..." She started crying into his shoulder, during the entire fight (regardless of its length) had been worrying about this mysterious hero, no, Her Hero.

He pat her head a few times before saying, "I told you I was stronger than you'd think, right?"

His smile brightened up the surrounding area, she tried smiling back, but couldn't get much of a smile out.

Just as this was happening, Midoriya felt a shift in the wind and looked up and saw 1-A and a few teachers running in his direction. When they got there they were all out of breath.

"Midoriya, your alright?" Aizawa said as he came up to him, he noticed Chisaki all beat up and cuffed in Nighteye's hands, "Ah, what a relief, Thank you Nighteye, taking on Overhaul must have been rather tiring, Im also impressed that you came out unscathed."

Nighteye then waved Aizawa over to him. As Aizawa went to speak with the pro, the class all gathered around Midoriya.

"What the HELL DEKU! We WERE WORRIED!" - Bakugou

"Yeah man! We didn't know if we'd make it in time!" - Kaminari

"Mhmm! What even happened?" - Kirishima

"Im thankful you were not injured!" - Iida

As everyone kept pressing around him, Midoriya felt multiple worried tugs on his sleeve. Feeling this he yelled to them all, "Hang on a second alright! Just back up for right now!"

Everyone was super confused until they noticed him checking on Eri. Upon seeing the little girl hiding behind Midoriya and gripping him tightly, the girls all awe 'd and they all backed up, most of the guys did too, Bakugou just did his signature tch and then backed up.

"Hey your okay, they're all good people okay? You'll be okay..." Midoriya kept comforting Eri was was on the verge of both tears and a panic attack, she had never been around so many people at once, but when she heard his words, she slowly started calming down. All the events that had happened made her super anxious and tired, so she simply tugged on his sleeve and whispered,

"Im sleepy..." She rubbed her eyes and wiped away her tears before looking back at Midoriya who was smiling as always,

"Alright then." He gently lifted her up in his arms and tucked her head into her shoulder, a few seconds later she was peacefully sleeping. "Okay, I'll tell you what happened later, right now lets see whats happening with Aizawa Sensei."

They all agreed and walked towards Aizawa who was just finishing up talking to Nighteye. They had finished talking when the class got there and Aizawa pulled Midoriya aside.

"So Nighteye cleared everything up with me, he told me that You took down Chisaki as well as arrested him. Is this right?"

"Yes sir."

"He also suggested letting you work as a temporary Hero, this means that you would get to engage in hero work, but you wouldn't be paid, and you wouldn't be registered in the hero ratings. I already called Nezu about this during our talk and he said that the heroes wouldn't have a problem with it, would you like this?"

"Yes sir, very much sir."

"Alright, here's the papers," He handed him some papers that he just Happened to have on him before continuing. "Now as a temporary Hero, Im going to tell you something. You cannot tell Anyone else about this though."

Midoriya nods, accepting these terms.

"Alright, lately there have been lots of burned corpses being found all around the city, as well as multiple villainous acts from a group called the League of Villains. All Heroes have been granted this information as a precaution to watch out for anyone in this league." This was all old news to Midoriya but he continued to listening out of respect for his teacher and pro hero. "We have been able to capture and contain one of these League members however and question him. All we know that is of importance is that they seem to hate All Might quite a lot, and since he is at UA as a teacher, we have been advised to take some sort of safety actions to protect staff and students. Nezu has decided on a Dorm system, there is a bit of disagreement issues amongst the staff about this idea, so from your standpoint as a student, what would you say?"

"Well Aizawa sensei, I think that the dorm system would be an amazing idea honestly. It would allow all the students to be relatively close to one another which would make it more unlikely that they would be in direct danger from any villain attack."

Aizawa agreed with this as thats exactly what he thought. "Alright Midoriya, I'll tell the other teachers about your opinion as a student, but for now," He looked to the whole class, "Since this is all taken care of, lets all head back to UA, we still have classes after all!" He then looked back to Midoriya, but mostly to the girl in his arms. "And now we have to decide what to do about your little friend here. Do you know anything about her?"

"Well first off her name is Eri, she's the previous Yakuza Leader's granddaughter, and has severe social anxiety, right now I seem to be the only one who she feels safe around. Lastly her quirk is rewind, she can rewind any living creature to a previous state, its very powerful but also very dangerous as she doesn't know how to control it."

After hearing all this information Aizawa decided something, "Midoriya, how would you feel about temporarily acting as Eri's guardian? Since her only known relative is in a coma like state, she doesn't have anywhere else to go, and you already said yourself, she only trusts you right now, and your the only person I know who can get people like her to open up."

Midoriya thought about the idea for a little as he was still unsure, but all his unsurity left him when he felt Eri tug his shirt in her sleep and softly say, "So warm... mmm..."

He then looked directly at Aizawa and looked into his eyes, "I'll do it."

"Heh," Aizawa chuckled to himself, "Alright then, I'll see to it that you have a big enough dorm for the two of you."

As the two of them finished up their talk, they joined the rest of 1-A as they headed back to UA.

There's the part! Hope you enjoyed - even though this was more of an informational one - Thanks for reading as always!

word count: 1085

Izuku Everlasting (MHA AU // OP Deku)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang