The Kick of a Child

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Midoriya, Bakugou and Todoroki managed to make it onto the bullet train Just before its departure as Midoriya let out a sigh.
"Who would've thought that us three would be so popular... I just started hero work, you two are high placers in the festival, and the crowds that gather around us are just so Massive for us low grades... not that I can't handle it, but I still haven't regained all my skills from my last Run... man thats a pain."

As Midoriya finished, Todoroki leaned forwards in his seat to face Midoriya.
"Hey Midoriya."
"What you just said... I know that not many people know about your first quirk, and I definitely know that no one dares to ask you about it at all... but my curiosity is a curse. So if your comfortable, could you tell me about them? You know, about one of your previous lives..."
Midoriya fell silent as Todoroki made his point, his head now tilted up as his eyes were hidden by his green hair.
'Crap, I must've upset him.'

"You know..." Midoriya started, taking a deep breath as he lowered his head back down and tightly intertwined his hand with his other, "... its definitely not an easy story. Your a smart kid, you should understand that. Right Todoroki? Bakugou?"
Bakugou and Todoroki both nodded, "We know. If its too much for you right now then we're fine if you don't-"
"No. I can tell you guys. Maybe not the whole story, not right now, but I can tell you pieces of it. The easy parts for now."
Todoroki glanced at Bakugou who glanced back before looking back at Midoriya who was obviously trying to control his breathing at the moment.

With one more slightly shaky breath in, Midoriya started.


Midoriya POV
"I'll tell you about my last Run, just before this one. Lets see... I guess I'll start where it always does. Im four years old and wake up in my bedroom, its the day I go for my quirk test. After my mother and I learned about my quirks we went out for some Katsudon, she knew it was my favourite."
I choked a little when I mentioned mom, but I wasn't going to stop here, its about time that I face my past rather than rejecting it.
"A few years pass and one of the hardest parts of my lives happens, every time, and I can't stop it, trust me, I've tried. There will be a day where I walk home from school and get home where I find my mother, dead on the floor."

I noticed Bakugou look out the window as he wiped his eyes, I forgot about how much he loved her, she was like family to him too. I'll move on from that then,
"After that I was taken in by Kacchan's family and lived there until we got into UA. Everything at UA is the same with some things added and other things mixed around so its always a surprise for myself when I go there. Every single time I go there, I fall in love with Ochaco again and again, and this life was no different."

Man I missed those days...

"After school finished up, all of 1-A became heroes together, well... not Mineta, he was expelled in the second year, it was honestly a relief, but there were times where even I missed the grape perv, he had a sort of humor that kinda acted as a sort of relief in some places."
"Really? That grape? Ah whatever..."
"Yes really Kacchan, you'll see what I mean some other time. Anyways like I was saying once we started our hero work-"

"HEY! There's a fire outside!!"


Immediately Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugou jumped to their feet and watched as the train's occupants rushed to look out the window, they were right.
"Hey! Something's heading this way!"
Midoriya looked and fixed his eyes on an object coming towards the train at such speed that it was blurry!

'Act fast! ' Midoriya used the wind and air in the train to quickly push everyone out of the way of the beast's path and just in time too as the blur slammed into the train and stood up revealing a nomu. 'Stop its movement! ' Midoriya quickly jumped forwards and kicked its knees causing them to fold backwards, crippling the nomu before swiftly grabbing it's wrists and pulling them behind its back.
"Todoroki! Bakugou! Lets go!"
"On it!" Todoroki said as he put up a wall between the fight and the civilians on the train as Bakugou leapt onto the beast and let off an explosion on the top of its head, exploding its brain, killing the beast.

"Damnit! Whys there one of these freaks here?!" Bakugou yelled as Todoroki dropped his wall.
"The League must be here. You two, come with me, Todoroki, text Endeavor that were changing plan, tell him to start the search though Im sure he has already gone to the commotion!"
Midoriya noticed him hesitate, "Come on Todoroki! Now is NOT the time to be rebellious!"
Todoroki jumped out of the train and pulled out his phone as he followed Midoriya and Bakugou as they started running towards the fire and explosions.




Tomura POV

"Ahh~ This is the BEST Kurogiri! Watch as the nomu CRUSH this city! AHAH!"
"Indeed it is Shigaraki."
"Ohohoh! Look! LOOK! A poor woman, stuck in the rubble, how sad. And oh! Look there, above her! The building is crumbling! She'll get crushed! KILLED! Where are the heroes to save her? Oh. Right. They're looking around for that damn hero killer right? Ah well, by the time they find him she and many many more will already be dead and the hero killer will be in jail! ITS TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE! AHAHA! ..... Alright, Im bored now Kurogiri, lets go back, I can watch the rest on the news tomorrow."
"Yes Shigaraki, right away."


The swirling purple mist portal appeared infront of Tomura who took a step inside and glanced back at the trapped woman, 'Poor thing.' He thought as the whole side of the building started to fall down to her and the portal closed.

"H-HELP ME PLEASE!" The woman screamed as the concrete started falling getting closer and closer to her. "Help me... please... help us..." She closed her eyes and let a single tear fall as she braced for the impact.
She waited...
... and waited...
"Huh?" She slowly opened her eyes and looked up, she saw the concrete and rebar pieces floating a mere meter above her head, "H-how..?"
Just then she heard a voice in the distance, "... that voice... a child?"

"Now Bakugou! Todoroki you too!"
There was a sudden flash followed by an explosion that mixed with a blast of fire that incinerated the rubble above her. Her shock and tear filled face looked towards her saviors and saw three teenagers, making their way to her.

"Are you alright Ma'am?" Midoriya asked as he knelt down and used the wind to unpin her from the rubble, his kind eyes and worried expression were so... calm...
"Y-yes..." She said, her eyes started to fill with tears as the realization set in, 'We're... safe...'
Midoriya watched as the tears ran down her face and smiled, "My name is Midoriya Izuku, my hero name is Stardust! You can call me Izuku if you think it'll be more comforting okay?"
He helped her stand up from the rubble as he reached into his pouch on his belt and pulled out a small roll of gauze and started to treat her injuries.
"Y-yeah, I'd like that very much. Thank you s-so much Izuku... you've saved more t-than y-you know." She said through tears.
Midoriya looked at her face and smiled, "Its quite fine ma'am."
"Please, call me Hito (short for Loved )."
"Alright Hito, please head to xxx street, a hero should be there to take you to somewhere safe. I hope we can meet again, I have to go now! Stay safe!" Midoriya said as he waved the other two to follow and ran off as he waved back to Hito who returned the gesture.
"Stay safe..." She whispered. 

She knew he didn't hear her, but it didn't matter.
"Midoriya. Izuku. I think I'll remember that..."
She whispered again, this time as she lovingly placed her hand on her stomach as she felt it.

The tiniest movement...
The kick of a child...

... is such a lovely name."

word count: 1370

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