Settling Down to Rise Again

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Midoriya has been back in classes for a whole month now and everything has seemingly returned to normal. Midoriya easily caught back up in his classes with the unending help from Iida, Momo and Uraraka. He was also able to go back to his weekly hero patrol schedule that was made up for him a week after his return. The class, though everything seems to be back to normal, can't help but feel like Midoriya's mind is always away from everyone... distancing himself. So today they decided something together.

"Hey Midoriya!"

Midoriya's head perked up and he looked to see Uraraka and Eri making their way to him practically skipping. He smiled at them both as he waved, "Hey Ochaco! Hey Eri!"

"Hi dad!" Eri smiled her million watt smile.

"So what brings you here today my little sunshine?" He asked as he pinched Eri's cheeks and pecked Uraraka on the cheek. Eri laughed as she complained about her cheeks hurting.

"Well you see..." Uraraka started but Eri couldn't help but jump in,

"Mr Aizawa was so nice! He let us use the school pool and we want you to come with us!" She smiled again.

'Too cute! ' "Well how could I even say no to you! Of course I'll go!" At this both Eri and Uraraka leapt with glee as they clung to Midoriya who couldn't help but smile along with them. "Well since you two are both filled with energy I see no reason to wait any longer!"




Eri and Uraraka had both grabbed on of Midoriya's free hands and dragged him to the entrance to the school pool in a manner of mere minutes. Midoriya waved to them as he went into the men's change room. 'Those two are something else...' He thought to himself.

As Midoriya walked around the corner he noticed the lights were off. 'Thats weird, the school always leaves the lights on... and its so dark without the lights (wow nice observation).' He started to fumble around, looking for the light switch. "Aha! Found it." He said as he turned on the light.

PoP! pOp!

"MIDORIYA!!!" A large count of numbers rang out around Midoriya who was stunned, the sudden light mixed with the loud noise was Not the best combination in his opinion. As his eyes finally got used to the light after a few light rubs he blinked and looked around. Around him was all the guys of 1-A.

"Oh! Hey you guys! Whats up?"

Kaminari and Kirishima both ducked under each of his arms, "Whats up? Really? Isn't it obvious Midoriya?" Kirishima asked.

"Isn't what obvious?" Midoriya asked, more confused than ever.

"Just wait a second." Kaminari said. Midoriya looked around the group just a Tad bit closer until he realized that they were all dressed for swimming. 'Right... Im kinda dumb I guess.'

"OH! You guys got invited too?"

"Invited? Ill have you know that this was the whole classes idea!"

"Is that so! Well alright then!" Midoriya quickly got himself changed before heading outside of the change room.

"MIDORIYA!!!" 'Oh no.' He thought just as he was smothered by the girls of 1-A, also in swimwear.

"H-hey you guys, hows it goin?" He asked as he slammed his eyes shut. 'T-too close! ' He thought as he quickly retracted his hands to his own chest.

"Haha! Were all just fine Midori!" Mina said as they all stood up.

"Hehe, daddy's embarrassed." Eri giggled and pointed to Midoriya's obvious (now light) blush.

Midoriya splutters, "E-Eri! Sweetie, yOu CaNt Do Me LiKe ThAt!" He jokingly as he rushed over to he and lifted her above his head and placed her on his shoulders. Eri giggled, "Your silly daddy."

Midoriya smiled in response, "You wanna go for a swim?"


YEET! Midoriya playfully tossed Eri into the pool as he quickly followed (Eri was also wearing floaties btw, pInK oNeS). One after another the whole of 1-A was jumping into the pool. They all played games like Marco Polo, water tag, etc... until Kaminari yelled out of nowhere, "CLASS RACE! CLASS RACE! CLASS RA-!"

Jiro silenced him, "Yeah yeah we heard ya the first time." 'She said that like she doesn't care but shes obviously blushing...' Midoriya sweatdropped but quickly climbed out of the water.




After Iida gave out the simple rules the first group lined up and got ready as Iida counted them down before yelling GO.

Everything is same until its Bakugou, Todoroki and Midoriya left cause Im lazy

"Alright! This is the finals! CHEER FOR WHO YOU THINK WILL WIN! All in good fun of course." Iida added, there were several cheers for each of them.

"Show em who's boss dad!" Eri yelled from Uraraka's lap on the side lines, Midoriya looked over at her and smiled as he gave a thumbs up.

"Competitors ready? Set! GO!" Iida threw his robot arm motion signaling the start.

'I'll hold back just a bit to make this exciting! ' Midoriya thought as he leapt from his pedestal with 5% OFA and manipulated the water as Bakugou launched off with his explosions and Todoroki used his fire to propel himself on his ice.

The entire thing was really close, but since Midoriya is the OP cinnamon roll of 1-A and this whole event was for him, Todoroki and Bakugou already had agreed to let him win regardless but even if they tried...

He absolutely dominated them.

"MIDORIYA WINS!" Iida declared as the class yells Hooray together and Eri leapt into her dad's chest.

"Yay! Daddy won! Daddy won!" She said as she smiled, it seemed to be contagious as everyone soon found themselves smiling and laughing. They remained at the pool another hour until they called it a day and they went to their change rooms, Midoriya grabbed Mineta as he tried to go to sneak a peak.

"Death cometh to those who dareth to peek on the women." Midoriya whispered in Mineta's ear.

"Y-y-yessir!" Mineta yelped as he ran from the deathly aura behind him.




As the remaining class members left the change rooms they all grouped together. "How was it daddy?" Eri asked as she tugged his sleeve. He looked down and her and then all around him at his caring classmates before he smiled his most perfect smile.

"Thank you very much everyone! That was the best thing that has happened since I got back, I know that some of you realized that I was trying to isolate myself, so thank you. Thank you for taking upon yourselves to make me remember that Im not alone. Thank you very much!" Midoriya said as he bowed.

"Anytime Midori!"
"Sure thing bro!"
"Still think he's All Might's love child."
"We love you Midoriya!"
"YEAH! We love you daddy!"

"Wait, what was that third one?" Midoriya asked.

"Nothing!" Todoroki said waving his hands frantically.

"Mmm k."

And with that they all made their way back to the dorms with their friend back with them and joy fresh in their systems. After all that had happened to them all, this was definitely needed.

word count: 1131

Hey guys! Its a me! Sorry about this chapter, I really needed something to use as a kind of cool down from all the action scenes I've kinda been making if you can understand that, so I decided, WhY nOt?

Hope you've been enjoying the story so far and lemme say this,


I Love you all (no homo for the guys out there) <3 See y'all in the next piece!

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