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The two girls followed closely to Midoriya as he ran them through the halls of the building. "How does he know the building so well? Even this pathway is more efficient than the one I knew." Melissa said to Uraraka who was beside her.

'She's right... Midoriya hasn't been in here before so how-? Oh yeah, his quirk... I don't think I should tell Melissa about it, it isn't my story to tell.' Uraraka thought to herself, "No idea Melissa, he always just happens to know what to do most of the time."

Melissa nodded but wasn't overly convinced. Uraraka knew that but just decided to let her ask him herself. As the continued running through the halls they noticed every now and then Midoriya making a throwing action to certain areas in the rooms. "Midoriya? What're you doing?"  Melissa asked, still running behind.

Midoriya looked back at her, "Im getting rid of the cameras in the halls! Im throwing spikes of air at them! You did say that the villains had taken over the control room after all!" Melissa was satisfied with the answer, but unsatisfied because now she was left with more questions. 'How does he know where the hidden cameras are? '

She was going to ask him that very question but was stopped when they turned right at a corner and were met with a gate to the face closing at a rapid pace before sealing shut the exit. The gates behind them closed too. "Damn, must've missed one..." Midoriya cursed himself.

"Is everything alright Midoriya?" Uraraka called, catching up to him.

"Yeah, this'll just make it take a few more seconds to get to where we have to be..." The two girls looked at each other. 'Where ARE we going? ' They both thought, but decided to trust Midoriya's judgements. He touched the door infront of him before warping the metal into a gaping hole, allowing them to run through.

- Villain Control Room -

"Damn, they got through the doors." The tech villain whispered. His partner walked up behind him,

"Whats going on! Aren't you supposed to be the tech guy? Damn you're useless, just stop them!" The man (AKA Swordkil) spoke, forming a sword out of his hand threateningly. He took out a walkie talkie and spoke, "Boss, there are two groups of high schoolers running around causing trouble. The security cams picked up facial recognition and labeled them all as UA Students except one, she appears to be the professor's daughter... Yes sir... Im on it. Over and out." He turned off the radio and left the room. "If your not going to stop them then I will."

- Back with Midoriya -

The three of them continued running and running, so far the doors haven't shut on them past a certain point. "Maybe we lost them!" Uraraka cried happily.

"No, no I don't think so... they're probably trying to lead us to someone or somewhere..." Melissa said,


"Melissa's right Uraraka. Up ahead we're gonna clash with a subordinate of his, Ill take him out quickly, he's not too much of a pain to deal with." Midoriya spoke from the front. This only confused Melissa even more.

'Not Only does he know the layout of the tower better than anyone I know, but he also knows about what's going to happen! Is this his quirk? No, no way, he has that power-up quirk... there's no way he has more than one... right? '

Just then they got to a single metal door at the end of the hall. Without skipping a beat Midoriya jumped up and smashed the wall down with his kick revealing an open plateau with a bunch of fans everywhere. They stopped looking around when they laid eyes on a man in combat armour standing there looking at the three of them.

"Finally found you three! The names Swordkil, and Im here to annihilate you, no questions asked. Not personal or anything, in fact I prefer to avoid killing kids, but business is business after all, and business tells me to end you right here." Swordkil finished before rushing towards the kids with blades for hands. Midoriya stepped infront of the others and looked Swordkil dead in the eyes.

"You made a big mistake. You villains didn't do your research at all did you!" Midoriya started manipulating the wind from the fans, keeping their circular motion making the wind faster, stronger, dangerous. He pointed to Swordkil who was still rushing towards him.

"W-what the hell?" He spoke, he slowly felt the wind resistance around him grow stronger until he finally couldn't move, in fact he was slowly being pushed backwards. "What are you-" He looked to Midoriya before being slammed and slashed by multiple torrents of spinning columns of air continuously hitting him, "GAH!" The villain was launched into the air by another attack and was continually being hit higher and higher before being slammed down to the ground by a final wind attack, knocking him out.

"Like I said you two, he's not that big an issue." Midoriya said stepping over the villain whilst looking at the others.

"He has two quirks... he really has two quirks..." Melissa was mumbling to herself as Uraraka was stunned,


"You two alright over there?" He continued looking at them. They both snapped out of it and nodded to him. "Good, because we're heading out again. Uraraka, you'll have to use your quirk on us and yourself alright? We are going to the roof." Uraraka nodded and walked to the two of them. She activated her quirk on all three of them making them start to float. "Alright you two, hold onto me and I'll propel us up." Melissa and Uraraka floated towards Midoriya and clung to him, one on each arm pressing close and tight so as to not accidentally float away.

Midoriya looked at them both before nodding to himself and started using the air again to lift them higher and higher. A few seconds later and they reached the rooftop as Uraraka released her quirk, landing them safely on the roof.

"Well I'll be damned, you beat Swordkil rather fast even for a UA student. Whats your name kid. Not that I really care, but I want to know, just so I can write it down on my list of opponents I've taken down."

"Well Id rather not tell someone like you, but I guess that you wouldn't care anyways. The name is Midoriya, but you can call me Stardust, the hero who'll put you where you belong. I Hope your ready for your unavoidable failure Wolfram."

"Come one then. Let's see what your made of HeRo."

Izuku Everlasting (MHA AU // OP Deku)Where stories live. Discover now