The End or The Beginning

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Uraraka had to take a double take. And even then she couldn't believe what her eyes saw. She even rubbed her eyes a few time to make sure of what she saw was real and not a mirage.

Midoriya, the boy that had gone missing so long ago. The boy that the heroes and police couldn't even find when they worked together. The one she loved and that loved her, was standing just infront of her reach.

"W-why? Why is Midoriya up there?!" Mina asked as she panicked. Sure she was happy and overjoyed that the class cinnamon role was back and was alive but she was hoping for them to be under... better circumstances.

"Uraraka? Why is he up there?" Eri said worrying for her dad's safety. Uraraka was barely able to look away from the screen but she finally managed to. She looked at Eri's sad and worried expression and couldn't help but feel worse for how she was feeling. She crouched down and patted Eri's head.

"Its okay, don't worry. We're gonna get him down from there okay?" Eri nodded and looked back to the TV screen, the worry on her face still evident. 'What can we do? They're so high up there and I doubt they'd simply let me float up there and take him from them. Where are the pros? They could help a lot! ' She thought as she began looking around frantically until she heard the audio start up on the TV bringing her attention back.

-At UA Dorms 50 Mins earlier-

"Hey guys! Anyone wanna play some smash bros?" Kaminari called from infront of the dorm TV waving another remote over his head.

"ILL CRUSH YOU!" Bakugou called as he jumped over the couch, flipped in the air, grabbed the controller and landed flawlessly. Kaminari rolled his eyes at Bakugou's 'over the top' nature.

"Yeah yeah we'll see about that." He said sarcastically as he handed the controller to him. Bakugou snatched the controller as he sat down.

"Oooo! Bakubro's playing? Im watchin!" Kirishima said walking up to the couch before sitting down. Slowly but steadily more and more of class 1-A was dragged into the tournament they made. They were finally on to the finals. It was Bakugou against Todoroki.

"The top students in the class are facing off! Im so excited!" Toru said as Jiro and Momo nodded in sync. They began to play. Bakugou started with his usual over agressive strategy as Todoroki continued to calmly run. After a few minutes both Todoroki and Bakugou were on their last lives. They were currently fighting in the center, this was the deciding moment! The Climax of the game!


"NOOOO! I WAS SO CLOSE! HE WAS ONE TAP!" Bakugou yelled as he Almost threw the controller across the room.

"Wait Bakugou! Its an emergency alert! Change to the news! Fast!" Kirishima said, Todoroki agreed as he calmly set down his controller. As Bakugou angrily changed it they finally made it to the news. What they saw horrified them all.

"DEKU!" Bakugou yelled,

"No way!"

"He's alright! Thank goodness."

"Isn't that the league?!"


"Whats going on?!"

The class was erupting into chaos but Bakugou and Todoroki weren't listening to any of it. Bakugou without a word started running out of the dorms. "Bakugou?!" Kirishima questioningly yelled, Todoroki started running and wasn't far behind "And Todoroki?! WAIT FOR ME!" Kirishima yelled. He ran after them and was quickly followed by the rest of 1-A.

-With Midoriya-

'Huh? When did we get here? Where is here? ' He tried to look around his surroundings but couldn't budge, 'Why can't I move? ' Just then he heard someone begin to speak.

Izuku Everlasting (MHA AU // OP Deku)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ