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It was a sunny day. The weather was wonderful and the sun took everything in a beautiful light. Bradley and Stefani were on the set of A Star is born and were sitting in front of their trailer. He was still wearing Jackson's brown cowboy hat and was playing with a pen in his hand. Stefani watched him, the way he sat next to her and the wrinkle between his eyes as he thought.

What's up cowboy?

He looked at her and looked into her charming green eyes.

I can't think of anything.

What do you need?

I need another song and I don't like this one part of the script. I wanted to rewrite it.

I have an idea.


We're done for today, aren't we?



She briefly disappeared into her trailer and came back with her bag. When she came back she grabbed his wrist and pulled him with her. He immediately relaxed a little and clasped her fingers together.

We're going to me now! Of course, only if you want to?

Yes sure, but what about Christian? I don't think he likes me very much-

He isn't the topic right now and I don't care what he thinks! He's gone.

Ok. Why you never said something?

Because he isn't important.

They were still holding hands when they went to the car.
Bradley turned on the radio while driving. Coincidentally, Midnight Special was on, the song they sang together at their first meeting. Gaga looked from the street and gave him an enticing look. He understood what she meant and both started singing along.

I know I've told you so many times, but your voice is stunning! I love to hear you sing!

Ohh Stef! Thank you, but we both know that you have the voice of an angel! Every night I have to put on a song of yours so Lea finally falls asleep.


Her expression softened.

Yes, she refuses to go to bed at all if she doesn't hear a song from you. Joanne is her favorite.

I miss the little baby! She is so cute and she looks so like you! Her eyes, you as a little girl. She could be your twin, your little twin.

Both had to giggle a little.

Okay, she doesn't look as sexy as her daddy ... yet.

When she noticed what she said, she blushed. She looked embarrassed to the other side. Bradley immediately noticed that she was feeling uncomfortable and tried to relax the mood a little.

I'm sorry.

Stef, you don't have to be sorry! Everyone knows I'm sexy!

He looked at her with a mock arrogant face.

You're talking to the sexiest man alive!

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