You shine

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Ok, we have about half an hour. Come here G, sit down, we still have to style your hair.

Freddie pulled out a chair and made an inviting motion for her to sit down.

Thank you.

Not for this. So, wig? I think so, right?

Yeah, please don't dye it and I mean I can't go on a red carpet with this dark hairline!

I'll take care of it. We'll get it done, honey!

Her hairstylist started his work and fixed the wig so that it couldn't move.
Meanwhile, Sarah came running into the room with the right shade of lipstick. So while Freddie did the hair, Sarah took care of the rest of the makeup.

Sarah, coule you give me my bag, please?

Of course.

Sarah gave it to her and then applied the last bit of powder. Stefani smiled and thanked her. Meanwhile, she searched in her bag for her cell phone and dialed a very familiar number.

Hello, here's Bradley?


Hey sweetie, what's going on? Is something wrong?

It's all good, I just wish you were here ... I'm longing for you!

You know what?

There was silence between the two for a moment.


I think I can make that happen!

At that moment the door swung open and he appeared in the doorway. She saw his reflection in the mirror and looked into his eyes to make sure it was really him.

Oh my God, B-.

With joy and without thinking any further, she jumped up and ran to him. Luckily Freddie already had everything ready and only tiny details were missing, so the abrupt stop didn't matter. She ran into his arms as best she could with her shoes on and hugged him tightly. Carefully he gave her a kiss on the lips, to not destroy anything.

You look beautiful! And you shine!

She smiled up to both ears.

I feel so good too, but I miss you!

She fiddled with his shirt collar and pulled a fake pout.

I'm here, aren't I?

He spread his arms and gave a questioning impression.

But not for the rest of the evening. I miss you being with me like this, all the time!


He wanted to stroke her cheek, but Sarah gave him a stern look.

Stop Bradley. The makeup just finished and we don't have time to clean up your mess then! I don't want to have another stress like before the last Met Gala! So back off!

Okey dokey, you heard the boss, I'm off limits for now. We both have to wait until later!

She smiled at him.

I'm glad! You're waiting?

Of course.

She put on her black and white dress and turned in front of him to show it to him.

I don't think I need to tell you that you look so beautiful? You both do!

He smiled at her. There was a glow in her eyes, much brighter than usual.
She stroked her hand over her belly.

Does it show that much?

Freddie came over to the two of them and greeted Bradley.

No G, you can't see a thing. You look great! You're gonna rock it like you always do!

You will! You always do and now you do it again.

He took her hand.

Now go! You're gonna be late!

Yes. B, are you coming with me?

You know I can't, but I can walk you a bit?


Freddie and Sarah stood arm in arm watching the two of them. They were such a sweet couple, who felt they could never get enough of each other and right now she was even more affectionate. They all said their goodbyes and then walked to the car together.

Don't be so nervous, I'm thinking of you and I'm with you.

He drew some loving circles on the back of her hand.

I'm watching your performance.

You mean you'll listen to me sing the song that's for you?

Oh, my dear, it's so easy to see, don't you know I do? I do!

He gently hummed the melody of the song. She got a little emotional when she heard the last two words.

I do too!

He opened the car door for her to get in and gave her another long kiss. For a short moment she closed her eyes and lingered in the moment.

One more!

But the lips-

She pulled him close and gave him another kiss.

Screw the lipstick.

She leaned flush against his body and rested her chin on his chest.

You and Lea wait for us, right?

Of course! I promised her we'd watch your performance! And there'll be a hot chocolate when you get back. She begged me to make some.


Now get out there and show them!

He'll be there too.

It doesn't matter. Remember, you don't have to do anything you don't want to!

I know! You're too sweet!

Gaga! Come on!

They looked into each other's eyes one last time and kissed again before she got in the car and waved at him.
There she went, off to the 94th Grammys.

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