Beautiful window

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Like every evening, I walked through the streets of New York. It had snowed a bit during the night and it was freezing cold, you could even see your breath, but the air was wonderful. However, I didn't mind the cold. I loved walking in the evening when it is already slightly dark and there are only a few people on the streets. It has something calming and I finally has the time to ordenen my thoughts. Finally alone in a silence, it was wonderful, if I'm honest.

On my way I passed many different houses. From some windows light was still shining, but some were completely dark. It was already a little later, but not too late. A scent of food was in the air as I continued to follow the street lights. It was a beguiling smell of noodles and a delicious sauce.

I kept walking, looking at a few gardens every now and then. Even though it wasn't proper, but I couldn't help peeking in a window or two. Through some you could see a kitchen or living room, the TV flickering or someone cooking something. It was kind of cozy.

Just as I was about to turn the corner, however, I stopped infront of a window. A family caught my attention.
A woman in her mid-thirties had her hair up in a bun. Some of her blonde hair fell into her face and framed her beautiful face. She was standing in the kitchen, in front of a high chair where I guessed a little girl was sitting. The baby had a cute little bodysuit on, with little cute unicorns. Not the kitschy kind of unicorns, but the delicate version in gray. She had brownish hair, not very long yet, but long enough to do a little braid with it.

I couldn't help myself and just stood there watching the sweet scene. The woman gave her a small plate of breads or something. She smiled at the little girl. I guess this was her daughter.
After a few seconds, a man also came into the kitchen. He had brown hair and a light stubble beard. To be honest he was very attractive and good looking, the perfect complement to her. The man stood in the doorway watching the woman and the small child.
Just the way he looked at the two of them revealed how much he loved them. Apparently she noticed his gaze and turned around. He came up to her and wrapped her in his arms. With his head on her shoulder, he looked at the little girl. He waved at her and goofed around a bit, but never let go of the woman.

It was a a beautiful and very cute sight and it almost brought tears to my eyes.

The baby held her arms up and signaled to them both that she wanted out of the chair. Her mother took her and put her on the floor. Together they disappeared briefly, I suspect she took the Baby to her nursery or the living room.

The man stayed in the kitchen. He made sure she was completely gone and then quickly closed the kitchen door. At first I was a little confused by what he would do, but then I saw him pull a bouquet of roses from the depths of a cupboard. They looked fresh. So he must have bought them recently and then hidden them there. I could feel his tension and hurry, he wanted to surprise her and tried to hurry before she was back.

The timing was perfect because just when she was back he was done with the flowers. He hid the bouquet behind his back. When her eyes met his, he held the flowers out to her. Her eyes started to glow. The sparkle in her eyes was unmistakable.

I didn't know if there was a reason that he gave her the bouquet, you know like her birthday or their wedding day, but it seemed like it was a normal romantic gesture between them. As if he just wanted to please her and express his love.

Gratefully, she took the flowers and stood on tiptoe. Their height difference must have been about 20 centimeters, but it seemed perfect. They both looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds, deeply absorbed, and then they kissed.

I got a little goosebumps because the moment was so beautiful. It was like in a love movie when the two main characters finally confessed their love to each other. It was as magical a moment as seeing Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper at the Oscars.

I watched the scene in front of me for a few more seconds and although I didn't hear a word they said, I knew an "I love you" passed their lips.
Maybe a slow love song just started on the radio or maybe they just started dancing a little bit to the music in their heads. I could literally hear the hum of his deep voice as he held her hands and swayed to a beat I didn't know.

It was so wrong to watch them all the time, I know. It's not proper and don't think my parents raised me that way, but that was the most beautiful thing I've seen in a long time. I just couldn't help it and had to literally soak up this image of love. Nowadays, unfortunately, it didn't happen very often that two people had such a connection and could express love in such a way. It impressed me and I wished nothing more than to experience such a moment as well. Someone who loves me with all their heart.

So I continued on my way and turned the corner. My thoughts were still with the two of them and how romantic it had been. Because I was too lost in thought, I almost ran into a letterbox. I shook my head briefly and looked at the object in front of me.
"Cooper & Germanotts Family.; mailbox."
I had to blink a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Then a smile unconsciously spread across my face.
So I was right.

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