Parents 5

298 15 3

Oh my god you are cute! Hello, little one!

Her eyes started to light up when she looked at the baby in her arms. She held out a finger to her and immediately the little baby grabbed it.


The typical baby smell went up to her nose and put her in a kind of trance. She loved that smell, could never get enough of it. Deep inside of her the desire to have such a little creature rised again. Her children meant everything to her and was the best thing that could have ever happened to her. As she looked at the baby in her arms, her heart bubbled with motherhood.

Can we get started?

Ridley ran around the room with his script and positioned Adam in his place.

3... 2... Action!

They went through the scene and only needed a few tries to make it perfect. After they were done, the baby was taken from her again, but she couldn't take her eyes off the little one. Her eyes followed the person carrying her out of the room so she could change.
When she was done, she drove back to her hotel. She was done filming for the day and finally had a break.
Bobby sat across from her, smiling at her the whole car ride long.

What's going on?

Critically she drew her eyebrows together and looked at him.


Bobby. I don't like that grin! What are you hiding from me?

He just smiled again and still didn't answer her question.

Bobby damn it, tell me!

There's a letter. It's in your suite.

What kind of letter?

LG don't look at me like that, you have to open it up by yourself.

Oh boy, you're scaring me.

Nothing to be afraid of!

At least it's something.

They spent the remaining 5 minutes of the ride in silence until the car stopped and they could get out. A few fans and paparazzi were already waiting outside. She decided to sign a few autographs and take one or two photos but then just go to her hotel. She had enough for today.
The time here in Italy was very nice, she loved filming and living one of her dreams, but it was also quite exhausting. On the other hand, she missed her children and her husband. It just wasn't the same to see them all via video call, she wanted to have them with her the most.

I'll be in my room, okay? Would be cool if I could have a little time to myself, friends.

The team nodded at her. Everyone was happy on those days if there was even a little free time left and they had some time to relax.
As soon as she got to her suite, she flopped down on her bed. With a big sigh, she closed her eyes and was glad for the rest.


When she noticed the mattress next to her being pushed down by a weight, her eyes shot open. Quickly, she looked beside her and saw him. Immediately, her expression changed to a huge grin and her small body enveloped his.

B! Oh my god! What? How?

She had so much momentum that they rolled across the bed together.

I missed you so much!

His nose was buried in her brown hair to better breathe in her scent. He held her tightly in his arms as her heartbeat calmed down a bit. Stefani pulled her head back a little, just enough to kiss him. He managed to speak a few words between kisses.

I missed you so much too! The children too! All of us!

His hands went lightly under her hoddie, which she had put on after the shoot.

And I missed this so much!

She grinned against his lips.

Mommy needs attention, you know. By the way, we shot the scene today where Patrizia gives birth to Alessandra. That baby was so cute!

Bradley smiled at her and kept kissing her.

I think I want another one. Literally now.

Things continued to heat up. It took a moment for Bradley to realize her words.


He stopped kissing her and straightened up so he was propped on his elbow.

What? Did I say something wrong?

I really hate to interrupt this, but there's a letter for you.

She gave him the same look she had given Bobby earlier, only more annoyed. How important can something be that this had to be interrupted.

I would say there is some very pleasant news.

Bradley handed her the envelope. She turned the letter over and saw her doctor's address on the envelope.

Ah, the results from my last medical examination.

She was about to put it aside again when he took her hand with the letter.

You'll have to look inside.


Shhh, not but. This is important!

Weren't you just talking about happy news?

Yes. Look at it.

He had sparkles in his eyes as she pulled the note out of the envelope and read through the text. Before she had left for Italy, she had had another checkup. Her doctor had already told her that everything was okay, but here she had the written report again.

What's wrong with-

Looks like your wish just came true.

Her hand covered her mouth, which was now wide open.

Oh my god.

She laughed. It seemed so unreal but yet she was so incredibly joyful.

So- you're telling me I'm pregnant?

A sarcastic laugh escaped her. She could not believe it.

Well I don't want to tell you that, but your doctor.

B, that means we're having another baby. We're having our fourth child! Ahhhh, we're getting another baby!

I know! This is so amazing!

Another baby!

Before any tears could leave her eyes, she took his face in her hands and gave him a long kiss, right on the lips.

I never thought this was possible.

Stefani gave him a humorous look.

You're serious? It's not so far-fetched now, when you look at how often-

He gave her another kiss.

That's not what I meant. I meant that when we met, it was clear to me that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, but I could never have imagined all this.

She gave him another kiss.

How did you manage not to say anything?! I mean-

I just happened to see the letter. Bobby left it here and then I took a look. I hope it's ok for you.

Bobby? That man, damn it. I knew he was hiding something from me. Of course it's ok for me, B! Your my husband, the father of all my kids, you know everything about me, it's more than ok! Mine is yours.

He brushed a strand of hair out of her face and laid his head back on the bed. He was so overwhelmed.


This one was in my drafts and I think it's a bit older, but who cares, right? 😂😂😂

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