Hotel night

693 31 14

His motorcycle was parked in the driveway. When he rang the doorbell, the door was immediately ripped open and Stefani jumped towards him. Her legs wrapped around his body and she held onto his neck.

Hey wohow, what's up?

I missed you, B!

He laughed, still holding her and carried her into the house. Stefani still wouldn't let go of him. She buried her face in his neck and breathed in his smell.

I missed you too, that's why I'm here.

She clung to his body like a little monkey.

You know what? I was thinking we could take a little tour? What do you think about that?

Uhum, that's a very good idea. But now, I want to cuddle.

Oh Stef what's wrong? You're not usually so cuddly.

I'm good, I just missed you!

A small chuckle escaped from him again. He knew she was telling the truth, but was still a little surprised.

Ok we'll cuddle and then we'll take a tour?

Yes! Yes, please!

Bradley closed the front door and walked into the living room. Carefully Stefani slid down his body again and stood in front of him. Her brown-green eyes looked into his beautiful blue ones. With fingertips, he brushed a strand of hair from her face. A grin decorated her lips.

What did you-

She pressed back against him and wrapped her arms around him. Bradley lost his balance and fell backwards with her onto the sofa.

Hey Stef, Stef! Look, what's up with you today?

I'm glad you're here, with me, just with me.

His hands caressed her back as she still clung to him.

Sweetheart, you know that all you have to do is call me and I'll come to you?

She didn't answer, just buried her head deeper against his neck.
They both stayed in that position for a long time, cuddling together. At some point, her grip loosened a bit.


Uhum, what is wrong?

I think I need to pee.

He was fascinated by her cuteness. His laugh went right into her ear.

Ok, watch out.

With momentum, he leaned forward and sat up. As he stood up he threw her up like a child so he could hold her properly. One hand was under her thigh and the other was on her back. As if it were a matter of course, he carried her into a bathroom.

I hate to say it but from now on, you'll have to go alone.

Reluctantly, she let go of him and stood on her own feet again. She gave him a smile as he closed the door and left her alone.
In the time she was in the bathroom Bradley went into the kitchen and searched in the fridge for something to eat. Not for a single second did the sweet woman leave his thoughts. He had to smile again when he thought about her. He loved the fact that he could smell her and just hold her.
While he was grabbing a peach from the fridge she came back and walked right up to him again, coming into his arms. One arm wrapped around her waist and with the other hand he tried to eat the peach. Her head was laid against his chest and she watched him.

Hmm, do you want a bite too?

With his mouth full, he was hard to understand, but she knew what he meant. She courageously bit into the fruit and held his hand firmly, as a support to take a bite.

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