Come back to sleep

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It was the middle of the night, at least that's what he thought, until he heard a constant clicking. Desperate, he pressed his face harder into the pillow and narrowed his eyes. His breathing stopped for a moment so he could listen to the sound, perhaps to locate where it was coming from and more importantly, what was causing it.
Just before his patience ran out, the noise stopped. A sigh escaped him as he pulled his covers around him a little tighter. Just as he was about to fall asleep, the clicking started again. Again, he held his breath so he could make sure he wasn't the source of the noise. In fact, that noise was not coming from him. At this point he was panicking a bit because he remembered Stefani being with him for today.
As he sat up, he saw Stefani sitting next to him, typing furiously on her typewriter. After blinking the whole time to get a clear view, he tried to make out what she was doing, but he gave up since his view was too bad.

What's going on?

Almost as if awakened from a trance, her head shot up and her eyes immediately moved to his.

Did I wake you up?

Bradley grabbed his forehead to relieve some of his coming headache.


One of her fingers gently stroked his arm.

I just had this idea, you know, when I saw you sleeping so peacefully.

He had to admit that he was a little annoyed when he woke up, but as soon as he heard her words, the annoyance was gone. One thing only she could manage to do.

That's okay, I guess.

A gentle smile stretched across his face.

Will you read out to me what you're writing?

She gave him a puppy dog look.

Can I finish it first? It's special.

Okay. I mean you're the artist.

He pulled her closer by her shoulder and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Now that I'm awake, I'm going to get something to eat. You too?

She shook her head while laughing.

I'll steal some of your cereals.

For a moment, he looked at her in wonder.

How do you know that I-?

Eat cereal in the middle of the night? It wouldn't be the first time, to be honest. And I think I know you quite good.

They both laughed. Bradley got up and went into the kitchen. As Stefani had said, he came back with a bowl of Lucky Charms and shared the portion with her. He would occasionally shove a spoon into her mouth. When they were done, she continued to diligently type a few keys and he watched her in fascination.



She listened to him, but continued typing a bit more in the meantime.



She looked at him with a frown.

You are so beautiful!

Her look became sweet and she leaned over to him.

I love you!

They both kissed and lost themselves a bit. After a few minutes had passed, she willingly pulled away.

I really love you, but I need to get these thoughts down on paper real quick.

His look was like that of a little puppy, so she almost couldn't resist.

Just come here, come back to sleep. I want to cuddle with you.

Neither Stefani nor Bradley himself understood where these words suddenly came from. Normally Bradley was the type of person who showed his affection and love through subtle ways, but now it was different. He just had to have her lying next to him so he could breathe in her scent and feel her skin against his. He wanted to feel her and her warmth.

I have to use the time I have before you go on tour and enjoy it to the fullest!

That was the argument with which he had convinced her. Almost immediately, she put the typewriter on her nightstand and then snuggled next to him in her comforter. Bradley slid even closer to her and put an arm around her and the rest of his body found a way through the mess of blankets to her as well. They just lay there, cuddeling each other. She had turned off the lights so it was completely dark and neither of them could see a thing. 

I'm going to miss you so much!

She turned her face to him and smiled.

You're at almost every show!

Yes, at ALMOST all of them. Not all of them!

She rolled her eyes playfully and put her hand in his soft, tousled hair.

I'm so glad you were able to make this happen. I wouldn't have lasted a whole week without you!

Nah, that shoot for Gucci was enough for me. Once and never again!

He stuck his head out so that his nose touched hers. Her hand was lying on his bare chest.

Three weeks, but yeah ... you're right. Oh god, we are really cheesy! We are like two teenagers in love.

If we were two teenagers, we would be having sex right now.

Even though he couldn't really see her, he saw the look on her face. A mixture of a mischievous grin and an indignant face.

Bradley Charles Cooper, what did my ears just hear? Was that an offer?

Maybe, but am I not right?

Oh my god , you're really driving me crazy.

Her head was hidden in his neck as she grinned in shame.

Too bad I didn't know you earlier.

Ohh Bradley, are you serious?

I mean for real! Just imagine we would have met back then. God damn it, it would have been wonderful!

Are you really fantasizing now about what our relationship had been like as teenagers? You 28 and me 17.

You had to mention our age now?

He put one hand over his face, trying to not laugh.

Yes and besides that I really think it would have been the same as now.

You think so?

Yeah. I mean what should have changed? Maybe Lea wouldn't be here, but I'm so happy that she is. She's the best and cutest little girl I know! Our family is already one big family and they love each other. Maybe we wouldn't have made A Star is born yet or we wouldn't be so famous by now, but I think everything else would be pretty the same.

Both thought for a moment.

I think you're right. Well, maybe your sister wouldn't make so many comments about our love life because she would be younger then.

Both knew exactly which comments were meant and had a grin on their face.

I love you, Stef.

I love you too, but now I wanna accept this offer before we go back to sleep.

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