Guardians of the Galaxy 3.

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The last day of filming was finished a week ago. Since Bradley found out that Stefani was one speaker in the movie, he was even happier. It was a return for him, but everything was new for Stefani. She didn't know all the people personally and had never recorded anything in a studio. Of course it was somehow similar to the recording studio where she recorded her songs, but there were still huge differences.

It was early in the morning the first day in the recording studio was today. Bradley had promised to pick her up and accompany her. She put on her lipstick again and then went to the car that was waiting outside.


Hey! Good Morning

She half climbed over the center console in the car to hug him.

Thank you for giving me a ride!

No problem, is on the way  anyway.

Stefani sorted her bag, buckled up and then they drove off.

We're going to make a film again. I'm so happy! This is not a film like ASib but it will definitely be great!

When I heard that you spoke for Lylla I was so happy! I love working with you, even if we don't sing together this time.

She smiled at him. How could it happen that two best friends had not been in contact for several months? When she thought about it, the memories came back. It was obvious at the time that both wanted more than just friendship, but it didn't work. The timing was bad and didn't allow them to love each other. They both had a partner, Bradley even had a child and then the whole press. A thousand headlines were published. They couldn't even go out on the streets as friends without someone arriving and calling them homewreckers. Luckily the whole thing had cooled down. It was over a year ago now and the feelings were gone. Finally they could spend time together again as friends.

Are you already excited?

His deep voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

Eh honestly I'm a little afraid that I won't be able to do this.

Bradley looked at her with his ice blue eyes.

It's not A Star is born but all you gotta do is trust me, that's all you gotta do! You can do anything and don't worry, syncing is not that difficult if I can do it you can do it too.

He was just too cute to her.

Thank you! You always know exactly what I need to hear!

Bradley smiled but said nothing. There was a somewhat uncomfortable silence in the car.

Have you got a script yet?

No, Marvel is always super careful. I have no idea what to expect this time.

Well then I'm reassured. I hope Lylla is not a daredevil like Rocket.

Their eyes met. He looked briefly away from the street and looked into her bright green eyes.

Me and daredevil?

He spoke in his rocket voice, which made her giggle.

How is that supposed to be in the studio? I have to laugh even now.

You get used to it. Don't worry so much! It will be fine. You can do it!

He drove into a parking lot, got out and opened the door like a gentleman. She took his hand and climbed out of the car.

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