Getting Closer

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Chapter 73

Getting closer

It had been exactly two weeks since Seth and Mira's little fight, and the two were closer than ever. Seth had been coming over to her house every day after getting off from work to help set up for the baby. Even though he had baby-proofed his guest house already, he still wanted to help the Pascals.

They covered all the outlets, put gates at the staircases, put locks on the cabinets, and everything else the book told them to do.

While Seth had become close with his own family, he couldn't help but enjoy spending time with Mira and her family. The love he felt in that house was palpable. He had even convinced his mom and stepdad to join them for dinner one night.

It was amazing; for the first time in his sixteen years, Seth was truly happy. He felt like there was absolutely nothing he would change. He was going to be a father, and it made him feel happier than he thought possible.

Seth was working at the grocery store, once again stocking shelves. He was bored and tired, but he kept working because he needed that paycheck.

"Seth?" A voice said behind him. He turned and saw his supervisor, Shannon, standing there. "The boss wants to see you."

He sighed and nodded. Great, was he about to get fired? As he made his way to the office, he started thinking about anything he could have done wrong in the last few weeks, his mind panicking. He couldn't lose this job, it was too important. When he reached the open door, he raised a hand and knocked on the door frame.

His boss, Mr. Pevoles, was sitting at his desk

"Seth, come on in," He swept a large hand toward the chair across his desk. "Take a seat." Seth sunk into the chair

"You wanted to see me?" he asked. The boss nodded.

"So rumor has it that the baby is due soon?" Pevoles said. Seth nodded twice.

"Um, yeah, in about a month," he said. The man smiled.

"That's great. I got four of my own," he gestured to the framed picture sitting at the corner of his desk with four teenagers on it. Seth nodded. "Are you excited?"

"Very excited, sir," he said honestly, "I've never been more excited for anything in my life."

"Good, good," Pevoles said. He then leaned forward on his desk, "The reason I called you in here is because your supervisor is leaving and she was supposed to pick someone to be her replacement."

Seth's eyes widened ever so slightly, so he continued, "I know that you have only worked here a few months, but she has recommended you for the job."

"R-really?" he asked. This was unexpected.

"Yes, and I've decided to offer you the job. The hours would be about the same, but you make an extra six dollars an hour. What do you think?"

Seth held his hand out without a second thought, "You got yourself a deal!"

"Oh, ew!" Mira exclaimed. She sat on the couch reading a copy of 'Giving Birth' that she had gotten from the library. She was currently on the chapter about the mucus plug, and was feeling suddenly nauseous. She gagged and closed the book. How the hell was she supposed to actually give birth if just reading about it made her sick?

"Whatcha reading?" Marli asked as she walked into the room, a sandwich in her hand.

Disgusted expression unmoving, Mira held the book up for her sister to see the chapter title.

"Gross!" she yelled, jumping back as if the book had suddenly turned into something by Stephanie Meyer.

"No kidding!" Mira answered, tossing the book beside her and sighing loudly. She was exhausted from her day at school. She was just glad to be home so she could relax.

MetamorphosisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon