Giving up the Sea Monkey

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Chapter 16

Giving up the Sea Monkey

To say that the last couple week had been hard would have been an understatement. Mira honestly did not think that something could be destroying her as much as the thought of actually getting an abortion.

She knew she had no other choice though.

The whole situation was killing everybody around her. Both her siblings were acting different. Marli refused to talk to her. She still thought that their father leaving was all her fault. Mira knew that Matt was secretly blaming her too, he just didn't show it as much as Marli did, seeing as she was pregnant and he didn't want to upset her too much. She just wished she could say the same thing about Seth. He refused to acknowledge her at all. He spent all his time with Ashley at school. She hadn't told him of her plans to abort, but she had a feeling he didn't really care anymore.

School had turned into even more of a complete hell. Even though Ashley had backed off somewhat (now that Seth was hers again), that did not stop others from taunting her. Tons of guys, who now thought she was easy, kept coming up to her and asking for her 'services'. Once or twice they had tried grabbing at her, but Paige gave them such a hard kick to the groin that they still didn't stand up straight even a week later.

Even the teacher treated her differently. They seemed to ignore when people talked badly to Mira in class. Apparently being sixteen and pregnant meant that you deserved to get treated like a low class whore.

Paige and Sara had been amazing. Sara had painstakingly offered to drop out of Les Miserables (she had gotten the role of Eponine) but Mira had refused to let her. So when she could, Sara helped her with homework, comfort her when her emotions became overwhelming, and even crossed off all the graffiti on the bathroom wall. Paige had called her everyday, helped carry her books, and drove her to and from school. She knew they were all attempts to get her to change her mind about having an abortion.

Even though she was having second thoughts herself, she knew it had to be done. There was no way she could do this. There were so many reasons.

The main reason, though, was for her mom. Ever since Adam left, she knew that Audrey was completely fallen apart. Apparently he was staying in a hotel across town, seeing as that's the number that showed up on the caller ID whenever he tried to talk to Audrey.

The two had tried to meet up and talk, but it always ended in the same thing; you were supposed to give her the sex speech, you let her go to the party, I can't deal with it, etc.

She knew that her mom was trying to be strong, but her armor was clearly cracked. The man she had loved and had been married to for the last twenty years had abandoned her. It killed Mira to see her mother in so much pain. And she knew that having an abortion was the only way to save everyone.

She had called the clinic and scheduled an appointment for tomorrow. She would have done it a few weeks ago, but every time she tried, she chickened out.

What made it harder was that she was now almost twelve weeks pregnant. Almost in the second trimester.

Her appointment was scheduled for Halloween night, the only spot they had open for the next few weeks.

Mira walked into school where everybody was wearing a costume. She had twelve hours to go until her appointment.

She saw Paige and Sara talking to a few other girls and walked past them.

Sara's hair was straitened and in a ponytail on the top of her head. She had on a purple shirt under a black leather vest/jacket, leather fingerless gloves, and leather heeled boots. And what looked like a utility belt around her slim waist.

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