This Is War

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Chapter 68

This is War

Marli came home to a quiet house. She closed the front door and was about to call out when she saw her sister sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Hey Marli," she called over her shoulder. Seth and his mom had left about an hour ago, and her parents were still sleeping, so she had settled down on the couch for some alone time.

"Hey Mira," the preteen replied. Marli walked over and sat beside her. "What are we watching?"

"16 and Pregnant," Mira answered. Marli couldn't help but snort.

"Why are you watching that? Aren't you kinda living it?"

Mira nudged her. "Shut up, sis. There is nothing else on."

To her surprise, Marli snuggled up against her and leaned her head on her shoulder. Seeing as the younger girl's recent behavior had been bratty and mocking, Mira was touched by her sudden movements. The two sisters had always been close. When Marli had been very young –two or three- she would always climb in bed with Mira instead of her parents. Audrey and Adam would awaken to find their two girls sleeping soundly in the elder's bed.

Now the two sat silently on the sofa, no longer very young children, and contemplated their relationship.

"Marli?" Mira asked quietly. Marli looked up at her.


"You know I love you, right?" Marli rolled her eyes, but Mira persisted, "I'm serious," she sat up straighter and forced her little sister to look at her, "I know things have been rough between us lately, but I just want you to know that I love you, no matter what."

Marli was silent for a moment, mulling over her words. "It's the pregnancy hormones, isn't it?"

Mira smiled. This was Marli's way of reciprocating her sisterly love. But that didn't mean that Mira wasn't going to punish her.

"Fine," she said with a smirk, picking up the remote, "We're watching Glee! And it's the Sectionals episode!"


Seth checked his watch for the third time and tapped his foot on the asphalt in impatience. Yesterday had been quite a day for him, he and his mother had reconciled and it felt… good. He felt like an enormous weight had been lifted off his chest. His mom had let him stay home from school again today so he could do this.

Seth ignored the shiver that raced down his spine when he saw the green van pull into the parking lot. He took a couple deep breaths and tightened his coat around himself.

The van parked about ten feet away from him and the driver door opened and slammed slut. Joseph Elsen slowly approached him. For a minute, the two men just stared at each other. Seth could feel his heart pounding in his ribcage. When he had encountered this man two days ago, he had gotten molested and terrified out of his mind. But this time he was prepared. He did not risk bringing his dog, but he had a can of mace in his sleeve.

"Well," Joseph finally said, "I was surprised to hear from you so early."

"I'll bet," he replied. Keep it casual, he told himself.

Joseph raised an eyebrow and took a swig the silver flask he pulled out of his leather jacket pocket. Seth kept almost completely still, preparing himself.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to tell you that… I changed my mind about your offer. I'd like to take you up on it."

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