Girl's Day Out

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Chapter 20

Girl's Day Out

"Why didn't you tell us?" Paige demanded as soon as Mira was in the front seat of her Miata.

"Because my grandmother's reaction was pretty much what I expected.

"Did you really tell her to fuck off?" Sara asked, leaning over the side of the front seat. Mira nodded. Paige and Sara exchanged proud looks.

It was Sunday, three days after the thanksgiving incident and the girls were on the way to Sara's for a movie day.

"So, what movies did you get?" Mira asked, picking up the blockbuster bag on the floor.

"Dirty Dancing, Shakespeare in Love, and West Side Story." Paige answered, pressing on the gas to get through a yellow light.

"We thought that since thanksgiving sucked, we could treat you to a romantic movie day!" Mira grinned.

"I love you guys!"

The three girls walked through Sara's front door. Her house was a very nice, two-story build.

"Sara, where have you been?" they heard her mother, Adriana, call from the next room. Adriana was an amazingly beautiful Latina (think someone like Penelope Cruz). Sara had inherited her beautiful looks.

"At the video store, mama. The girls and I are gonna have a movie day here." At that, Adriana walked out into the room. Her thick, brown-black hair hung around her face and her dark brown eyes shifted from her daughter to Mira's baby bump.

"Sara, reunirse conmigo en la cocina" Her mother suddenly said. Paige and Mira knew that her parents would speak Spanish to Sara when they didn't want the two blondes to know something. (Translation: can I see you in the kitchen?)

"¿por qué?" Sara replied, raising her eyebrows. (Translation: why?)

"Necesito hablar con usted en privado" Adriana replied, narrowing her eyes. Sara huffed and turned to her friends. (Translation: i want to see you in private)

"I'll be right back guys." She said before stalking off into the kitchen, her mother behind her.

The next several minutes were filled with the two Morgansons screaming in Spanish. Paige leaned over to Mira.

"You know this wouldn't be so awkward if one of us would just learn Spanish." Mira smirked.

"Hey, she's only half Latina. And she doesn't speak Spanish around us, so why should we learn it?" Mira countered. Paige looked thoughtful.

"Hm, good point."

Sara emerged from the kitchen angrily with her mother behind her.

"Mamá ¡Cállate! Me voy!" she walked toward her friends. (translation: Mama, shut up!)

"Come on. Change of plans. Lets have the movie day somewhere else." The curly brunette said as she charged down the front porch steps toward the car.

"What was that about?" Mira asked. Sara glared at her.

"My mom's just being a bitch… again. So where we headed?" the two blondes looked at each other. Something was definitely up with Sara.

"Um, I guess we can have it at my house." Paige offered.

Fifteen minutes later, the girls were planted on Paige's cream colored leather couch, 'Dirty Dancing' playing on the TV in front of them.

"Ah, Patrick Swayze, may you rest in peace." Sara sighed, staring dreamily at the actor.

Metamorphosisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें