Double Checking

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Chapter 2

Double Checking

She was pregnant. She was 16… and she was having a baby. What was she going to do? Sitting on the edge of the tub, she let her head slump and tears slip down her cheeks. She was so screwed. Her life was over. She shoved the positive test back into the box and stuffed it in her purse. She would throw it in the garbage can later. The pregnancy test, that is.

The next day, Mira walked into school with a nervous heart. As she headed down the hall toward her locker, she saw Seth Elsen making out with his girlfriend, Ashley Warner. Ashley was beautiful. Long silky black hair, icy blue eyes, and perfect skin, she was basically the hottest girl in school. Mira wanted to talk to Seth, but wanting to avoid the death glare from Ashley, she walked past the two.

She saw Paige Taylor and Sara Morganson standing in front of her locker. They both stopped talking and smiled as she approached them.

"Hey, girl." Sara greeted. Sara's long curly brown hair was pulled into a ponytail with wispy strands around her face. She was tall and thin, with chocolate brown eyes. She was known for her amazing singing voice. She was in all the school musicals and drama productions. She had played Christine in the freshman production of "phantom of the opera" last year.

"You didn't return my calls last night." Paige said, stepping to the side so Mira could reach her locker. Paige's past shoulder length platinum blonde hair was in two pigtails. She was known in this school for her ability to know the latest about every person and celebrity. She went through nine boyfriends her freshman year. And in the last four weeks of sophomore year, she had gone through two. Paige came from a wealthy family, so she had some of the finest clothes in the school. Her hazel eyes were surrounded by thick eye shadow and eyeliner.

"I was… busy." Mira said quietly. Paige shrugged before leaning closer to her friend excitedly.

"Well anyways, what I wanted to tell you was that my parents are going on date night tonight and you both are coming over." Mira looked up. Paige was also known for making the best cocktails, and every time they had a sleepover, they would raid her father's awesome liquor cabinet. She bit her lip. She couldn't have any alcohol with the baby.

"What about Zack?" she asked. Zack was Paige's 11 year old brother. He'd had a thing for Marli for several years. Paige scoffed.

"He's going to a friend's house. So you there?"

"I'm there." Sara said, grinning. Mira closed her locker.

"I don't think I can." She said. Both her friend's eyebrows rose.

"Why?" Paige asked. Mira sighed; she figured she should tell them.

"Do you… remember Shelia Collins' party a few weeks ago?"

"Barely." Paige answered.

"What about it?" Sara asked. Mira ducked her head between her friends'.

"I slept with Seth Elsen." Both girls gasped and stared at her.

"Oh my god! Are you serious?" Sara exclaimed. Mira nodded.

"Why are you telling us this now? Why not sooner?" Paige asked, jumping up and down. Mira's eyes slowly descended to the ground.

"The-the condom he used… it br-broke." She stuttered, lightly resting her hand on her stomach.

It took a few seconds for her friends to understand her message. Both their jaws dropped and their eyes widened.

"What the…" Sara began.

"Are you…" Paige also began. Mira nodded sadly at them.

"How?" the brunette whispered.

"…by having sex." Mira said, confused.

"No! I mean, how sure are you?"

"I took a test."

"Just one?" Paige asked. She nodded. "Well, after school I'll drive us to the drugstore and buy a couple more."

"What's the point? The one I took said it was positive."

"We have to be completely sure."

"Um… ok sure." At that moment, the bell rang. The three girls headed for their first class.

When the end of the day bell rang, Mira and Sara ran to Paige's car. The platinum blonde stood impatiently in front of her silver Convertible.

"What took so long?" she asked.

"I had to grab my wallet from my locker." Sara said as she climbed in the front seat.

"How much do you have?" Paige asked them.

"Twenty-eight bucks." Sara answered.

"About six dollars." Mira said from the back seat.

"Ok, I have thirty. That should be enough to get some tests." She pulled out of the parking lot and into the direction of the nearest Walgreens. She parked in the parking space and they all got out.

Mira scanned the shelves of the health aisle quickly. Her friends searched the shelves beside her.

"Remember, we're looking for the quickest and earliest results." Mira whispered out the corner of her mouth.

"We know." Sara replied.

The three girls chose several pregnancy tests. They headed to the self check-out line and scanned the items.

"How exactly am I supposed to pee on eight different tests at one time? I don't even have to go." Mira said. Paige looked up.

"You're right. Sara, go get a big gallon of Sunny D." Sara nodded and ran off.

"I'm not drinking an entire gallon of sunny delight!" Mira exclaimed.

"Why not? It worked on Juno!" Sara returned with the orange gallon and slid across the scanner. Paige slipped her cash into the machine and collected her change and receipt. She thrusts the drink into Mira's hands. "Start drinking. You can take the tests at my house." The teen took it and began drinking.

They arrived at Paige's house ten minutes later. Mira's stomach was aching for all the Sunny D. And it was only half gone. Paige parked her car in the garage and they hurried into her house.

"Hey girls!" her mother called. They said their polite hellos and headed up the stairs to the teen's room.

Once safe in her room, Sara closed and locked the door. Mira and Paige pulled the tests out of the bags. They carried them into the bathroom and placed them on the counter.

"Take the tests in here." Mira nodded and opened one. Reading the instructions, she was about to undo her jeans when she saw her friends were in the room with her. She glared at them.

"Get out." they both grinned sheepishly and walked out, closing the door behind them.

An hour later, Mira walked out of the room, eight positive pregnancy tests in her hands.

"They're all positive." She said, showing the other teens. Paige's head dropped into her hands. Sara sat on the bed. "I'm really pregnant."

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