Moonlight Whispers

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Chapter 52

Moonlight Whispers

Mira rested her head against the cold library window and sighed, letting her breath mist over the glass. Her eyes stared off at the school parking lot. Paige had told her the exact spot where Seth had been attacked, and her blue eyes remained glued there.

Since the moment she had found out he was going to the hospital, one thought continued to haunt her mind.

"I could really lose him"

It never ceased to amaze her how often Seth Elsen was on her mind. The young man's face was the only thing she could think about. After being so angry at him for the last month and a half, it was a surprise that she had completely shut down while waiting for him to wake up in the hospital.

The spot her eyes were fixated on seemed darker than the rest of the parking lot. It appeared the snow on that square foot of space was dark, tainted, and dirty.

Resting her arms on her stomach, she sighed heavily. The last week had been very difficult. With the guilty feelings about almost getting Seth killed, fear over talking to Paige and Sara again, and trying to focus on the adoption plan, she could barely make herself get through the day.

And at home, things were just as bad. All Marli and Audrey seemed to be able to do was argue. Her little sister would always create fights with the older woman and then storm off to her room or Zack's house. Mira found it best to stay in her room.

Mira had looked up symptoms of depression and most of them seemed to match her feelings. But for some reason, she did not feel depressed she felt distant. Many times, she found herself just staring off into space, thinking about nothing. At night, she woke up from nightmares. In those nightmares, Seth never woke up.

"Hey Mira,"

She nearly jumped three feet in the air when she heard the familiar voice from beside her. "Jesus, Zeke!" she gasped, clasping both hands over her heart. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"Sorry. You were standing here all by yourself and you looked like you could use some company."

Mira eyed the tall quarterback slowly, "did Ava send you?" she asked in suspicion.

He shook his head. "What-no, of course not!"

Mira stared at him.

"Okay, a little." He admitted sheepishly. Mira sighed and turned back to the window. "Ava's worried about you." Zeke added.

"Do you like the snow, Zeke?" she suddenly asked. Zeke's look of surprise went unnoticed. He walked up to the window and stood beside her they both watched the snow fall from the clouds.

"Snow? It's okay," he answered.

Mira continued staring at a single point in the parking lot. "I like the snow. It somehow manages to cover up places you want to forget about."

Zeke leaned forward until his head was next to hers (a hard task, seeing as he was over a foot taller than her) and looked at the point she was staring at.

When he finally realized the location, he heard her let out a small sniffle. "Mira?"

"It's just hard," she whispered. "Every second I think about it makes me realize… he could have died… because of me, you know."

The tall boy placed a large hand on her back soothingly. "At least he made it out okay. It could have been a lot worse."

"I know." She finally looked up into his warm, caramel-colored eyes. "But I can't help the guilty feeling."

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