First Day Back

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Chapter 37

First Day Back

Sara leaned against the wall and looked over her new schedule, but it was not what she was thinking about.

As soon as the young opera singer had walked through the doors of the school, everything felt... off. She had walked down the hall and completely passed Paige at her locker, neither girl giving each other more than a glance.

It depressed the brunette that she was not talking to either of her best friends. And from what she gathered, Paige and Mira weren't on speaking terms either. Also, because of this ordeal, Sara was barely talking to her mother.

Another thing she noticed was that Seth Elsen kept glancing at the entrance doors, as if waiting for someone. Red-headed Camille walked by him in an extremely low-cut top and he didn't even notice. She guessed he was waiting for Ashley to come by. After all, now that Mira was going to that other school, he really had no reason to act like he cared anymore, right?

But she practically did a double take when she saw her pregnant ex-bff walk through the door.

Seth had been mentally preparing himself for his soon-to-be encounter with Mira for the last several days, but he still felt his heart pounding in his ribcage as soon as he saw her.

He rested his head against his open locker door and watched as she bravely walked down the hall.

"Enjoying the view?" he heard Brian's voice say behind him. The boy looked at his best friend and rolled his eyes.

"Shut the fuck up, dude"

Mira looked at her schedule then back at the classroom number in front of her.

"Room 239... 239, where are you?" she mumbled to herself.

The teen tried to shift her stack of notebooks in her arms, and ended up spilling them all over the ground.

"Shit," She groaned. At five months pregnant, it was a bit difficult for her to bend over or crouch down. She could feel embarrassment bubbling as she awkwardly tried to get a hold of one of the spirals.

And it really did not help that all the people around just kept walking past her.

Just as she was about to give up and kick the fucking notebooks the rest of the way, she came face to face with a head full of brown hair.

"I got it," Seth said as he kneeled down and gathered up the items. Mira quickly straitened up and stared at him.

He stood and stacked them neatly against his palm and held them out to her, "Here you go."

She hugged them close to her chest, "Thanks."

There was a moment of awkward silence, and then she broke it.

"Well I better get to class." She walked around him and began down the hall.

Please, please just let me leave and don't-

"Mira?" he called.


Letting out a breath through the side of her mouth, she turned to him.

"What?" she asked. He drew his lips into his mouth and raked his fingertips through his coarse brown hair nervously.

"Um, how are you?"

"Pregnant. And yourself?" came her immediate answer. Seth leaned against the nearest wall and looked down at his sneakers. She knew that this was uncomfortable for him; and she was glad. She had told him to stay away from her and since he refused, she was going to make it a bit difficult for him.

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