Reality Check

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Chapter 6

Reality Check

"You did what?" Paige yelled. She had stopped by Mira's house to drop off some work she missed while she had been in the bathroom throwing up. The two were in her room, Paige on the bed and Mira struggling to button a pair of jeans around her hips.

"I told him. I had to." Mira responded. "God damn it! Nothing fricking fits anymore!" she yelled in frustration.

"Well that's what happens when you're pregnant." Paige replied calmly. Mira glared at her and turned towards the mirror.

"I'm still in shock over this. I can't get over how I let this happen." Her friend nodded sympathetically.

"I know. I wish there was something I could do to help." Mira gave a bitter laugh.

"Believe me, so do I." She paused and lifted up the front of her shirt. Her once flat stomach was now slightly rounded. It was barely noticeable, but it was definitely there. She looked at her best friend. "I have to tell my parents." Paige looked up.

"Are you sure?" Mira nodded, then looked back at the mirror and shrugged.

"I'll have to eventually. I mean, I keep getting fatter everyday and I can't get an abortion."

"Isn't Seth coming over later?"

"Yea, we're going out to talk." Paige leaned back on the bed.

"Well… good luck with that. You wanna borrow my pepper spray keychain in case he tries any of his sexy bullshit?" Mira smiled sadly.

"I might just need it."

Mira she slowly walked into the kitchen where her parents stood at the counter preparing dinner.

"Mom? Dad?" she said quietly. They both turned and saw their eldest daughter shakily standing before them. "Um, I'm going out later."

"With who?" Audrey asked as she chopped up tomatoes. Mira shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant.

"Just… a friend from school. You don't know him."

"Ok, well, have fun honey." Audrey said with a smile.

"Thanks mom." As she walked out of the kitchen, her heart felt so heavy. Her parents trusted her enough to let her go out with a guy they don't know. How was she going to tell them she's pregnant?

Seth was leaning against the counter at 'Stake n Shake', staring blankly at the cash register.

"Hello!" he heard a voice say. He looked up and saw a long line of people waiting to pay their tabs.

"Oh, sorry." He said, punching a few buttons on the register. The person in line grumbled and shoved the money at the teenager. Seth's best friend, Brian Samuels walked up beside him.

"Dude, you ok? You're really out of it today." He shrugs.

"I really don't know. Can… you take over the register for me? I need to take a break." Brian nods and takes the distressed teen's place.

Seth walked to the back room and sank into a chair. Raking his fingers through his dark brown hair, he leaned his head back. All day, the only thing he could think of was Mira. Part of him wanted to believe that she was just making this up to get his attention. That she was just another psycho. But he knew that she wouldn't do something like that. Though he didn't know her very well, he knew that she probably didn't enjoy the sex as much as he did and she probably did not want more.

Three hours later, Seth pulled up in front of Mira's house. It was a large, friendly looking place. With a perfectly manicured front lawn and large driveway, it seemed to suit her friendly personality. He pressed his palm against the horn and waited, letting Grateful Dead flood from the speakers.

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