Animal Let Loose

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Chapter 43

Animal Let Loose

Henry Cresslin frowned and set his coffee mug back on the table, staring at the four people sitting across from him.

After formulating their plan with Seth for five solid days, Ava had been texting Mira and asking questions about the first time Jake had hit her. The blonde admitted that she talked to a young gay man and for some reason Jake got jealous and began beating her. And surprisingly, the name of the older redhead was familiar to Sara.

"Henry Cresslin?" Sara said after Ava announced the story that Mira just told her.

"Yeah, you know him?" Ava asked. Seth and Paige looked up from their respective text messages to look at the curly brunette.

Sara's eyebrows rose into her forehead and she nodded, "Yeah, he graduated last year. He was in the orchestra for 'Phantom of the Opera' last year. Didn't any of you go?"

The three other teenagers looked down guiltily. Sara sighed heavily and continued, "I got to know him on the set. He was a really nice guy." She paused and picked up her purse, "I think I still have his…Aha!" she held up her phone triumphantly. Seth, Ava, and Paige looked at the screen.

Henry Cresslin


Seth smirked, "Nice work, Sara. Call him and tell him to meet you at the coffee shop later today."

"I have to say," Henry said, "when Sara called and asked me to meet her here, I didn't expect there to be so many people."

"There's a reason why they're here" Sara said quickly, nodding at Seth to take over. The brunet pulled out a small photograph out of his wallet and held it across the table. Henry took it and saw it was a picture of the young pregnant girl he had met at the New Year's party.

"Recognize her?" Seth asked. Paige, Sara, and Ava exchanged looks; why did Seth carry around a picture of Mira in his wallet?

"Yeah, I met her at a party. I think her name's… Myra?"

"Mira." Seth corrected, "You met her at a new year's eve party, right?"

Henry nodded, still clueless as to where this was going. He saw the four teens across from him exchange glances and asked "what does she have to do with anything?"

"We were hoping for some information." Paige prompted before sipping at her latte.

The older boy frowned and leaned back in his chair. "Um, I don't exactly know much about this girl…"

"Not about her." The platinum blonde interrupted, "about her boyfriend, Jake Peterson. You know black hair…" Sara and Ava were quick to add;

"Dark eyes"

"Plays the violin"

"Pubic hair growing outta his fucking chin," Seth mumbled. Ava elbowed his side. Henry looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded.

"Yes I know Jake, he and my boyfriend Alec are good friends."

"We think…" Sara trailed off, unsure how to word this, "We think that he and Mira are having some problems, and we want to know what kind of person he is."

The redhead nodded slowly and shifted his gaze to the other three. "I know why you and Paige are concerned," he stated, then waved his hand at Seth and Ava "but who are these two."

"I'm the latest bff." Ava said simply. Henry looked at Seth, who seemed to have a strong sense of resentment toward Jake Peterson.

"I'm the baby daddy." He mumbled. The redhead looked at him in confusion.

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