First Cut is the Deepest

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Chapter 44

First Cut is the Deepest

"Matt, hurry up!" Mira called from her reclining position on the sofa.

"Woman, will you let me make the damn sandwich?" he yelled back, opening the jar of mayonnaise and lathering the slices of bread.

Audrey had known that Matt was off from work, so she had asked her son to stay home with Mira while she ran some errands. The eldest Pascal did not mind, it had been a while since he had spent any time with his sister. While most brothers did not like hanging out with their younger siblings, Matt enjoyed it.

"Well pick up the pace, I'm hungry!" the pregnant blonde paused the show she was watching and propped herself up on her elbows. "Feeding for two here, remember?"

"Try two hundred." Matt mumbled to himself. He took a couple paper plates from a cabinet and placed the sandwiches on them.

"Finally," she exclaimed, taking her plate from her brother and sinking her teeth into it greedily. He laughed.

"You know, you being pregnant has turned you into the eating buddy I always wanted." he said in amusement. Mira smiled at him around her sandwich.

"Well, it's nice to be one of the guys!" she replied, playfully punching her brother's shoulder. He smiled in reply and very gently returned the punch to his sister's shoulder, only to have her severely flinch and back away before he even touched her.

"So what was the fun part Jake?" Seth asked, fist raised and bouncing his weight from foot to foot like a professional boxer.

"Of what?" the musician snapped back, his body in the same position.

"Of abusing weaker people. Was it the power?" Jake aimed a punch at Seth's head, which he dodged. "Or maybe it was the fact that your so much of a sociopath that it was all fun." this time, Seth managed to get a solid blow to Jake's left shoulder, which he grabbed in pain.

Jake knew that this was not a fight he was going to win. The angrier teen clearly had the upper hand. It appeared that the only way Jake was going to be able to get Seth out of his way would be to change the rules a bit. He casually leaned his arm into the bed of his truck to reach for his secret weapon.

"No actually," he answered, preparing himself. "It had to be the look on your little girlfriend's face when she figured out you weren't going to save her."

That did it. Seth's posture slumped slightly for a second, clearly startled by that statement. Jake saw something that looked like hurt flash in his eyes before the tell-tale look of rage took over.

As the taller brunet came at him, ready to attack with the intention to kill or possibly maim; Jake flicked open his switchblade and aimed it at Seth's gut.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Paige exclaimed, stomping her expensive shoe onto the gas pedal to get through a yellow light. Ava, who was sitting in the front seat, exchanged fearful glances with the curly brunette in the backseat.

"I sent him that text message to tell him that Mira wouldn't be at school today, I didn't think about how he would take it." Ava yelled back.

It was true, she had sent that message to say that Mira would be absent, therefore giving Seth and the angels time to think of a revenge plan. Ten minutes after she sent it did she realize that its contents would probably send Seth over the edge and cause him to do something drastic. She immediately called her other female allies and told them of her misdoings.

Paige had told her to get ready and grab a weapon, this could get ugly.

"Ava, Seth could do some serious damage to Jake. That could get him in trouble with the law!" Paige said loudly. Ava, who was not used to being around such girly drama queens- besides Mira of course- sighed heavily.

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