Lets all give Thanks

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Chapter 19

Lets all give Thanks

Mira lay on her bed, legs dangling over the edge, grunting as she tried to close a pair of jeans over her stomach.

"Crap!" she exclaimed. She couldn't get the button within three inches of the hole.

It had been almost two weeks since the ultrasound, and Mira's stomach had truly started to grow.

Giving up, she walked down the stairs in her pajamas.

"Mom?" she called.

"Yeah?" Audrey called back. Mira followed the voice into the den where her mother sat at her computer.

"I have a problem." The teen announced. Audrey immediately turned to her daughter.

"What is it? Feel sick? Do you need the doctor?" she stood up and pressed her hand to her daughter's forehead. Mira swatted her hands away. Her mother had gone into super-protective mode the last few weeks. It was very annoying sometimes.

"No mom, I'm fine. I have a problem clothes-wise." She gestured to her belly. "Nothing fits anymore."

A large smile crossed her mothers face.

"I think I can help you there. Follow me."

Audrey led her up the stairs all the way to the attic. Mira looked around the dusty room.

"What a dump!" she said as her mother took a large box from atop a pile.

"Here it is!" she sang, setting it in front of the teen. The words 'MATERNITY CLOTHES' were written across it in marker. "I was hoping I wouldn't be opening this box for another five or ten years, but I guess you need it now more than the attic currently does"

She tore the tape off the top and opened it, revealing a large mass of colorful fabrics. Mira let out a small breath.

"Mom, they're beautiful!" she said softly. "But how do we know they'll fit?"

"Because you're about the same size I was when I was pregnant." Mira reached into the box and pulled out a shirt.

It was a blood red long sleeved shirt with what looked like a jacket over it. But Mira saw that it was all one garment. "I like this." she said, holding it up to her body. Audrey looked at it and smiled.

"I bought that when I was pregnant with Marli. I saw it at the store and knew I had to have it. Your father loved it too." Her tone dropped slightly at the mention of Adam.

"Do you think he'll be here for Thanksgiving?" Audrey shook her head.

"I doubt it. He hasn't really returned my phone calls." Mira opened her mouth to ask what was going to happen between them when the older woman interrupted, "you're grandmother called, though. She's flying in from Florida for dinner."

The dark green top that Mira had been examining slipped out of hand as she stared at her mother in disbelief.

"What? Your mother, the most judgmental, religious, 'sex-before-marriage-gets-you-into-hell' person in the world is coming to our house in four days, just when I'm starting to show?" even though Mira had told her parents and siblings, the rest of the family was completely in the dark about the baby. Everybody, that is, except their Aunt Leda.

Adam's younger sister, twenty-nine year old Leda Pascal, was more of a big sister to her nieces and nephew than an aunt. She had called the Pascal house last week and halfway through the conversation; Mira broke down and told her. The woman had been both shocked and excited. She had asked where her asshole brother was so she could call and tear him a new one, but Mira told her they had no idea. Leda promised to come at Thanksgiving and kick his ass.

MetamorphosisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora