Remembering Faults

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Chapter 3

Remembering Faults

"This sucks." Mira said; it was the first thing said in almost five minutes. Sara and Paige nodded.

"Well, what are you going to do? Are you going to tell your parents?" the pregnant teen's eyes widened and she shook her head.

"Hell no! They would kill me! I need time to think of what to tell them."

"What about Seth?" Paige asked. Mira shook her head to that too.

"He won't care." She replied sadly. It was true, she was afraid if she told him, then he would force her to get an abortion. Either that or he'd deny that it's his and never speak to her again. He was such an asshole. She blamed him for this.

Seth Elsen was not exactly what people would call a 'gentleman'. He had nothing against women; they were his favorite type of people. Especially the hot ones. He had that sort of charm that made almost every girl he met want to sleep with him. He was currently dating one of the hottest chicks in his entire school. He liked Ashley, really he did, but sometimes he needed a bit more than one girl. He didn't consider it cheating; it was just a way to use up all his extra energy.

Five weeks ago, Shelia Collin's end of the summer party was going to be a good night for him. He had several condoms in his pocket, Ashley was in something tight and revealing, and he was drunk and horny as hell. They had been making out on the couch with several other couples. He was about to ask her to go upstairs when she spotted a few of her friends. So she ditched him for them. Seth was beyond pissed off, so he decided to go upstairs anyway and try to calm down. Then he ran into her.

Mira had barely even wanted to go to the party. Her two best friends had talked her into it. She had had a few drinks and went upstairs to get away from the noise and use the bathroom. She had just been heading out when she ran into him. Literally, the two tipsy teens collided, Seth spilling his beer all over her white halter top and black skirt. That was what started it all.

The two stayed upstairs and talked. She was so out of it that she barely noticed his eyes kept staring at her see-through top. This girl was pretty hot. He was so horny, he decided to turn on his charm and see if he could get lucky with this girl. All it took was three steps.

Step 1. He flashed his million watt smile and moved closer to her.

Step 2. He complimented her appearance and said how surprised he was that he hadn't notice her before.

Step 3. He slowly ran his hand through her hair before resting it on her cheek and leaned in to kiss her.

She was pretty much putty in his hand. Her arms wound around his neck and she kissed back enthusiastically. From what he could tell, she was a pretty good kisser. He wondered what else she could do with her mouth.

One thing led to another and soon, he grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up, her legs were wrapped around his waist as he carried her towards the nearest bed.

Mira honestly didn't know what the hell she was thinking. Seth Elsen's charm and great looks had gotten to her. His hands hastily slid her skirt up, her underwear off, and her shirt up. He slipped on a condom that he pulled from his pocket before beginning. She immediately regretted her decision. Apparently he was too drunk to realize she was a virgin, because he started fast and rough. He was seriously hurting her. And her lips were too busy being crushed under his to tell him to slow down. Every time she tried to pull her head away, he sealed their lips together again. She couldn't push him away because her arms were pinned between their bodies.

His hands were violent, one held her head from moving away while the other groped every inch of her skin that it could. It was over almost as quickly as it had begun. He rested his head against her chest for a minute before sitting up and pulling out. He tugged off the condom and tossed it into the trashcan beside the bed. If he had been paying more attention, he would have realized earlier that the condom had a small tear in it from his eagerness to get it open.

Mira propped herself up on her elbows and wiped a drop of blood off her bruised lips. Seth was already pulling his jeans back on. She slid her underwear back up her legs and fixed her skirt. He lets out a breath.

"Thanks kid, I really needed that." Before she could say anything, he continued. "You should probably clean yourself up. See ya at school, Mara." And with that, he walked out of the room.

Later, after she had cleaned herself up (and wiped blood from certain areas) she went downstairs after calling a cab. She couldn't find Paige to ask for a ride and she didn't want to call her parents. When she reached the lower level, the first thing she saw was Seth making out with Ashley again. She had run outside with tears in her eyes and waited for the cab.

Mira wiped the tears that filled her eyes before laying her head back on her pillow. She had come home and eaten dinner before going to lay down and think. Her appetite was suddenly incredible. She had eaten everything at the table. Now she realized she needed to be more careful about her actions, someone in her family could recognize the pregnancy symptoms.

What was she going to do? Abortion? Adoption? Keep it and be a teen mommy? She needed more help with this.

Reaching one hand over to her bedside table, she picked up her cell phone. She sent a text message to Paige.

'I need a ride tomorrow'

'Where to?'

'The clinic downtown. Cant risk asking my parents for a ride'


'Need to see a doctor to get some options and advice'

'K, I'll drive you there after school'

'Thanks Paige appreciate it'

Hopefully a doctor could give her some options. Placing one hand on her belly, she closed her eyes and fell into a baby-nightmare-filled sleep.

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