Confirmations and Discussions

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Chapter 4

Confirmations and Discussions

Mira walked into school the next day and approached her friends. They appeared to be deep in conversation.

"Hey guys," she greeted softly.

"Hey how are you?" Sara asked, concerned. She shrugged.

"Ok, I guess. My stomach feels weird."

"Well, don't worry about it. Maybe the doctor can give you some answers and some options." Paige said, trying to be optimistic. Mira nodded.

"Maybe." The three looked up as the morning bell rang. Paige and Sara waved goodbye and started toward their class. Mira began to follow when she felt her stomach churn. Clapping a hand over her mouth, she bolted to the empty bathroom and vomited into the toilet.

When she was finished, she slowly sank to the ground. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks but she didn't even care if they smeared her mascara. She had worse things to worry about. Her first morning sickness had been a bit scarier than she had expected. She pulled a packet of Altoids from her purse and popped a few into her mouth to get that taste out.

She sat there for a few more minutes before deciding it was time to go to class. Standing up, she flung her backpack over her shoulder and headed out into the hallway.

As she was walking out the door, someone collided with her, sending her back against the wall. She saw Seth Elsen fall on the floor from the impact. When he saw it was her, a grin crossed his face.

"We have to stop meeting like this." He said slyly. She rolled her eyes and started toward her class. "Where you going?"

"Class." She answered simply. Almost immediately, he was by her side.

"May I escort you there?" he asked, a smirk playing at his lips.

"No, leave me alone." She said, still refusing to look at him.

"Come on, can't I just try to be a good friend?"

"You don't need to walk me anywhere because I'm already there." She turned away from him and walked into the classroom she was standing before.

"You're late, Ms. Pascal." Mrs. Robins said, glaring at the teen over her red-rimmed glasses.

"Sorry, got sidetracked." The teacher pointed to the empty desk beside Paige and Sara.

"Sit down and begin the lesson." She dropped her bag beside the desk and sat down. Her friends looked at her worriedly. She gave them a weak smile and pulled out her history textbook.

True to her word, Paige drove her pregnant friend to the clinic downtown. She offered to go in with her, but Mira insisted on going alone. She walked slowly and signed herself in.

Sitting down, she let her eyes scan around the room. Toddlers played in the small play area on the floor. Several women, some even younger than her, sat in chairs either holding babies, watching a baby play, or rubbing their large stomachs. Young teens looked exhausted and miserable as they held wailing infants. Mira's eyes widened. Could she end up like that?

When her name was called, she stood up and walked into the office.

Two hours later, Mira left the clinic with a line of ultrasound pictures clutched in her hands. The doctor confirmed that she was at least 5½ weeks pregnant. The pictures looked like a sea monkey in a jar of water. She sat on a bench and rested her forehead in her palm. This was really happening, there was an actual human child growing inside of her. She pulled out her phone and texted for Paige to come pick her up.

When she got home, she hid the pictures in her purse. Her parents were setting the table.

"Hey baby, you're home late." Her mother, Audrey greeted. She shrugged.

"I went to Sara's house." She answered simply.

"Would you call Marli and Matt for dinner? We made steak and pasta. Are you hungry?" Her father, Adam asked. She smiled weakly and nodded. She walked up to the stairs and leaned against the railing.

"Marli! Matt! Dinner!" she called loudly. Two loud thumps were heard, followed by the footsteps of her brother and sister. Marli and Matt were Mira's other best friends. The three of them had a very close relationship.

They rushed past her and sat at the table. The expecting girl sat down in her seat as they passed the food around. Mira, like last night, took more food than usual. She couldn't help it, she was really hungry.

"Hungry tonight, Sweetie?" her mom asked with a small smile. She nodded and takes a bite of her pasta.

"Whose turn is it to take out the garbage tonight?" Adam asked. Matt pointed at Marli, who glared at him.

Matt was 19 and in his freshman year of college. Even though he still lived at home. He was tall and handsome, with dark blue eyes and shaggy blond hair. He was extremely overprotective of his sisters.

Marli was 12 and in the sixth grade. She also had dark blue eyes and long blonde hair. She looked up to her older sister and brother for guidance and support. Ever since she had been a small child, she honestly thought of Mira as the greatest older sister. So when she took out the trash that night, she was in for a big surprise.

The younger Pascal girl was dragging a big bag of garbage over to the side of the house. She open one can and slung the bag into it. Unfortunately for Mira, that bag hit another trash can, sending its content across the ground. She groaned and began gathering up the spilled bags.

"Why does this always happen to me?" she asked herself. She straitened herself up and was about to head back into the house when something caught her eye. A small pink box was on the ground. Picking it up, she held it up to the light of the streetlights. A pregnancy test? Who took a pregnancy test?

Her curiosity got the best of her and she opened the box and pulled out the stick. It was positive. Her eyes widened. Her mom was pregnant!

Mira had been sitting at her desk doing her homework when Marli came running into the room with Matt in tow behind her.

"Mira!" she screamed. The older sister raised her eyebrows.

"What's going on?" she asked her brother. Matt shrugged.

"Don't ask me, she dragged me here." Marli was jumping up and down.

"MOM'S PREGNANT!" she exclaimed. Mira's heart stopped. Was she serious? Their mom couldn't be pregnant! She was pregnant!

"W-what?" she stuttered. Marli held up the pregnancy test box. The oldest daughter silently breathed a sigh of relief. Mom wasn't having another baby. Then she realized her siblings had found the test!

"Where did you find that?" Matt asked before taking the test and examining it.

"In the garbage outside. I wonder why mom hasn't told us sooner." Matt shrugged clearly just as confused. "Let's confront her! Make her tell us! I wanna know if I'm gonna have a new brother or sister." Marli suggested determinedly. Mira's eyes widened and she stood up. If they confronted Audrey with the test and she denied it, then that would only leave her. She couldn't let her parents find out this way!

As the two siblings began to leave the room, she dove in front of them and blocked the doorway.

"Wait!" she cried. The two stopped and stared at her with confusion and annoyance.

"What sis?" Matt asked. Mira looked at them and picked up her purse off the floor. With a thumping heart and ragging breaths, she turned to them.

"Mo-mom's not… moms not p-pregnant." She said quietly. Pulling the ultrasound pictures out, she handed them to the other two blondes. "I am"

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