War and Peace

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Chapter 72

War and Peace










"Not after Bieb-"

"I said no!"

"Calm down, preggo!"

"Oh, shut up!"

Seth and Mira were lying on her bed playing the boy-girl game. Seth suggested boy's names while Mira suggested girl names. Since they did not know the sex of the baby, and would not know until the birth, it was a way to pass the time.

It had been a week since the shower, and Seth had been very surprised at the amount of gifts she had received. Adam, Matt, and Seth had moved the crib into Mira's room. Paige had gotten her a white one with yellow padding, and it was a beautiful edition to her room. All the baby clothes and toys were currently in the crib to keep from completely cluttering her room. When Sunshine was born, they would take it out.

The nursery in Matt's old room was still being worked on. They wanted to know whether to paint the walls pink or blue. Audrey had suggested waiting until after the birth to paint.

Leda had stopped by the other day with a gift and an announcement. The gift had been a baby bouncer with a lamb on the seat. It had a handle over the top with a small mobile on it.

Her announcement was that she had just signed a year long lease for her apartment and was planning to do local lawyer jobs around the city so she could be closer to the baby. The Pascal family had been ecstatic.

Even Marli was coming around. The youngest girl helped move furniture, and even shyly asked if she could babysit. Mira, of course, agreed.

Seth squeezed the smaller hand in his at her silence. "You okay?" he asked softly. She nodded.

"I'm just thinking."

"'Bout what?" he asked.

"What do you think?" she answered. He smirked and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"You think too much," he mumbled against her hair. She giggled and patted his chest.

"One of us has to."

Seth scowled, but rolled his eyes. He had something he wanted to ask her, but for some reason he could not get the words to form on his tongue.

"Mira?" he asked after a silent moment.

"Hm?" she replied, eyes closed and relaxed.

"You know how we agreed that after the baby is born, you will both live here and I'll come by and visit?"

"Yeah," she said, eyes opening to look at him.

"What if, um, what if we do something a little different?"

"Like what?"

"Like, I don't know, move into the guest house?"

Mira looked up at him, eyes widening. "What?" she asked.

"What if, you know, when the baby is born… you and he stay at my place?" His tone was nervous and soft; as if afraid he would spook her.

The blonde just sat there in silence, her eyes searching his for a sign that he was not serious. He wanted her to move in with him?

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