A Day In Gulf's Life

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Bright had to go to out of Thailand due to business event. So Gulf and Fluke gone to airport to see off the Bright. Bright was happy that Gulf suggested that he and Fluke will see off the Bright. But he was sad because we wouldn't be able to see Gulf for 2-3 days. Gulf teased Bright saying, "P'Bright is gonna scold his assistant for keeping him away from us isn't it P'Bright?"Bright nodded and pretended to be not getting what Gulf was saying. Fluke laughed and said My parents are the cutest. Which made Gulf to Blush and Bright to smirk.

He kissed the forehead of Gulf, kissed both the cheeks of Fluke and said take care of Gulf for me na Fluke. After ne you are the man of the house na. Fluke was having big smile on his face after listening to what Bright said and he immediately nodded indicating that he will take care of Gulf in his absence. He smiled towards Gulf and said I'll be back soon.

Gulf & Fluke bye-bye the Bright who was going to Singapore for business event. After that Gulf & Fluke came back to home, Gulf dressed Fluke for his school and drove him to school. On the way back he headed to mall to buy some items for lunch and dinner. When he was shopping he felt like a pair of eyes were watching him and it made me feel nervous but he neglected the idea by just saying it's a passing by thought.

 When he was shopping he felt like a pair of eyes were watching him and it made me feel nervous but he neglected the idea by just saying it's a passing by thought

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

When Gulf returned home, his mind was drifted back to Anniversary party. He was thinking about P'Mew. He found him sweet talker yet attractive. And he can't shaked off the feeling that he have met him. Even though when he shaked hands with him for congratulating, his touch seems familiar. But he doesn't know why.
Even if compare between P'Bright and P'Mew Gulf was feeling an attachment with P'Mew.

Argh! My silly brain is getting such thoughts because I'm idle. He immediately stood up, headed to kitchen and start preparing lunch. After lunch was prepared he headed to his study room to send drafts to the publishing house. He saw the watch and it was still time to pick the Fluke so he decided to take a nap.

He woke up, when he heard the knock on his door. He opened his eyes and saw that it was 12 which means he was late to pick up Fluke. And there was someone still knocking on door. So he immediately rushed downstairs and opened the door. He saw Fluke was at home, he said sorry to Fluke as he was busy with his thing and then he slept without realizing the passing of time. He hugged him and said sorry again. Fluke smiled and said it's okay.

My new friend brought me home said Fluke. Gulf was curious as to who is this new friend so he stood up and asked him where is the new friend of Fluke? Fluke called him and his new friend was on the door which let Gulf mouth wide open. The one who was standing on the Gulf's door is none other than Mew..

Hi guys I'm back with another chapter. Well bright isn't home and Mew came to Gulf home in absence of Bright! Where do you think this will go?
Let me know your views... Thanks for your precious time..

Lots of love from LilFlower ❤️❤️

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