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Gulf came back from Fluke's preschool. He dropped himself on sofa and was relaxing when he heard some sounds in kitchen. He silently walked into the kitchen. And what he saw, surprised Gulf. He has not even imagined in million years that Bright would be in kitchen and that too he would be trying to cook.

Gulf coughed a little to gain Bright's attention, and luckily Bright noticed that he isn't alone in kitchen. He turned around and saw Gulf standing at the entrance of kitchen. Bright nervously scratched his head, and said, "Well you are always in kitchen so I decided to help you." What Bright didn't expect was that Gulf would laugh at what he just said. And again Bright get lost in Gulf's laughter. His laugh was melodious and soothing to heart.

He pushed Gulf towards dinning table and let him sit on the chair. He quickly rushed to the kitchen and brought their breakfast spanish omelette! Gulf tasted it and it really taste good. Bright was happy seeing Gulf enjoying his breakfast. He was brought back to reality by Gulf's question. So what do you want me to do P'Bright?

Bright was caught red handed. He was looking for the way to say Gulf about the anniversary party of Mew Suppasit.
And he slowly said, only you can understand me better. Gulf heard that and replied ofcourse I can Phi, because I've been with you for 5 years. Bright finished his breakfast and turned towards Gulf and said, Well I want you to accompany me to a party! Ofcourse Fluke would be joining us too.

Gulf hated being in public, after his brother's death his own relatives has shown their true colors luckily P'Bright was there with him to take care of him or otherwise he would have been death. He turned to Bright and replied P'Bright you know I don't like to be in parties and all. You can take Fluke with you. I'm sorry but I don't think I can come with you. Bright just said it's okay and was about to go to his room so that he can get ready & leave for his office.

Gulf hold Bright's hand & said, "P'Bright aren't we dine in a restaurant to celebrate your birthday? " Bright looked at innocent eyes of Gulf and said, how about tomorrow, as this party is important for business. Gulf smiled and said see you've promised phi.

Fluke was wearing a black suit beneath he wore a white shirt and so do Bright. Anyone who sees them would say they are both father & son. Fluke kissed the forehead of Gulf and bid him bye as he & Bright left for party.

The house of Suppasit were blooming with guests and sparkling with lights. One could hear the sounds of people chit chatting. Mew & Tar were being congratulated for their wedding anniversary. Mr & Mrs.Suppasit were happy seeing their children happy.

Everyone attention was turned to Bright as he entered in the party

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Everyone attention was turned to Bright as he entered in the party. Girls were swooning on his handsomeness. Mew faced turned immediately sour as soon as he saw Bright. Bright congratulated him with a smirk on his face. Mew thanked him sarcastically. But the mood between them got lighten when Fluke entered, everyone was staring at Fluke as he is full of cuteness. Fluke approached his dad Bright and holded his hand.

Bright told him to wish Mew and Fluke wished Mew. Mew's mood was changed in an instant, he sat on his knees and was talking with Fluke. Bright excused himself and greeted Mr. & Mrs.Suppasit. He introduced his son to them. Both the elders watched Fluke & then Mew as they too saw some of Mew's resemblance. Fluke greeted them and they were heads over heels for his cuteness.

Mr. Suppasit then asked where's the wife & mom of Fluke is? Both the father & son duo looked at each others face and said He will be here in sometime. Fluke took Bright's phone and called Gulf. Gulf picked the call, and heard Fluke crying. He asked, what's the matter? Why Fluke is crying? Fluke replied that Gulf didn't came in party so people were saying that Fluke is being adopted by Bright.

After hearing those words Gulf anger has been risen he simply replied that I'll be there in half an hour and hangup the call. Bright patted the shoulder of Fluke and said where did you learn to act? Fluke smirked and said Gulf will be here soon. Our work is done now the whole family will be together.

Hi guys I'm back with another chapter. Btw how do you like the chapter? Do share your views and please voting also thanks for giving your precious time and a lot of thanks for encouraging words.

Btw do you think will Mew & Gulf will meet each other? If yes then how would be there meeting?

I've also started writing another fanfiction of OhmFluke and the book name is "An Actor's Lover". Do Read it and let me know how's your views on it.

Lots of love from LilFlower ❤️

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