Private Investigator

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The next morning, the first thing Mew did after waking up was to call a P. I. Hello Saint, how you doing? Hi Mew and good morning to you. How did you remember me so early in the morning. Saint can we met in my office at 10. Sure Mew there's no problem in it. But what happen you sound desperate? I'll explain to you when we meet.

Art came to woke up Mew, and was shocked the fact that Mew is up already and that too he is dressed which only happens when he has meetings. Mew smiled to Tar and gave him morning kiss. He ate breakfast, while listening to Tar's stories from last night party. He hugged Tar & left for office.

Bright was cuddling his pillow and was lost in his dreams. He hold the pillow tightly and pull it more closely towards him and said in his sleep, "That he won't let Gulf ever go, Gulf is the reason of his living, His light in darkness and he won't ever let Gulf go away from him." There was a smile on his face, no one can understand whether that smile was pleasing one or a wicked one.

Saint came exactly on time and congratulate Mew on his belated wedding anniversary. Mew thanked him and scolded him for missing the party. Saint said it's not like you want to scold me so badly that you called me in morning  now tell me why you call me so early in the morning?

 Saint said it's not like you want to scold me so badly that you called me in morning  now tell me why you call me so early in the morning?

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Mew nodded, his face was serious and said I want you to find information about someone. Saint patiently listened to Mew and indicated him to continue his talk, Mew continued that he want the whole information of Gulf. Saint wondered who is Gulf? And asked why do you want to find information about this person? Don't tell me Art is having an affair behind your back!

No, it's not like that Tar is loyal to me and our relationship too said Mew. Than why did you want to find the information about this person. Mew sulked a little, Gulf's faced popped in front of his eyes, he remember his smile and the result was Mew blushing. Saint noticed the redness in Mew's cheeks. Is he the guy you were looking for since last five years. Mew nodded and said, "Last night he came to the party and that's where I met him." and the sad part was he his Bright's wife which I doubt.

Wait Bright as in your enemy said Saint. Mew nodded woah now this is something on next level. Okay so what information do you want me to find. Mew smiled and said now you are talking about my thing. And he continue saying, his family background, his family, to whom he is closest with? What he works? Did he ever had boyfriend or is he currently dating? Is he and Bright are really married couple? And lastly, is Fluke their real child or adopted?

Saint smiled and said, "Your work will be done but I'm warning you, it will take time so be patient. Mew nodded and Saint took the leave. After Saint was gone, Mew opened his cellphone and opened the picture of Gulf which he secretly took and smiled seeing him smile.

You are really an angel Gulf. You made me feel different which I never felt for Art. What's so special about you that I couldn't keep you out of my thoughts? I guess we gonna find it soon.

Hi Everyone I'm back with another chapter. A quick question for you guys how do you think P'Saint and P'Mew knew each other? Do tell me hehe..

And let see what P'Saint as a PI will found out about Gulf? Do share your views to me and also keep voting. And special thanks to everyone out there for giving me your precious time.

Lots of love from LilFlower ❤️❤️

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