Mew's Dad's Wish

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After meeting that kid, Mew still couldn't adjust this thought that why he saw some of his resemblance in that kid. But he kept that thought away and busied himself in work. When his cellphone ringed he saw the caller ID and a smile was formed on his lips. It's his Tar's call so he happily picked it.

Do you miss me so that you are calling me?
Tar chuckled and replied yes I miss you but the reason I called you is that Mom & Dad wanted to have dinner with us. So you got to come home soon.
Mew pouted & agreed that he will leave for home now, he kissed the Tar and hangup the call.

He called his assistant and told him that he will be going home early as his parents want to have dinner with them. So let's meet tomorrow and work hard again. He smiled and agreed to it. For Mew's assistant he is fun to work with it. He is friendly, funny and caring with his employees. Mew left his office and his driver took him straight towards home.

Upon arriving home, he smelled the fragrance of strawberry cake he tiptoe to kitchen to find Tar cooking. He silently hugged him from back and whispered in his ears, "I'm home." Tar turned around kissed his lips and hugged him saying Welcome back, now get ready so that we can reach at his parents home on time.

Mew gone to his room, stripped his clothes and headed to shower. After some minutes he came out of shower all fresh and started dressing him for dinner. He then walked downstairs only to find Tar waiting for him in living room. He smiled and said Let's go Baby!

After an hour ride, they reached to his parents home

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After an hour ride, they reached to his parents home. Mew's parents home clearly show luxury. The blissful greenary filled garden which can be the reason of being in nature and way to be relax. The house was offyellow color but clearly shows that has seen & kept many memories. Mew & Tar both walked towards the house hand in hand. Mew's mom who has been aged a little but her beauty didn't fade way. She has let her hairs flow like waves greeted his son & his wife.

Mew was happy to see his mom and so was Tar. So that bastard has arrived ha came the loud voice of his dad which has head the of the family tone in it. Mew replied yep yours bastard has arrived. Tar & Mrs. Suppasit both laughed on the strange interaction between father & son. Mew greeted his father and they both chatted business for some minutes. Tar & Mrs. Suppasit were kitchen happily chatting about their own husbands.

After sometime Mrs. Suppasit came to study room and ordered both the father & son to join for dinner as it's dinner time. At dinning table, Mew & Tar saw that all the dishes were favorite of the married couple. Everyone ate dinner happily while chit chatting about stuffs and occasionally the father and son duo teased their individual partners.

After dinner they were sitting in living room and were just chatting about some stuffs when Mr. Suppasit said I've a wish! Will my childrens would fulfill this old man's wish? Both the children looked at Mr. Suppasit's way and asked what's the wish we will try our best to fulfill.

The words from Mr. Suppasit mouth was pleasant to both the elders but not for the couple. I want to play with my grandchildren! Mew and Tar both looked at each other and Mew said we are not yet ready for kids and seeked permission for leave.

While driving back to home, Mew hold Tar's hand while driving, and said I've you which is enough for me. Tar sadly looked at me and said I'm sorry P'Mew that I couldn't give you child. Mew stopped the car and hugged him saying it's not your fault I've you which is enough for me.

Hey everyone! A new chapter for you guys! Hope you all like it do share your views and keep voting. Also thanks for giving me your precious time..

Lots of love from LilFlower ❤️❤️

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