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When Mew came back home, he saw Fluke's interesting side. He was standing while folding his hands and was staring at Mew. His eyes were saying now you gotta tell me what happen to Daddy Gulf?

Mew gave a small smile to Fluke and said, "I don't know what happen to Gulf but I can tell you it got something to do with Bright. Fluke nodded and indicating him to continue. Mew chuckle seeing this side of his son, and continue," I'll find out soon but Fluke got to help Papi. Seems like Gulf just forgot about Fluke & him.

So Fluke had to try to regain his memories that's plan 'A' and if we fail to succeed plan 'A' then we will follow plan 'B' which we will create new memories with Gulf till that we will find a way to regain his memory.

Fluke smiled and agreed to help Mew because he wants his old Daddy Gulf back who loves him dearly, whose smile warmth Fluke's heart.

Mew call his doctor friend and told him about the situation of Gulf. His doctor friend told that it can be because of two reason firstly the person would have forgotten certain people or memories because that would be hurting for him. Secondly it will done by medicine. In short it means the memories can be altered and the one who wants the way it should be altered can do that with such medicines but let me tell you it's difficult to get such medicines.

Now Mew was confused as to what could be the reason because the maid at Gulf's home told him that Gulf wasn't feeling well. It could be Bright work also. He sat down on the chair with frustration, but he has to find the answer and the only person who can give answer is Bright.

He called Bright and asked him to meet, which Bright agreed. Both came to the destined place, Bright was happy whereas Mew was frustrated and angry. He pointed the finger at Bright and said You did that with Gulf! You made him forget some of his memories. Bright didn't say anything he was just smiling this enraged the Mew.

How could you do this, Gulf trust you even his brother before dying trusted him to you and look what you did with him

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How could you do this, Gulf trust you even his brother before dying trusted him to you and look what you did with him. Don't you feel bad for Fluke? said Mew in anger.

Still Bright didn't say anything he was looking at Mew with a smile. You know that now Gulf knows who is the father of Fluke so he will come to me that's why you did all isn't it? How can you keep Gulf happy by keeping him away from child. You are being selfish Bright. I know we both are enemies in business but you've no right to separate Gulf & Fluke in such a harsh way.

And you are not selfish said Bright. Just listening to that sentence made Mew silent. Don't think that I don't know your intentions. Even it's been more than a month and you've already forgotten your lover that easily or you weren't in love with him.

Mew couldn't say anything because deep down in his heart he knows whatever Bright is saying that's true. He is being selfish, yes he loved Tar but not like the way he love Gulf.

And I didn't do anything it was you who did all so don't blame me Bright said with a smile on his face.

Hi guys I'm back with another chapter. Well Both P'Bright and P'Mew are accusing each other. But what's the reality? Is Gulf memory gone by himself or is it because of Bright?

Let me know what's your views are. Also please do vote.

And thank you for your precious time.

Lots of Love from LilFlower ❤️❤️

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