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When we get home, I immediately help Namjoon to the bedroom. He needs to lay down so I can help him with his wound. 'Babe, get yourself fixed up first.' I shake my head and unbutton Namjoon's blouse. 'It's okay. Your wound needs to get treated first.' I get the first aid kit and put some alcohol on a cloth. 'This is going to fucking sting but you just need to get through it.' I put a little sponge looking thing in his mouth so he can bite on it. 'Please bite on it.' Namjoon nods.

I put the cloth on his wound and his body tenses all the way up. 'Nam, just deep breathily and bite as hard as you can.' Namjoon nods and tries to stay as still as he can. 'It's going to only sting for a while. After this, you will just have a nice long nap. It will be alright.' Namjoon nods and puts his head back from all the pain. I finish fixing up Namjoon's wound and get the sponge looking thing out of his mouth. 'Rest some.' Namjoon nods. I kiss Namjoon on his forehead and leave the room.

'There is my Moondrop! You don't know how worried I was.' I smile. Hobi almost runs to me and hugs me tightly. 'Easy Hobi. She is als our wounded.' I shake my head and hold onto Hobi tightly so no one would see me cry. 'Moondrop, what's wrong? Is Namjoon losing too much blood?' I shake my head but don't say a word. Everything is so fucked up right now. Someone knocks on the door, but I hold onto Hobi tightly. 'Go see who it is. Your brother already opened the door. You will like who this is.' I slowly let Hobi go and show my face.

'Oh Moondrop. Go to your brother.' I nod and wipe my tears away. I walk to Tae with my head down so the others won't see me cry. 'Heey little Winter Bear.' I look up and my eyes open big. 'Kookie!' I run to Jungkook and hug him tightly. 'Hello Jenn.' I hug Jungkook tightly. He is fine. I thought that my mom and dad really hurt him. 'Take it easy with him Jenn. His arm is really damaged.' I nod and slowly let Jungkook go. 'You don't know how happy I am that you're save now.'

I smile and nod. 'I will cook some food now for everyone.' Everyone nods. I walk to the kitchen and start cooking. 'Jenn, are you sure you're okay?' I nod and smile in the direction of Sarah. 'I am totally fine. Namjoon is save now and resting. My brother and his boyfriend are okay. You all aren't hurt so that's perfect as well.' Sarah sighs and walks closer to me. 'And what about you?' I smile. 'I am fine.' Sarah suddenly begins to hug me. 'Hobi told me that you cried in his arms. It's okay.' I nod and hug Sarah back.

'Thank you, but I am fine.' Sarah nods and smiles. 'Can I then help with cooking?' I nod and give her something to do. When we're done with, we put everything on the dinner table. 'It looks delicious.' I smile and nod. 'I will bring some food to Namjoon. You all can already start eating.' They nod. I bring a plate, with a lot of food on it, to the bedroom. 'Namjoon, I made you some food.' I walk in and see that Namjoon is sleeping. I smile and put the food on the nightstand. Namjoon looks sweaty. I sigh and sit on the edge of the bed.

'Nam~, wake up.' Namjoon slowly opens his eyes and sits up. 'Are you okay? You seem to be-.' Namjoon puts one of his hands behind my neck and one on my cheek and begins to kiss me. My whole body freezes. It's not that I don't like it but it was just so sudden. 'I love you Jenn. Please don't be in danger.' I nod and kiss Namjoon once again. 'I made you some food. It's on the nightstand.' Namjoon nods and holds my hand. 'Thank you.' I smile and put my hand on Namjoon's forehead.

'You need to rest some more. You will hopefully be fine soon.' Namjoon nods and lays down again. While he lays down, he pulls me with him so now I am on top of him. 'Namjoon, there are guests-.' Namjoon kisses me intensely and slowly slides down with his hands. 'I don't care.' I smile and moan a little when bites down my neck. 'I do.' Namjoon chuckles and looks deeply in my eyes. Suddenly the doorbell rings. 'I will go. You stay in bed and eat your dinner.' I stand up and walk away.

'Sit down. I will open the door.' Tae nods and sits down again. I run to the door and open it. 'How could you do this to him?! It's all your fault!' I raise my eyebrow and look confused at the woman in front of me. 'It's your fault that my boyfriend is dead!' I look even more confused at the woman. 'Easy. What do you mean?' The woman begins to pour hot stuff over me. 'What the hell?!' Tae walks to me and gives me a towel. 'Are you okay?' I nod. Certain spots on my body burn but first I need to get rid of this woman.

'She is the reason why my boyfriend is dead! The police were investigating and didn't find him for so long! He is dead because of you!' I get a shiver down my spine. 'Woman, could you please calm down? Who was your boyfriend?' The woman looks angry at Tae. 'Jack, he was my boyfriend.' (A/N; I don't remember if I named the ex but here ye go pals) My eyes open wide and I slap the bitch across her face. 'You fucker!' The woman now tries to hit me as well. Tae stands in the middle of us. 'Stop!'

My Brother's MaffiaWhere stories live. Discover now