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'I will need to look at your temperature now.' I shake my head and put my plate on the nightstand. 'I am just not that hungry.' Namjoon grabs my wrist and pulls me close to him. 'How much did your brother told you were sick when you were a little kid?' I raise my eyebrow. 'So now and then, but what does that-?' Namjoon puts his finger on my lips. 'You're really stubborn.' I shake my head and smile. 'I am not. I am totally fine and will go back to work tomorrow.' Namjoon pulls me on his lap and cups my cheeks.

'No you won't.' Namjoon starts kissing me. 'Namjoon, I also want to make money. You shouldn't be the one to pay all of this.' Namjoon chuckles and leans his head back. 'I don't. This isn't-.' He stops himself and his eyes open wide. 'What isn't?' Namjoon shakes his head and feeds me something off my plate. More like pushing it in my mouth. 'Nam, I am not hungry.' I swallow the piece of food and sigh. 'Let me get your temperature.' I shake my head and try to get off Namjoon's lap. Namjoon has one of his arms wrapped tightly around me so I won't go away.

Namjoon grabs the thermometer and puts it gently in my ear. 'Now stay still otherwise it might hurt.' I nod and stay still. 'Other side.' I nod and turn my face the other side. 'See? Your temperature is way too high. If it gets any higher, you need to go to a doctor.' I sigh and shake my head. 'I am not sick Nam. I am just always warm.' Namjoon nods and smirks. 'Did you just say that you're-.' I put my hand for his mouth and shake my head.

'No of course not. I am not hot, not now and especially not ever.' Namjoon shakes his head and pushes me down on the bed. 'You... Are going to stay here while I work. I will be soon back to take care of you. If you need anything, just text or call and I will come back.' I nod and cups Namjoon's cheeks. 'I love you too.' I kiss Namjoon on his lips and sigh after we let each other go. 'Just call or text baby.' I nod and pull the blanket over me. Soon, I hear the front door close.

'This is already boring.' I grab my phone and text Sarah. Me; Come by please. I am alone and need to talk to someone. I sigh and lay my phone on the bed before I walk to the kitchen. Namjoon is right. I have a fever, but I also have a lot of work that I need to do. When the doorbell gets ringed, I let the cup fall. I walk to the front door carefully and take a deep breath. 'Ow Jesus Sarah.' Sarah chuckles and comes in. 'Because of you, I need to clean up my cup now.'

Sarah raises her eyebrow. I close the door and walk to the kitchen. 'Ow wow, you really dropped your cup.' I nod and start cleaning. 'I am sorry to scare you. I just came because you texted me to come over.' I nod and sigh. 'I am sorry. My phone is still upstairs and I didn't think you would have time anyway.' Sarah nods. 'Shit!' With a piece of broken cup, I accidentally cut the inside of my hand open. 'I will get the first aid kit. Don't worry.' I nod and sigh. I throw the cup pieces in the trash.

'I am here. It was kinda hard to find it.' I nod and smile weakly. 'That's alright. Please give me some alcohol to clean it and a bandage.' Sarah shakes her head and puts the aid kit on the counter. 'You aren't going to do this by yourself. I will help you.' I nod and sit down next to the kit. 'I am sorry that I am such a problem.' Sarah chuckles and begins cleaning my wound. 'You're not a problem. I became your best friend for a reason.' I nod and look away. Blood isn't really that good for me to see.

'Jimin wondered already why Namjoon wasn't on work already. He kept texting and calling me about how weird it was. So annoying but at the same time, I want to listen to him because I love him so much and can't lose him. He still doesn't know about my other identity tho... I need to go to a concert soon also, I just-.' I put my hand on Sarah's cheek to let her stop talking. 'I will make an excuse for you, don't worry. Plus, you love Jimin so you will be fine. He loves you as well.'

Sarah chuckles nervously and shakes her head. 'I am sorry about rambling about it.' I smile and sit straight up again. 'Just please finish my wound. I am getting dizzy.' Sarah nods and finishes my wound as fast as she can. 'Shouldn't you be working today?' Sarah nods and sighs. 'I first wanted to bring you some chocolate because when you're alone, you slip easily. Chocolate always helped you.' I nod and smile. Sarah hands me the chocolate and chuckles. 'You're really like a little kid with chocolate.' I look semi-angry at Sarah.

'Sorry, I forgot. So... I should go to work. Byeeeee.' Sarah leaves through the front door and I chuckle. 'She hasn't changed at all.' I begin to eat the chocolate and close my eyes. Something next to me suddenly begins to vibrate. I shoot up and look confused at the phone that's laying here. 'Fuck! Sarah, how could you?' I swallow when I see Jimin's name on the phone. I pick it up but say nothing. 'Sarah, Namjoon is finally at work. He said that Jenn has a fever so if you could check up at her.' I smile and sigh. 'She already did.' I quickly put my hand for my mouth. 'Jenn?'

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