Chapter 31; Happy Day

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*Hawks POV*

Dabi didn't come to my apartment at all the next day.

If it was a normal day, I would just assume that he didn't know about my night patrol. But it wasn't a normal day. Me and Touya were going to hang out today. The full day. I was, really looking forward to it. I still thought that maybe he would come over and I could apologise and we could still have today.

So now, I didn't have anything to do until three later. I guess I could eat the chicken I had in the fridge? I don't know.

I was currently sitting on the couch watching the wall across from me. What was I gonna do? With a quick glance at my phone, I saw that I had about four hours until I met Tenko at the park. I could take a nap, I guess. I didn't really sleep that well last night.

I looked over at my open bedroom door and sighed, moving over on the couch so I was laying down on my side with my wings dangling off the front.

I kept tossing and turning, still unable to sleep. I gave up with any sort of sleep and headed to the kitchen. It was actually somewhat clean compared to normal. There was a glass on the counter with a small amount of water in it.

I downed it in one gulp before I slightly cringed at the taste. I took a second to think about what I actually drank before coming to the conclusion that Touya had drank some vinegar water or something yesterday and didn't finish it.

"Ha, indirect kiss." I chuckled, holding the glass in my hand. I could feel my hold on the glass tighten as my slight chuckle changed into uncontrollable laughter. My other arm crossed over my stomach and grabbed onto my arm with almost the same strength as my hold on the glass.

More and more laughter. My stomach twisted and my sides hurt. It felt like my chest was on fire. Warm tears started to slowly fall down my face as I laughed.

"Damn it, Touya." I let out a weird mix between a laugh and a sob. My back hit the cabinet as I slid down onto the floor while still clutching at the glass and holding it to my chest. I was still laughing, but colors had started to blur together to the point that I couldn't see the couch in the other room clearly. All I saw was red as soon as my wings wrapped around me, I couldn't focus on one specific feather.

Why was I breaking down so fast? It was just a glass, wasn't it? I had seen so many terrible things happen, and yet some stupid guy was the thing that broke me?

"Why did I tell you to leave...?" I asked him, despite him not being there.


*Dabi POV*

I was sitting at the bar on one on the stools, kinda just admiring the counter. Toga still wouldn't talk to me despite my efforts, and no one here knew about the fight yesterday.

Actually, I feel like Shigaraki somehow had caught on that something was wrong. When I had gotten to the bar and went to my room like always, he came in. He was, surprisingly extremely nice to me for the rest of the night. I didn't know he could feel any emotions, but I must have been wrong.

Staring down at the counter, I traced over it with my finger. Kurogiri was cleaning a glass, as always.

"Are you alright Dabi?" He asked, still cleaning a shot glass.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"I doubt that."

"And why is that?"

"According to the league, I am the mother. Therefore, it is my job to know when you are sad or bothered." He sounded normal despite the fact that what he just said would make Toga burst into laughter. I guess wether or not Toga would laugh is not a good way to measure it.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." I groaned, standing back up. "If you need me, I'll be in my room."

The (now self declared) Mother figure didn't say anything as I continued down the hall. I stared down at the floor, not looking up until I bumped into something. Actually, it was more like a someone.

"Watch it patchwork." Crusty didn't say it like he really meant it though, more like he was pretending.

"Sorry." I muttered, looking back up at him. "Where are you heading dressed like that?" I asked. He was wearing a black hoodie with the hood pulled up and some sort of medical mask pulled over his nose. I could also see that he was wearing his black gloves as well.

"Out. Kurogiri says I don't go outside enough."

"Something we can agree on." I half-joked, passing by him and getting into my room.

Welp, time to spend the rest of the day being useless in my room. Sounds like fun.


*Hawks POV*

I guess at some point I had fallen asleep in that position, slumped over beside the counter holding an empty glass in my lap. I opened my eyes feeling them burn slightly, but that was fine. I was going to be fine.

I stood up, stretching out and letting my wings spred to almost full length. I went back to the couch were my phone was and checked the time.


I had been asleep for about three hours.

Three, fucking, hours.

Man, I had slept worse than I thought. I hurried to the bathroom and washed my face and took a quick shower. Within minutes, I was dressed and showered. I checked the time once again to see it that it was almost 2:40. Why not go ahead and head out?

Opening the balcony door, I perched up on the banister. I could see so much from up here. With a few flaps of my wings, I was up in the air. It all felt so wonderful in the air, as if I could stay here forever and never have to focus on pain or sadness ever again.

Soon however, I landed at the park. Not many were here, but the few who were paid me almost no mind. Checking the time once more, I concluded I was there a few minutes early, so I started to a bench that sat under a few trees and scrolled through my phone.

I didn't notice when a person with black clothing sat down, that was, until they wrapped one arm tightly around my shoulders.

If it wasn't obvious by now,

I am an American


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