Chapter 2; Fire Across Town

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*Four Years Earlier*


The alarm suddenly stopped when Hawks hit the button. He didn't want to get up, he had to do another night patrol last night leaving him only about three hours of sleep. Not only that, but he had been stuck with this sleep schedule for three days already. However, he also didn't want to get lectured again about how he's being "irresponsible" and "lazy". This couldn't be healthy.

After grumbling for a few more minutes, he sat up streching, letting his wings expand as far as they could before getting out of his bed. Standing up, he went to the bathroom and combed his hair looking in the mirror. A few minutes later he left the bathroom after he straightened some feathers having no time for actually preening them at the moment. Besides, he could do that after he showered later. While looking in the mirror, his words caught his eye, but he ignored it.

He left the apartment complex without anyone noticing. No one noticed anyone leaving at five in the morning. Right now, if anyone looked outside, they would just see a seventeen year old boy taking a walk.

About an hour later, he was out patrolling alone. Miruko had family business that Hawks noted to ask about later, so he didn't have his partner at the moment. He was okay with this, however it did get a little boring without someone to talk too. Walking down the street at six in the morning was calming, sure, but there was nothing to do.

That was, until Hawks detected a hint of smoke. Looking up, he could see it wafting into the morning air. He looked around the mostly empty street before opening his wings and going up. A single red feather flew away from him towards the smoke before Hawks got there, giving him time to glance over the area.

A vibration, a person, was near the smoke and Hawks dove down in-between two buildings without hesitation. Suddenly, his wings couldn't pick anything up, and Hawks stopped in mid air.

Below him was a fire, a fire that now had grown bright enough to light up the sky like day. A bright, fiery blue that had consumed a small house. Hawks had no clue how many were inside, but he had to try and help.

Landing not far from the house, he saw that there was no way that if anyone was inside that they were still alive. The wood was visibly turning black, and there was nothing Hawks could do.

He called for help, for he was not built for putting out fires.

Fires were put out and Hawks entered the house with the number 2 hero, Endeavor, and a few others. Hawks would be lying if he said he wasn't even a little bit excited looking through the burned down shack with his idol.

While looking through, however, he found a small box that seemed unharmed. Inside the box was a picture. There was a woman with beautiful white hair surrounded by four children. All of them had some white in their hair, two of the three sons had all white hair, but the shorter of the two had their face scribbled out. The third son was younger and had half red hair and white with the daughter having red and white hair as well. One other person was in the picture, but they were scribbled out, causing parts of the picture to be ripped.

Suddenly, the picture was ripped from his hands by someone behind him. Hawks looked up to see who it was.

Endeavor had took the picture, staring at it with obvious hatred. He then looked down at Hawks with the same look. Of course, Hawks stood back up barley coming to Endeavor's shoulder.

"Call off the search, I know who was here." Endeavor said, still looking at Hawks. They all filed out of the hut. Before Endeavor left, Hawks stopped him.

"Who was there? Who caused this?" He asked, looking up to meet Endeavor's eyes.

"None of your concern, head back to your post." He said, leaving Hawks alone with police and the News people.


*Hawks POV*

It was about one in the morning when I got back to my apartment. I felt tired and dirty, so I headed to the bathroom. The day wasn't that interesting other than that guy who got burned, and I still had no clue what was going on then.

After taking a shower and taking care of my wings, I sat down on my bed and turned on the TV. The first thing on was the news was the fire, Endeavor must had answered some questions about it or something. Under the picture of the burned down hut was the words, "oldest of No°2 hero presumed dead in fire." My eyes widened in realization. It was one of Endeavor's kids.

I turned on the volume, curious.

"-fire at about 6 in the morning. Endeavor spoke out saying that his eldest son, Touya, was the one who had started and died in the fire after being missing for five years. When we asked Ende-."

Alright, enough of that. I flopped backwards onto my bed and closed my eyes. I was exhausted. I did feel really bad for Endeavor though. He just found that his son had died while I just stood there instead of helping. I could have done something, right?


*Touya POV*

I couldn't keep hiding, I just couldn't. But all of my solutions were too complicated, and I didn't have the ability. If someone saw me they would know I was Touya, they just would. So, I came up with a different solution.

I stopped eating, leaving everything in the old shed while I took a walk. I took a bag I had stuffed with hair dye, medical staples, and some piercings in a smaller bag. I had a hood over my head while walking around the building to the fire escape. If I did tonight correctly, no one would look for me.

Climbing up the stairs to the roof. Across a small distance was a balcony, the man there was never by the glass door with the blackout curtains on the inside. I easily made the jump, landing softly on the balcony before perching on the banister like an overgrown bird. With a small hop, I landed on the walkway to another fire escape before climbing all the way up the tall building.

On the way up, I started scratching at my collar bone desperately, right where my soulmate words were. I felt my uncut nails dig into my skin and slice away at it. I knew that this wasn't going to make them go away, but I didn't want them there.

I finally reached the top of the fire escape. The roof, not many came here. I was going to sleep up here now, away from the ground where people can see me. Behind the doorway up was a little storage area that hadn't been used once since I ran away. After stuffing everything inside, I went back down and waited.

At exactly six in the morning, I lit myself on fire, sending agonizing pain all over my body. Especially where I had cut into my skin just minutes earlier. I didn't say anything, I was used to the pain. As soon as the roof caught, I set myself out and ran, heading straight to the fire escape.

That was until a little red feather came near me, causing a quick reaction from me. The feather was nothing but ash in a matter of seconds.

Everything went perfectly, no one knew I was still alive.

At least, I had thought so.


My brother just came into my room and asked why I hated Mineta.

First off, I don't hate him, I strongly dislike him,

Also, just fuck off.

I fucking swear he's annoying.

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