Chapter 48; Gunshots and Broken Bones

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*Keigo POV*

Okay, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Alright, let's just, I don't fucking know?

I worked hard to keep my breathing even while I took his jacket off of him. The gunshot is bigger than if the bullet hadn't went completely through him. However, the bullet wasn't still in his shoulder, which is good. I sat him up against the wall, careful to not hurt him more. Did he pass out because of the pain? His heart was still beating and he's still breathing, so what's going on with him?

I used a feather to cut off some of my shirt and pushed it against the wound. As soon as I pushed down slightly, Touya jumped and his eyes shot open.

"Thank god." I muttered, not moving the cloth. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Other than my shoulder? Yeah, pretty peachy." He said, making a small noise when I pushed down. He tilted his head and looked off down the alley as I tried to stop the bleeding.

"How's it looking?" He asked, not looking directly at me.

"Well, if I use something to stop the bleeding, you won't die. We need to clean it and make sure it didn't hit anything vital. However, if it did you would've bled out on the way here." I reasured him, pulling my hand away from it. I grabbed back on the part of the shirt that I had already cut and ripped it again, this time with the intention of a bandage of some kind.

"Are you alright?" He asked, glancing back at me. I nodded before continuing to use the shirt as a bandage. I had no other way to keep it from getting infected, but hopefully we got back somewhere before it got to that.

"There. That should help." I sighed, standing back up. My wing was still hanging, and at this point I was afraid of what was actually going on with it.


*Dabi POV*

"Are you sure?" I asked, staring at his wing. It looked dead, being dragged around like that. He looked at it and shrugged.

"I'm fine, just flew into something. Not a big deal." He smiled. I didn't believe him for one second. I stood up, flinching because I had accidentally used the wrong arm.

"It doesn't look like it's not a big deal. Look at it." Again, he just shrugged.

"That's not important right now, we need to get you somewhere for your shoulder." I could see his wing twitch, as if it was trying to perk up like his other one. I got close to him before gently nudging it with my foot. This caused Keigo to yelp and jump back.

"What the fuck?!" He cursed, trying to hide his wing. "That hurt!"

"Exactly." I stated, crossing my arms. "How hard did you fly into the building?" His face turned a little red and he avoided eye contact.

"Oh, just at my normal flying speed. I slowed down a bit before hand."

"And how did you hit it?" Again he didn't look directly at me, instead picking at the sleeves of his shirt.

"I only, hit my wing. Seriously, it's fine."

"No, it's broken." I sighed, picking up my jacket from the ground. "Come over here, can you move it at all?" He nodded, lifting it up. When he did so, however, he looked like he was in horrible pain.

I helped him lay the wing flat against his back so it was mirroring his good wing. The entire time, he was muttering curses. As soon as we had it flat, I put the jacket on. Because of his wings, he didn't have much wiggle room in it, so it held his wing there well enough.

"Does this hurt?" I asked him as he turned back around to face me. He nodded slightly in response.

"Yeah, but it's probably broken. Of course it feels like shit." He said shakily. I looked up at the sky, seeing it was still dark.

"Come on. I don't know how far we are from the bar, so I can't get Kurogiri to get us back. We need to find someplace I know of." Keigo didn't respond verbally, but followed as I lead the way out of the alleyway.

"The commission's building was a few miles that way." He pointed back the way we came. I nodded in acknowledgement before continuing to walk.

He was quiet for a few minutes, which wasn't normal when I was with him.

"Hey birdie, are you okay?" I heard him hum, but no other answer. "What's the matter?" I stopped walking and turned to face him when I asked.

"I'm sorry, if I had disarmed them as I was going to, you wouldn't have gotten shot. Maybe make some sort of distraction." He muttered, looking down at the ground with my jacket pulled around him.

"Don't be. I wasn't making any sort of plan on how to get down. I was going to die, but you didn't let that happen. " I grabbed his shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. "Thank you."

I don't like seeing him sad. It didn't look right. It didn't feel right.

I started to walk again, this time walking beside him. I ignored the pain in my shoulder and focused on the path infront of me. Eventually, we got to a place I knew.

But I didn't want to know it.

Keigo noticed when I stopped suddenly and gave me a questioning look.

"This was my home." I said, not tearing my eyes away from it. "We can stay here, I'll text Kurogiri." Keigo nodded before leaning against the wall gently. Just a minute or so after I sent the message, a blackish purple mist portal opened for us.

As soon as we came through, Toga wrapped her arms around me. I pulled away from her slightly, but stayed still.

"You idiot! You fucking idiot. You nearly made me sad, and no one does that!" She yelled into my shirt. I wrapped my arm around her gently and patted her head.

"Well, we're back now." Keigo said, starting to take off my jacket. As soon as he did, he gasped slightly before letting his wing hang back on the floor.

"What the fuck happened to you two?" My eyes widened. I had expected that from Shigaraki, but that wasn't who said it. I turned around and saw Kurogiri staring at us from behind the bar.

"I said you all needed to be back by twelve. It is one in the morning and then you two come back here injured?" He said cooly. It freaked me out slightly, but I was fine. Besides, it was just another moment to put on the "Why Mamaguri is a thing," list.




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