Chapter 46; Rise of "Phoenix"

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*Keigo's POV*

By the time I had woken up, Touya was gone. I felt extremely refreshed, I guess I slept longer than expected. I sat up and lifted my arms above my head and streched. My wings spread out while I did so before I stood up completely.

I felt way less stressed out than before my nap. That was, until Shigaraki came bursting into the room.

"Hey what the fuck?" I jumped. He had this small smile on his face.

"Great! You're up." He threw something at me, but I caught it. It was soft, a shirt. It was gray with bright red patterns on it. "Put that on. You're coming with me."

"Wait, what?" I asked, draping the shirt over my arm. Shigaraki turned to face me again.

"Well, we're going to be showing up at the commission building and help there. Twice has the festival under control on his own, and you would be pretty helpful with the commission building. Now get dressed and get your ass out here." I nodded and stripped my shirt once he left the room before putting on the other shirt. If was extremely soft, but a little tougher around my torso.

I got out of the room to see Shigaraki standing in the center of the next room with a hand sitting on his face. I didn't question it, instead I held my arms out with a small grin.

"Well, how do I look?"

"I would say that you look like shit, but I picked that out, and it looks badass, so fine." My smirk widened and he rolled his eyes. "Kurogiri, we're ready."

"Yes, Tomura." I heard the mist guy say from the bar. "Be careful. I expect to see everyone back here before twelve."

Man, I see what Touya meant by the mom of the League.


Chaos. That is what exactly was happening. The police were surrounding the building, but no one was going inside. Me and Shigaraki were hiding across the street near some bushes. We were kinda in plain sight, but no one knew that. I turned to Shigaraki, who just shrugged in response.

"Okay, so the police have their eyes fixed on that building." I started speaking while thinking hoping he was one I could bounce ideas off of. "However, they aren't going inside. Who did you send here?"

"Dabi and Toga, those two are an excellent team. I believe that they can easily take control of this building alone, well with Toga's quirk and her natural ability to get close and attack. Dabi has a great control of his fire, but I feel he is less able for a job like this. He doesn't really do extremely well with hand to hand, but he can keep Toga under control, better than anyone else in the League."

I nodded, thinking over the new information. I guess Touya couldn't really do much in this building if they didn't want to destroy it. I glanced back over at the building. It still didn't explain why the police weren't going inside.

"I can probably disarm a bunch of these guys at once, maybe all of them, but that would make them aware that more people have come."

"And why would that be an issue?" Shigaraki muttered, picking a leaf off of a bush. I watched as he then immediately turned it to dust without a single moment of delay.

"Well, if they know that we are here, they might figure out by process of elimination that the main attack is here and not at the festival. All the pros around here will be here within minutes and we are already outnumbered here. We need to get in undetected." That's when I had a plan.

It was just a question of would Shigaraki like this idea?


*Dabi POV*

"Hey, Psycho. Don't touch him." I snatched the knife from Toga's hand causing her to pout. "The whole point of a hostage situation is to make sure the police don't come into the building. If we kill them, they'll come running."

I gave her the knife back before turning back to the people in front of us. Surprisingly, most of the desk staff here didn't have any sort of quirk to save themselves. By the time the police had gotten here, we had them all locked in a closet. However, Toga kept trying to bump off one or two.

"Aww, you're no fun. Just one? Please?" She grabbed onto the door knob and pulled, not moving it an inch since I was leaning on it.

"No, seriously. Shigs will be here soon, them you can kill as many as you want." She groaned, sliding down the wall before pouting on the floor.

"What's even the point of this? What does Tomura even want to break into this building for?" She whined, crossing her arms before looking back up at me.

"I don't know. Maybe just to show he can." I heard another huff from Toga.

"Well that's just stupid." She pouted again, staring at the floor.

"Well, it wasn't my plan. I'm just following orders." I muttered before I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I gave Toga a sharp nudge to her side, unintentionally knocking her over.


"Shh!" I said sharply, pointing to the hall. Slowly, I walked towards the sound. It was coming from a long hallway. Suddenly, some sort of flying object shot at me. Before I could even see what it was, I had burned it to ash.

There was a sharp gasp coming from the same area. I ignited a small flame on the palm of my hand.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" I growled, studying the same square of the floor. Slowly, two figures turned the corner. It was Shigaraki and Keigo. I felt a small feeling of anger towards Shigs. He said Kei was going to be staying at the base.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped at Keigo when they got closer.

"He's the only reason we got in here, chill." Shigaraki said, completely unbothered by what was going on outside. In a moment of anger, I pushed Shigaraki against the wall.

"You said he was going to be staying at the base you fucking liar." I yelled. He didn't respond for a few seconds before putting on a narrowed glance.

"I never said anything about him not coming out tonight. I said he would be staying with me until the video got seen." He then pushed my arm off of him before shoving me away. "And even if I did say he was staying in tonight, I am your boss, and as such I recommend you don't do that again. Don't, forget that." He was alot calmer than normal, so I laid off it, instead turning to Keigo.

"Alright Hawks, you're staying with me."

"Not Hawks." He said confidently. Honestly, it reminded me of how a small child might act showing off some sort of drawing or something.

"Not, Hawks?"

"Yeah, I'm Phoenix!" I stared at him blankly for a few seconds before shaking my head.

"No, no I'm not letting you do that to yourself. Stick with Hawks, it still sounds cool." I said, patting his shoulder before turning back around. "Come on, I left Toga alone for about two minutes which is two minutes too long." I muttered, leading the two back towards the closet.

However, when we got there, Toga wasn't there.




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